

  book 4 module 5 a trip along the three gorges
  learning paper 2 intensive readinglearning aims:1. enable the students to understand the passage. 2. learn and master the use of some important words, phrases and sentence structures.learning process:i. warming-up1. what do you know about the yangtze river?what are the three gorges?2.match the words in the box with the definitions.教学资源集散地。" type="#_x0000_t202">colleague distant legend characters detour exploit pagoda dock
  1. ________ to use or take advantage of.2. ________ a very old story which is probably not true.3. _________ someone who works with you.4. ________ a change of route.5. _______ a buddhist temple.6. _______ a place where boats load and unload.7. _______ the opposite of near.8. _______ marks or signs used in writing.ii. fast reading. read the passage and choose a heading for each paragraph.pragraph1 ____ 1. we got through the first gorge, the qutang gorge.paragraph2 _____ 2. we decided to take a trip by the jiangyou boat.paragraph 3_____ 3. we saw the three gorges dam.paragraph 4____ 4. we start the trip on a beautiful afternoon.paragraph 5_____ 5. the scenery of wu gorge.iii. careful reading. read the passage and finish different tasks, meanwhile, underline the difficult words, phrases and sentences.1. read the introduction and paragraph 1-2 and answer these questions.1)who took a trip along the three gorges?where were they from?when did they take the trip?2)how was the weather when they started the trip?3)what did they see and what did they do from fuling to fengdu?2.paragraph 31) when the boat went through the first gorge, peter and his friend ______ a. took lots of photographs b. spent most of the time on deck c. were asleep2) complete the sentence.the gorge _______ __________ 350 feet _______ the river rushes through the two –mile-high mountains.3. paragraph 41)what was the weather like when they went through the wu gorge?2)where is quyuan’ home?3)peter was inpressed by the yangtze river’s sense of __________.a. power b. history c. danger4) complete the sentence
  every rock ______ _______ a person or animal, every stream that joined the great river carried its legends, every hill __ ____the past. translation:____________________________________________4. paragraph 51)when they reached the site of the dam ___________ came to look.a. everyone b. no one c. only the foreigners2) complete the sentence.① we ________ ______ and ______ ______ the site, but we weren’t allowed to ______ ________ the boat.translation:___________________________________________.② ________ a distant mountain _______ a sign in 20-foot characters.介词短语位于句首,全部倒装。translation:_________________________________________iv. summaryfill in the blanks with the information in the passage. peter hessler and his colleague had four weeks______ for the spring festival. they _____ to take a trip along the three gorges. they got on the jiangyou boat and left the docks _____ a beautiful afternoon. ______ the sun set, they docked at fengdu. they _____ through the qutang gorge, which ______ to 350 feet. they made a _______ up the daning river at wushan. there was so much _____ along the yangtze river. every rock _____ ______ a person or animal, every stream carried its_____, every hill was _____ with the past. when they came out of the xiling gorge, they sailed into the dam. ______ a distant mountain ____ a sign in 200-feet characters. " build the three gorges dam, exploit the yangtze river."v. writing  根据以下信息写一篇关于汶川地震的新闻报道。 XX年5月12日14时28分,四川省发生里氏8级强烈地震,全国大半地区有明显震感,震中位于汶川县,地震造成了严重的生命和财产损失.截至6月3日12时,四川汶川地震已造成69107人遇难,373577人受伤,失踪18230人,累计受灾人数4569.2965万人。全国共接收国内外社会各界捐赠款物423.64亿元。 richter scale 里氏震级 epicenter 震中 donations in cash and goods from home and abroad 国内外捐赠款物 victims受灾群众
