

  8b unit 5 reading(1)
  国际奥比斯组织 (project orbis -- orbis) 是一个致力于为世界各国盲人和眼疾患者恢复光明的国际性慈善机构,它的宗旨是"使全球失明者重见光明"。
  1、药物治疗 2、买得起,负担得起
  3、给某人动手术 4、过去常常干
  5、现在习惯于干 6、因某事感激某人
  7、自豪地做某事 8、 继续干我们的工作
  9、many of our patients are so poor that they can’t afford to travel to hospital.
  10、it’s hard work and we need to work very quickly,but i’m used to it .
  11、you’ve done such an important job that people must be reallygrateful to you.
  12、i’m proud to be able to help so many people.
  13、all we need is enough money to carry on with our work.
  二、完成课本p80-81,partsb,b2,c,c2 所有练习。www.xkb1.com
  【教案】教学内容 8b unit5 reading(1) 课型 新授课
  教学目标:1. understand open questions used in an interview.
  2. infer general meaning from title and context.
  3. predict the meanings of specific words from close context
  4. check understanding by linking parts of sentences.
  5. summarize information by completing notes.
  教学重难点 :(1)teaching importance
  to master the key vocabulary
  to understand and use the target language
  to read the article fluently and understand the main idea.
  listening and oral practice
  (2)teaching difficulties
  to enable the students to infer general meaning from the title and context and predict
  the meaning of special words from context.
  to enable the students to use the target language.
  people must be really grateful to you.
  i’m proud to be able to help so many people.:
  教学方法 :1.direct method,
  2.cognitive approach,
  3.communicative teaching method
  4.audio-visual teaching method
  5."task-based"teaching method
  task 1: pre-reading
  step 1: warm up
  showing some pictures and flashcards with the help of multi-media projector, and ask some questions:
  what international charities can you see in the pictures?
  what do they do?
  have you heard of orbis before?
  in this way ,i can arouse the students’ interest ,can take them into a heavy atmosphere of speaking english.
  step 2: presentation
  play some film passages and tell students watch the films and listen to the teacher’s explanation. that is: orbis helps blind people in poor countries. the state of being blind is called blindness. why does orbis help the blind patients? because blind affects many people around the world, mostly in poor countries. but most of the cases of blindness can be prevented or cured. why don’t the blind go to see doctors? because they are so poor that they can’t pay for (afford) the medical treatment. orbis doctors treat them for free. they operated on their patients. so the patients are grateful to them. how do you think orbis doctors feel? yes, they feel very proud.
  writing the words and phrases underlined on the blackboard and read after the teacher several times.
  step3: finishing off part b
  turn to page 80. match the words below with their meanings . give them some time to prepare ,then check the answers with the partner’s. (team works)
  the purpose is to check if all the students have preview the text, and have understood the meaning of some important words and phrases.
  step 4: skimming
  fast reading the interview and underline some important and difficult phrases. and answer the question:
  what is the interview about?
  the purpose is to cultivate students’ skills of reading.
  activity 5: listening
  listen to the tape and answer some questions:
  how many people around the world are affected by blindness?
  how many cases of blindness can be prevented or cured?
  where do orbis doctors work?
  what does orbis need?
  the purpose is cultivate students’ ability of listening and speaking by scanning the interview for further information.
  step 6: discussion
  by discussing what do orbis doctors do and on the orbis plane, finish off part b and part c.
  reading the text silently and try to fill in the blanks in part b on page 80.checking the answers with partner’s.
  in the same way to finish part c on page 81.
  during the procedure, the teacher can go around the students to help the students in need.
  the purpose is to lead the students to read the text again and again to finish the task by themselves.
  step 7: consolidation
  reading after the tape sentence by sentence, pay attention to the sense groups within the sentence.
  then ask some students to read the interview in role.(pair works)
  the purpose is to train students’ oral english and confidence of learning english.
  step 8: doing additional exercise
  showing the flashcard, and ask students to tell if the statements are "true" or "false" according to the interview.
  blindness affects about 45 million people around the world, mostly in western countries. (f)
  many blind people have no money for medical treatment.(t)
  local doctors perform operations on the plan instead of in the hospital because it is comfortable on the plan. (f)
  dr ma used to do one or two operations a day. (t)
  patients are very thankful to orbis doctors. (t)
  the main purpose of designing this activity is to evaluate to the teaching effect. this can let students see their hope and get the sense of success. and what’s more ,it can help the teacher understand if all the students have understood the content. if not, find chance to make up it.
  activity 9: setting homework
  (1) read after the tape five times. your parent’s signature is needed.
