

  unit 1
  单词:dream, palace, capital, balcony, cushion, beach, sea, bunk, town, wooden, over, climb, ladder, quiet, rain, while, sitting room, street, share, friendly, above, dining room, grow, most, lie, cupboard, bookshelf, shower, lamp, wardrobe, sink, bath, basin, in front of, opposite, chalk, air conditioner, below, printer, shelf, top, tidy, sixteen, nineteen, seventy, ninety, thousand, million, arrive, seventh, sixth, come, exam, second, third, fourth, fifth, ninth, eleventh, twelfth, twentieth, sound, bathroom, mirror, afraid, still, message, at least, ground floor, swimming pool, football pitch
  重点词汇:dream, capital, beach, sea, town, wooden, over, climb, ladder, quiet, rain, while, sitting room, street, share, friendly, above, dining room, grow, most, lie, bookshelf, shower, lamp, bath, in front of, chalk, below, printer, shelf, top, tidy, sixteen, seventeen, nineteen, seventy, ninety, thousand, million, arrive, seventh, sixth, come, exam, second, third, fourth, fifth, ninth, eleventh, twelfth, twentieth, sound, bathroom, afraid, still, message, at least, ground floor, swimming pool
  重点句型:the capital of japan is tokyo. your home is different from mine. i like your garden behind the kitchen. i share a room with my cousin. may i speak to…., please? who’s calling, please? my phone number is …… please ask him to call me. i’ll ask him to call you back.
  comic strip and welcome to the unit
  1.你曾经梦想( )自己有个家吗?你想过自己会住在一间宫殿 ( )里面吗?
  2.聪明的你知道不知道美国的首都是华盛顿( );英国的首都是伦敦( );法国的首都是巴黎( );日本的首都是东京( );俄罗斯的首都是莫斯科( );泰国的首都是曼谷( )?
  china _________ france _____________ england ____________
  america ________ russia _____________ thailand ____________
  japan _________
  ______ you _____ to live in a _______?
  the old man _______ to live _____ _____ a ________.
  which is your ______ ______?
  the ______ one is ______.
  1. the capital of china is _________.
  2. the capital of america is _______.
  3. the capital of england is _______.
  4. the capital of thailand is _______.
  5. the capital of russia is ________.
  6. the capital of japan is _______.
  1. would you like to live in a palace?(同义句)
  ______ ______ ______ to live in a palace?
  2. i’d like to live next to a restaurant.(划线部分提问)
  ______ _____ ____ _____ to live?
  3. the biggest one is my favourite.(同上)
  _______ ______ is your favourite.
  4. the capital of china is beijing.(同上)
  _______ _____ is the capital of china?
  5. there are many restaurants in beijing.(同上)
  ______ _____ ______ many restaurants?
  ( ) 1. toykyo a. france
  ( ) 2. paris b. china
  ( ) 3. beijing c. thailand
  ( ) 4. moscow d. russia
  ( ) 5. london e. the uk
  ( ) 6. bangkok f. the usa
  ( ) 7. washington dc g. japan
  1. would you like an apple? (同义句)
  ______ ______ ______ an apple?
  2. i’d like to live next to a restaurant.(划线部分提问)
  _______ _______ _______ ______ to live?
  3. the biggest restaurant is my favourite.(划线部分提问)
  ______ ______ is your favourite?
  4. the capital of japan is tokyo. (划线部分提问)
  _______ ______ is the capital of japan?
  5. he’d like to live here.(改为一般疑问句)
  _____ ____ _____ to live here?
  paris is the ______ of ______.
  2. 你最喜欢的饮料是什么?
  ______ is your ______ ______?
  3. 他想住在你家隔壁吗?