  (2) finish the exercises in the evaluation handbook.
  the purpose is to revise the article and meanwhile exploit parents’ function of supervision.
  studying ways:
  1. autonomic learning
  2. collaborative learning
  according to the new curriculum, the purpose of is to cultivate students’ abilities of autonomic learning and collaborating learning, to lay a solid foundation for the students’ further study in the future.
  i’ll try to let the students master the key vocabulary better by guessing, acting, listening, using. enable the students study english language by communicating, describing, listening. let the students understand the grammar well by summarizing the grammar rules by themselves.
  as a teacher with ideas, i will try to keep in mind :not only teach the textbook itself, but also use it to teach. on the other hand, regardless of which approach i use, i try to involve my students in some small groups with different tasks and activities. i think if i want to improve students’ oral english, i should give them enough chance to practice. and i will use pair work, group work to let students take an active part in all kind of activities. this is so called "learning by ding, learning by using"。
  完成《同 步导学》上本课时的作业
  1.at first dr ma wasn’t used to __________( travel ).
  2.the poor area is in great need of ___________( educate ).
  3.last night, the doctor gave an ___________( operate ) on this poor boy.
  4.does the red cross need blood ___________(donate ) ? yes, of course .
  5.children can’t go to school, ___________(most) in the poor countries.
  6.the patient did not have to pay for the ___________( treat ) .
  7.he used to ___________( take ) a walk after supper.
  8.unicef is a part of the united nations, it __________(set ) up in 1947.
  9.they can raise money by ___________( organize ) a fund-raising event.
  10.the old man can’t see anything because of the ___________ ( blind ).
  1. 他们通过组织一些募集资金的活动募捐钱款。
  they raised money_________ ___________ fund-raising activities.
  2. 我决定省一些钱捐给希望工程。
  i ________ _________ _________ some money ______ ________ ________ project hope.
  3. 妈妈告诉我污染是世界上最严重的问题之一。
  my mother told me pollution is ______ _________ the world’s _______
  __________ __________.
  4. sandy过去常开车旅行,因为她害怕飞行。
  sandy ______ _______ _________ by car because she is_________ ________ flying.
  5. 她们为这些穷孩子提供水、食物,以便他们能更加健康
  they _____water and food ______ the poor children _______ ______ they can be healthier.
  ________ _________ 44.5 million people around the world, __________ in poor countries.
  7. 不好的消息是很多人没有钱医治。
  the bad news is ________ many people ________ ________ _______ money for
  the treatment.
  8. 李医生不习惯在飞机上工作
  doctor li _______ _______ ________ ________ on the plane.
  9. amy说一些医生连续工作72小时没有睡觉
  amy said that some doctors _________ _________72 hours _______ __________.
  10. 雨下得太大了,以致于人们不能继续在外面干活。
  it rained ______ ____________ people couldn’t ____ ____ _____outside.
  reading (2)
  国际奥比斯组织 (project orbis -- orbis) 是一个致力于为世界各国盲人和眼疾患者恢复光明的国际性慈善机构,它的宗旨是"使全球失明者重见光明"。
  be used to do be used as be used for
  used to do be used to doing
  2.so that 与such…….that
  【教案】教学内容 8b unit5 reading(2) 课型 新授课
  教学目标:1. understand open questions used in an interview.
  2. infer general meaning from title and context.
  3. predict the meanings of specific words from close context
  4. check understanding by linking parts of sentences.
  5. summarize information by completing notes.
  教学重难点 :(1)teaching importance
  to master the key vocabulary
  to understand and use the target language
  to read the article fluently and understand the main idea.
  listening and oral practice
  (2)teaching difficulties
  to enable the students to infer general meaning from the title and context and predict
  the meaning of special words from context.
  to enable the students to use the target language.
  people must be really grateful to you.
  i’m proud to be able to help so many people.
  教学方法 :1.direct method,
  2.cognitive approach,
  3.communicative teaching method
  4.audio-visual teaching method
  5."task-based"teaching method
  step1 revision
  1.tell some charities around the world.
  2.what’s the charity of orbis for ?
  step 2 presentation
  read the text from line 1-7,answer the questions
  1.how many people does blindness affect around the world?