  _____ _____ _____ to live _____ ____ your house?
  4. 最大的那个房间是我的。
  _____ ______ room is ______.
  5. 哪个是你的自行车?红色的那辆。
  _____ is your bike? the _____ _____.
  希腊----雅典 英国----伦敦 法国----巴黎 挪威----奥斯陆 意大利----罗马
  摩纳哥---摩纳哥 比利时---布鲁塞尔 卢森堡---卢森堡 西班牙---马德里
  匈牙利---布达佩斯 俄罗斯---莫斯科 罗马尼亚---布加勒斯特 波兰---华沙
  南斯拉夫---贝尔格莱德 荷兰----阿姆斯特丹 捷克----布拉格 葡萄牙----里斯本
  瑞典----斯德哥尔摩 德国----柏林 梵蒂冈----梵蒂冈城
  5. 课外拓展探究:
  ann is ___1___ english girl. she is fourteen. she is a ___2___ student. her teacher is miss white. ann helps her to put ___3___ books and ruler on the desk.
  they have a new ___4___. in it you can ___5___ 40 desks and chairs. a blackboard, a clock and a map are ___6___ the wall.
  there are some pens on the desks. the red ___7___ is ann’s, the others are kate’s. kate is ann’s ___8___ friend. she isn’t ___9___ here today. she is ill.
  look at the clock. it’s about four o’clock. it’s time ___10___ and play games.
  ( )1. a. a b. an c. the d. /
  ( )2. a. middle school b. middle school
  c. middle school’s d. middle school’s
  ( )3. a. my b. your c. his d. her
  ( )4. a. room b. class c. grade d. classroom
  ( )5. a. look b. look at c. see d. see at
  ( )6. a. on b. in c. at d. to
  ( )7. a. pens b. pencil c. one d. ones
  ( )8. a. fine b. good c. nice d. right
  ( )9. a. / b. at c. on d. of
  ( )10. a. comes b. go c. to come d. to
  reading (ⅰ)
  你想知道stephen, madee, neil, anna四个人住在什么地方,他们的家居又有什么特点吗?好,现在我就带你分别到他们家走走。
  1.where does stephen live?
  2.how many rooms are there in stephen’s house?
  3.what place is stephen’s favourite?
  4.where does madee live?
  5.who does madee live with?
  6.how many people are there in madee’s family?
  7.where does neil live?
  8.which room is neil’s favourite in the house?
  9.where does anna live?
  10.is anna’s flat big?
  根据文章判断下列句子是否正确,正确的写t, 错误的写f。
  ( ) 1. stephen lives in a small house in long beach, california.
  ( ) 2. there are 12 rooms in stephen’s house.
  ( ) 3. stephen can watch tv on the balcony.
  ( ) 4. madee lives in a small town in thailand.
  ( ) 5. madee climbs a ladder to get into her house.
  ( ) 6. madee has her own room.
  ( ) 7. neil lives in a big house in a town near london.
  ( ) 8. neil’s favourite room is the kitchen.
  ( ) 9. neil often watches tv in the sitting room.
  ( ) 10. anna lives in the center of moscow.
  ( ) 11. anna lives in a very large flat.
  ( ) 12. anna’s neighbours are friendly.
  2). 重点热点点击
  1.tom likes chatting ______ friends ______ the balcony.
  2. they often sit ______ the floor cushions and look out ______ the beach.
  3. madee lives ______ a small town _____ thailand.
  4. her house is _____ a river.
  5. she often climbs a ladder to get _____ her house.
  6. _____ the evenings, neil watches tv ____ the sitting room.
  7. amy lives _____the center ______ moscow ______ her family _____ a flat _____ a busy street.
  1. sit, cushions, we, on, and, out, look, beach, the, at, the
  2. dog, i, sleeps, and, have, the, in, a, garden, he
  3. my, with, i, live, family, house, a, in, wooden
  4. think, friends, it, beautiful, my, is quiet, very, here, and
  5. a, with, i, my, bedroom, share, sister
  climb ladders, chat with, read comics, in a flat, over a river
  1. i often ________ on a balcony.
  2. ann likes to ______ friends on the phone.
  3. my uncle lives _____ on a busy street.
  4. people in thailand usually ______ to get into their houses.
  5. there is a bridge ________.
  1. where do you live?
  2. do you have your own bedroom?
  3. my favourite room is…
  4. our house/ flat is in a quiet place.
  5. do you sleep on bunk beds?
  6. where do you your homework?
  i live _________________________________________
  不能问女士的年龄 英国人非常不喜欢谈论男人的工资和女人的年龄,甚至他家里的家具值多少钱,也是不该问的。如果你问了一位女士的年龄,也是很不合适的,因为她认为这是她自己的秘密,而且每个人都想永葆青春,没有比对中年妇女说一声"你看上去好年轻"更好的恭维了。毫无疑问,每个女士的发型、化妆和衣着都是为了让自己看起来更美丽、更年轻,但是如果她的打扮让人感到太刻意,那么别人就会带着非难的口吻说她"显得俗气"。
  不能砍价 在英国购物,最忌讳的是砍价。英国人不喜欢讨价还价,认为这是很丢面子的事情。如果你购买的是一件贵重的艺术品或数量很大的商品时,你也需要小心地与卖方商定一个全部的价钱。英国人很少讨价还价,如果他们认为一件商品的价钱合适就买下,不合适就走开。
  this is wendy. she is from canada. she is 14 years old. she loves playing computer games. she wears glasses. she is good at dancing. wendy’s parents are english teachers in china. her brother’s name is tim. he was born in china. he’s 4 years old. he’s young. he doesn’t go to school. their grandfather looks after him.
  ( )1. wendy is clever at dancing.
  ( )2. wendy and tim’s grandfather goes to work.
  ( )3. tim is a canadian boy.
  ( )4. tim wears glasses.
  ( )5. wendy’s family is in china now.
  reading (ⅱ)
  1.he lives in long b_______, california.
  2.i like the b_______ because i can play games there.
  3.we sit on the big floor c_______.
  4.i have b_______ beds in my bedroom.
  5.i live in a small t_____ in thailand.
  6.the old man lives in a w______ house.
  7.he often climbs a l_______ to get into my house.
  8.the house is very beautiful and q_______.
  9.my parents live in the c______ of beijing.
  10.lily s______ a bedroom with lucy.
  1. 住在一间大房子里 _____________ 2 朝外看着海滩和大海___________
  3.有双人床 ______________4 一个小镇 ____________
  5.一间木头房子 ______________6 爬楼梯进入房子 ____________
  7.做饭 ______________8 在客厅里 ____________
  9.在花园里睡觉 ______________10 莫斯科市中心 ____________
  11.在一个繁忙的街道______________12 跟我的姐姐分享一个卧室_____
  2). 重点热点点击
  my ______ _____ is the _______.
  we like ______ ______ the big ______ _______.
  i have a ______ ______ in my room.
  my friends think this is ______.
  they often ______ the ______ to _____ _____ the house.
  he lives _____ _____ _____ and his parents live ____ ____ ____ ____.
  he ______ a bedroom _____ his brother.
  it is _______ but it ______ _____ _____ there.
  my family and i often sit _____ _____ ____ _____ my mother ____ ______.
  the boy lives with his parents _____ _____ _____ on a _____ _____.
  1. i like watching the _______(海滩) in hawaii.
  2. do you like living in a small _______(镇)?
  3. the boy lives with his family in a _______ (木制的)house.
  4. his house is ______(在…上面) a river.
  5. they often use those ______ (梯子)to get into their houses.
  6. he has his ______(自己的) room.
  7. he lives in the ______(中心) of nanjing.
  8. there are many ______ (公寓)in this building.
  9. he often _____(分享) an apple with his sister.
  10. my ______(邻居) are friendly.
  1. thank you for ______(give) me the presents.
  2. can he ______(chat) with his friends in the sitting room?
  3. he would like ______(share) the room with his brother.
  4. he spends two hours every day _______(practise) _____(speak) english.