  2.how many sick people can be cured or prevented?
  3.why do many people not receive medical treatment?
  pay attention to these useful expressions:
  1.affect (v.) 影响 effect (n.)
  playing computer games _____ ______ ______ your studies.
  have a good bad effect on…..
  most (adv.) ①"最大程度地,极度地" 是much的最高级 . the most beautiful girl
  ② 非常,极 a most interesting book
  mostly (adv.) 主要地,大部分地
  read the text from line 8-25,answer the questions
  1.why do orbis doctors prefer to work on a plane、
  2.how many operations did dr ma perform during his last visit、
  3.is it hard work for him?
  4.is the plane only a place to perform operations?
  1.operation (n.)
  operate (v.) on sb.=perform an operation on sb.
  2.be used to do 被用来干某事
  be used for sth 被用来干某事
  be used as 被当做什么用
  3.used to do sth 过去常常干某事
  be used to doing 现在习惯于干某事
  4.can’t afford to do sth 没钱干某事
  5.so +adj /adv that sb can/can’t do 如此…以至于
  6.such +a/an+adj +n+that 从句 如此…以至于
  7.be grateful to sb for sth 因某事而感激某人
  8.be proud to do sth 为做某事而感到骄傲
  be proud that 从句 为干某事而感到自豪、骄傲
  be proud of 因…而骄傲
  take pride (n.骄傲)in 因…而骄傲
  read the text from line 26-38,answer the questions
  1、how do people feel about their work、
  2、what does orbis need to carry on with their work?
  3、what can we do for them?
  carry on with sth 继续干某事
  carry on doing 继续干某事=continue doing sth
  carry on to do sth 继续干另一件事
  step 3 practise
  i’m ________ that i can help _____ ________ people.
  2. 他们教当地的医生新技术和知识.
  they teach the doctors from ________ places new _______ _____ _____________.
  3. 人们对他一定很感激.
  people must ________ very ________ _______ him.
  4. 坏消息是许多人没有治疗的钱.
  the bad news is that many people do not have the ________ for _________ ____________.
  5. 他以自已是一名科学家而自豪.
  he is proud of a scientist.
  he is proud to be a scientist.
  he is proud of being a scientist.
  he is proud that he is a scientist
  step 4 activity
  学生四人一组活动。以马先生的身份讲述他的工作,每人一句,进行故事接龙。准备时间三分钟。三分钟后,教师挑选二到三组学生在全班面前讲故事。然后,教师问学生,what do you think of drma ‘s job?since his job is so meaningful,canyou make a website or poster for him,calling for more people to help and support him?
  step 5 homework
  2.完成补充习题reading部分练习及完成《同 步导学》上本课时的作业 ,
  ( )1.we’ll have a _______holiday. what about going to the great wall?
  a. three days b. three-day c. three-days d. three-days’
  ( )2. i am sorry. i_______ the dictionary in my home.
  a. forget b. forgot c. left d. leave
  ( )3. she left in_______ a hurry _______she forgot to lock the door.
  a. so, and b. such, that c. too, to d. such, and
  ( )4.—must we finish the exercise today? --no, you________.
  a. mustn’t b. don’t have c. don’t have to d. needn’t to
  ( )5. the money you donated is used to _______people in need.
  a. help b. helped c. helping d. helps
  ( )6.—it’s a long story, but you can hardly find new words in it.
  --good! _______ it will be too hard for children.
  a. so b. and c. but d. or
  ( )7. —a latest english newspaper, please!
  --only one copy left. would you like to have_______, sir?
  a. it b. one c. this d. that
  ( )8. do you have________ to say about your study?
  a special anything b. special something
  c. anything special d. something special
  1.people, no matter __________ or poor, have their own place in the world.
  2.the doctor said that he had never seen such a kind of ____________ (病例).
  3.oral english test asks us to learn more ______________ (技能) in english, not just words or grammar.
  4.i have finished my work______________ (mainly).
  5.can you ______________ (have enough money to buy or to do something)me to see a film?
  6.now a lot of ______________ (people who are ill) can’t go to hospital because they don’t have enough money.
  7.the teacher’s words ____________ (cause a change in somebody or something) us a lot, we have made up our minds to study hard.
  8.the doctors often ______________ (cut a person’s body open to take or repair) on the sick people.
  9. modern medicine can help _____________ this kind of disease.
  10. we are so ______________ that china is the host country of the 29th olympic games.