  5. i have lots of things ______(buy).
  6. i’m sorry he has no time _____(talk) to you now.
  7. do you like _____(read) story books?
  8. look! the boys ____(play) basketball on the playground.
  9. are you good at ______(sing)?
  10. let him _____(go).
  1. he lives in a large house in london.
  ______ ______ he ______ in london?
  2. his favourite place is the balcony.
  ______ ______ is his favourite?
  3. i would like to live in a small town.
  _____ _____ _____ ____ to live?
  4. i climb a ladder to get into the house.
  _____ _____ _____ climb to get into the house?
  5. he lives with his family in a wooden house.
  _____ _____ ______ live with in a wooden house?
  6. my favourite room is the sitting room.
  ______ favourite room is the sitting room?
  7. my family and i often sit in the kitchen while my mother makes dinner.
  ______ ______ your family and you _____ in the kitchen?
  8. i share a bedroom with my sister.
  ______ ______ do you share a bedroom?
  鞠躬礼,是下级对上级或同级之间的礼节。行鞠躬时要脱帽,右手握住帽檐中央将帽 子取下,左手下垂,上身前倾约十五度,两眼注视受礼者,同时表示问候。
  握手礼,是全世界通用的礼节。起源于欧洲,最初是表示手里没有武器或亲切的意思 。行握手礼时要客人先伸出手时才能握手。握手时一般不戴手套,但尊贵的人和女人可戴 手套。行礼时忌交叉行礼,和女人握手不可太紧。
  点头礼,是同级或平辈人之间的礼节。如在路上相遇, 可在行进间进行。如遇见长官 、上级或长者,不行点头礼,而行鞠躬礼。
  吻手礼,是欧美上层社会的礼节。和贵族妇女或夫人见面时,如果女方先伸出手作下 垂式,则将手掌轻轻托起吻之。如果女方不伸手,则不行吻手礼。
  接吻礼,是上级对下级、长辈对晚辈或朋友、夫妻之间表示亲昵、爱抚的一种礼节。 通常是在受礼者脸上或额上接吻。在高兴、喜庆或悲伤时,一般也行接吻礼,表示亲热或 安慰。
  children in the usa like k day very much. k is for kites. march 7 is the day. on that day lots of children go out in the open air. they take their kites with them. one kite is very big. others are small. they are in different colours. every kite has a long string.
  to get the kites up, the children begin to run. they let out the string from the ball in their hands. now the kites are flying in the air. how nice they look.
  now all of their kites are high up in the air. some are higher than others. the one like a bird is the highest. but what’s wrong? it’s flying away! the string is broken.
  another kite gets away, and more kites fly. but the children are running after them. they want to get them back. people are watching them and laughing.
  1.when do a lot of children go out in the pen air?
  2.what do they take with them on that day?
  3.which kite is the highest?
  4.what are people doing?
  5.what’s the story about?
  1. 2. 3.
  _____________ ____________ __________________
  4. 5. 6.
  _____________ _____________ ________________
  1.the bookshelf is in the kitchen. ( )
  2.the sink is in the bedroom. ( )
  3.the fridge is in the kitchen. ( )
  4.the bed is in the bedroom. ( )
  5.the bath is in the bathroom. ( )
  6.the computer is in the bathroom. ( )
  7.the toilet is in the sitting room. ( )
  8.the lamp is in the bedroom. ( )
  9.the basin is in the bedroom. ( )
  10.the sofa is in the bathroom. ( )
  2). 重点热点点击
  1.两个碗橱 ______________ 2 许多书架______________
  3.在衣橱里 _______________4 我的那些台灯__________
  5.在淋浴间________________ 6 他的面盆________________
  7.在浴缸里 ________________8 在洗碗池上_______________
  1. the ______(碗橱) is in the kitchen.
  2. those ______ (书架)are very beautiful.
  3. my father is in the ______ (淋浴间)now.
  4. the _______(台灯) on the desk are all mine.
  5. put your clothes in the ______(衣橱), please.
  6. can you see the bowls in the ______(洗碗池)? wash them now.
  7. he like taking a ______(沐浴).
  8. the football shoes are in the _____(面盆).
  1.do you like _____(have) a bath in the bathroom?
  2. thank you for _____(bring) me the book.
  3. can you _____(wash) the dishes?
  4. he enjoys ______(chat) with his friends on the balcony.
  5. would he like ______(exercise) in the garden?
  6. do you often spend an hour ______(read) books every day?
  7. my mother has no time _____(cook) for us.
  8. he has many books _____(read).
  英国古典家具美观、优雅而且调和,喜爱使用饰条及雕刻的桃花心木,给人的感觉是沉稳、 典雅。在英国的古典家具中就能常见到雕刻木质嵌花图案,一股古典韵味扑面而来。英国老家具有别于其他国家的欧式古典家具,浑厚简洁是十八世纪末、十九世纪初英国老家具的独特风格,历经岁月的洗礼与沉淀,留下亲切而沉静的韵味,英国老家具就跟老朋友似的,让人体会到亲切而真挚的感受。
  jack and sally are brother and sister. they are twins. they like to swim and ride a bike. they look very happy. but not all of their favourite games are the same. jack likes to play football and sally likes to make something, but jack can’t. sally can sing very well and jack can throw the yo-yo very well. sally wants a go. both of them like flying kites, too. they often fly kites near their houses.
  ( ) 1. they both like _______.
  a. swimming b. riding a bike c. flying kites d. all of them
  ( )2. where do they fly kites?
  a. near the river b. on a hill c. near their houses d. at school
  ( )3. what does sally like?
  a. football b. basketball c. volleyball d. singing
  ( )4. what does jack like doing?
  a. playing football b. making things. c. swimming. d. both a and c.
  同学们!我们的好朋友 daniel 来信了。他在( )一年级七班。他坐在millie 的后面( ). 紧挨( )着sandy .同时daniel又要到盐城了。他想知道如何联系你们。想得到更多的关于daniel信息吗?跟我来吧?
  hi, i am daniel .this is my classroom.. i sit ___1____ millie and ____2____ the second row . i sit _3____ ____ sandy and she sits __4____ kitty and me . amy sits ___5____ _______ _____ sandy and __6__ millie and simon .there is a big desk ___7__ the front ___8___ our classroom .it is __9_ our teachers .you can see some chalk ____10____ the desk .the door is _11____the windows .
  1. 4589
  2. 24752
  3. 2374091
  5. 34589135
  1).预习情况交流(talk about kate’s classroom)
  1.who has a computer?
  2. is there a lamp on the small table ?
  3. where’s the small table ?
  4. where’s the shelf?
  5.are there many things under her bed?
  6.is her room very tidy?
  2). 重点热点点击
  2. 55556 7890
  3.3336 2118
  4. 6868 9253
  5.6390 4321
  1.my father lives ________ room 88, the third floor ________ that building .
  2. the broom is _______ the door, so i can not see it .
  3.andy sits ________tom and her .
  4.the park is next_______ the shop.
  5.would you like to come to my house ________ mid-autumn day .
  选择填空paul lives on ___________ floor .
  a. thirteenth b. thirteen c. the thirteen d. the thirteenth
  2.there are ________ and ______ students in yancheng middle school .
  a. three thousands, two hundreds and nine
  b. three thousand , two hundred and nine .
  c. three thousand , two hundred and ninth
  d. three thousand , two hundredth and nine
  3.february is ________ month of a year .
  a. a two b. the second c. the seconds d a second .
  4.how do you say ‘1026’ in english ?
  a. one thousand , and twenty –six
  b. ten thousand , two hundred and six
  c. twelve thousand and twenty-six
  d.one hundred and twenty-six
  1.there is a window on the wall . __________
  2.my favourite friend sits in my right . __________
  3.eight thousands people will come to the party . __________
  4.we are learning seventh lesson ._________.
  5.they will go to huanghai park in wednesday . __________
  6.children can’t wait open the presents at christmas ._________
  7.is there a light on the teacher’s head ? __________.
  8.---do you busy next week?
  ----yes, i am .
  get the whole class learn to how to write cheques .
  neil will ___1___ in beijing on sunday ., the ____2__ of april . on the ____3___ of april neil will be _____4____.because simon thinks he will be tired ____5__ a long plane trip . and then they are going shopping . do you know where else they are going . on tuesday , the ____6___ ,they are going to the great wall . on thursday , the ____7____.they will go to the ____8___ ___9___. on the __10_____.simon will take neil to the space museum . on saturday , the ____11___they will visit the palace museum . finally , on the ____12____, they will go to zhangjiakou .
  1.when will neil get to beijing ?
  2.is neil tired after the long plane trip ?
  3.when can they go shopping ?
  4. where else do they going ?
  5.how many points does simon get ?
  6.did millie get ninety-eight points ?
  2). 重点热点点击
  1.i will arrive in beijing on sunday .(同义句)
  i will ______ ______ beijing on sunday .
  i will _______ beijing on sunday .
  i will _______ you to the china _______ and ________ museum .
  that _______ __________.
  the restaurant is on the ________ floor .
  my sister came _______ in the english ________.
  1.20__________ 2. 11__________ 3.8____________ 4.2_________
  5.35_____________ 6. 9____________ 7.15________ 8. 43__________
  9.24____________ 10. 12____________ 11.19__________ 12.50___________
  they can’t _______ _______ see the lost child .
  you must be very _________ after the long ________ trip .
  your idea __________ good.
  they will ________ the ______ ________on _______, may the ________.
  5. kitty 得了五十分获第九名。
  kitty got ______ _______. she came ________.
  please _______ him _______ ________me .
  i think they will _____ fun in the _____ ________ tomorrow .
  1.november is the _______ month of the year .
  2.thursday is the ________day of the week .
  3.there are twenty-eight days in _________.
  4.mother’s day is the ________ sunday in may .
  5.meimei gets up early .she is always the _______ one to get to school.
  6.he’ll arrive _______ yancheng middle school _______ july ,the seventh .
  7. women’s day is on the ________ of march .
  8.people in china always celebrate the spring festival on december the________.
  第七课时 integrated skill
  先来了解neil的家吧!他家有花园( )吗?有客厅( )吗?有餐厅( )吗?有厨房( )吗?卫生间( )里有镜子( )吗?他的卧室( )是什么样子?他在哪里写作业( )?......快来看看neil发送给simon的录象带,你能识别出来吗?
  2. amy家又是什么样子呢?和neil家不一样 ( )吗?她有她自己的房间( ),还是和她表妹合住一个房间( )?我们来帮她完成一篇写 给neil的e-mail吧!
  3. simon在给neil打电话( ),他是如何请找neil接电话( )的?恐怕( )neil仍然( )在学校吧?谁会捎个信( )? simon叫neil干什么?你能找出答案 ,并以他们的对话为例,学着给你的同学打电话吗?
  1.______ the room for sleeping in
  2.______ the room we have our meals in
  3.______ the room we cook our meals in
  4.______ the room we have a bath in
  5.______the place for growing flowers
  6.______ the room we meet our friends in
  二. 你会使用打电话的交际用语吗?看看你是否能根据首字母提示完成下列句子.
  1.may i s_____ to mr. green, please.
  2.who’s that c_____, please?
  3.i’m a_____ he’s not at home.
  4.can i take a m_____?
  5.my t_____ number is 85462117.
  6.i’ll a_____ him to c_____ you back.
  1. who lives in a house with a garden, neil or amy?
  2. who has his/her own bedroom?
  3. is amy’s home very big?
  4. are there many rooms in amy’s home?
  5. who is shirley?
  6. where is neil when simon calls him?
  7. where is simon calling neil?
  8.whose telephone number is 861055572118?
  2). 重点热点点击
  your home is _____ _____ mine.
  2. your garden is behind the kitchen.
  the kitchen is _____ your garden.
  3. this bedroom is mine.
  i have my _____ bedroom.
  4. i live in this room. my sister lives in this room, too.
  i _____ a room with my sister.
  5. call me = r_____ me = p_____ me = t_____ me = r_____ me = c_____ up = m_____ a t_____ c_____ to me
  6. i think maybe (也许) he’s at school.
  i’m _____ he’s at school.
  7.you can tell me and then i will tell him.
  i will _____ a _____ for you.
  8. 老师叫我听他讲.
  the teacher _____ me _____ _____ to him.
  9. 我明天9:00给你回电话.
  i will _____ you _____ at 9:00 tomorrow.
  10. 医生叫他躺在床上.
  the doctor _____ him _____ _____ bed.
  1.与……不同 2.给……捎个信
  3.从北京打电话给我 4.打电话给在美国的neil
  5.叫我们听他讲 6.叫他在沙发上
  7.恐怕,害怕 8.给他们回电话
  1. there is a tv in the _____ (sit) room.
  2. simon is _____ (lie) in bed in his bedroom.
  3. your aunt is _____ (call) you from jinan.
  4. this is a room _____ (call) bathroom.
  5. there is a beautiful garden with many
  6. our classroom is different from _____ (they).
  7. i’ll ask her _____ (clean) the classroom after school.
  8. the old man _____ (want) _____ (have) a house like that.
  1. my mother is busy cooking in the k_____.
  2. i’ll c_____ back later.
  3. we keep our plates and glasses in the c_____.
  4. my sister chose the m_____ in our bathroom. because she likes looking at herself in it.
  5. let me take a m_____ for you.
  6. ---- can i borrow your rubber?
  ---- i’m a_____ not. i’m using it now.
  a: hello, 8036579.
  b: hello, this is jack calling. who’s that?
  a: this is mrs. green speaking.
  b: hello, mrs. green. can i speak to tom, please?
  a: i’m afraid he’s not at home now. can i take a message?
  b: yes, please. i want to tell him a piece of good news.
  a: oh, what is it?
  b: he won the first prize in the school drawing match last week.
  a: really? that’s great! he’ll be glad to hear that.
  b: by the way, our teacher lets me tell him he will take part in (参加) the city (城市) drawing match next week.
  a: great! i will tell him as soon as (一…..就….) he comes back at five. thank you. bye!
  b: bye!
  ( ) 1. jack wants to speak to mrs. green.
  ( ) 2. tom wants to tell jack a piece of good news.
  ( ) 3. tom won the first prize in the school singing match last week.
  ( ) 4. tom will take part in the city drawing match next week.
  ( ) 5. tom will come back home at five o’clock.
  we _____ _____ _____ dogs.
  he’s _____ _____ see the teacher.
  he’s _____ _____ seeing the teacher.
  can you finish it today?
  i’m _____ _____.
  i’m _____ i _____ finish it today.
  will you be busy tomorrow?
  i’m _____ _____.
  i’m _____ i _____ _____busy tomorrow.
  2. 根据首字母提示及对话内容完成句子:
  a: hello!
  b: hello! may i speak to linda, please?
  a: i’m sorry he’s out. who’s that?
  b: this is kitty. can you t_____ a m_____ for me?
  a: sure.
  b: please tell linda to take my comic book to school tomorrow.
  a: ok. i’ll g_____ the m_____ to her when i see her.
  b: can you l_____ a m_____ on her desk?
  a: certainly. goodbye!
  b: thank you. bye!
  二.试试看: lucy在学校觉得浑身发冷,老师叫她多喝热水,并叫lucy的妈妈到学校来,假如你是老师miss li,请给lucy的妈妈打个电话.
  miss li: hello! ____________________, please?
  mum: speaking ._____________?
  miss li:_________ miss li. lucy ___________ at school and i asked her ______________. can you come to school now?.
  mum:thank you. i’ll arrive at once.goodbye!
  miss li: goodbye!
  第八课时 main task
  我叫jack white, 所以我的姓( )是______, 名( )是_____。我1992年出生,所以我的年龄( )是_____。我的电话号码( )是8754621。我家住在中国盐城(i live ______ )。我的地址( )是黄海路20号( )。我家住在5号楼505室(i live _________ in ______ 5.)我们的大楼有六层( )。我家有六个房间,它们是厨房( ),餐厅( ),浴室( ),客厅( ),2个卧室( )。我家住3人(______ people live in it.)。我们没有花园( )。你们的怎么样(w_____ a_____ y_____)?你愿意与我交流一下不同地方家园( )的信息吗?快来填写17页的表格吧!
  2. 不同的国家,不同的人,对理想家园有着不同的要求。simon理想中的家园( )是什么样子呢?它很大( )吗?至少( )有____个房间呢?有几层( )?第一层( )上有_____和其它一些房间( )。第二层( )上有其它的房间( )。第三层( )上有 _____, _____。simon想要有许多双人床( )在所有的卧室里( )。为什么?因为 ________________________________________。他还想要一个有多长的游泳池( )? ___________________。他不要花园,但要有一个足球场( )。他的浴室要有多少个淋浴( )和多少个浴缸( )? ______和 _____。为什么?因为 _________________________________。
  1.电话号码 2.双层床
  3.餐厅 4.客厅
  5.同时 6.至少
  7.理想的家 8.足球场
  9.200米长 10.一个有4个浴缸的浴室
  1.what’s your name? so your surname is _______.your given name is _______.
  2.is simon’s dream home very large?
  3. how large is it?
  4. how many floors does it have?
  5.what’s on every floor?
  6.is there a swimming pool in his dream home?
  7.how long is it?
  8.is there a garden in his dream home?
  9.is there a football pitch?
  10.why does simon want to have bunk beds in all the bedrooms?
  11. why does simon want to have a room with twelve showers and four baths?
  2). 重点热点点击
  1.how many floors does your house have?(同义句)
  how many floors _____ ______ ______ your house?
  2.my telephone number is 8954621.(对画线部分提问)
  ______ _____ your telephone number?
  3.he is 12 years old.(同义句)
  _____ ______ is she?
  4. i live in a flat.(加house改为选择疑问句)
  _____ ____ you live a flat ____ _____ house?
  5. eight people live in my home.(对画线部分提问)
  _____ ____ _____ _____ in your home?
  6. our school is very large. it has many basketball courts in it. (同义句)
  our school is very large _____ many basketball courts in it.
  7. my bedroom is on the second floor. (对画线部分提问)
  ______ ______ is your bedroom on?
  8. the classroom is 12 metres long. (对画线部分提问)
  _____ _____ is the classroom?
  9. there are not any other rooms on this floor. (同义句)
  there are _____ other rooms on this floor.
  10. i go to school at 6:30. my sister goes to school at 6:30,too. (同义句)
  my sister and i go to school ____ _____ ____
  1. mr. brown’s name is john brown. so his s_______ is brown. his f______ name is john.
  2. i put my clothes in my w_______.
  3. we have our meals in the d______ room.
  4. i don’t have a swimming pool in my home. but i want to have one.
  so that’s my d_____ home.
  5. there are nine f_____ in my building. and my f_____ is on the ninth.
  6.there are two _______ (阳台)in my flat. we often sit on them and look out from there.
  7.she wants to have a house ____ (有) a garden in it.
  8.my grandfather likes living on the __________ (第一层).
  9.the students all have their ______ (自己的) bags.
  10.in our school there are _______ (至少) 500 teachers.
  ( ) 1. she is my teacher. her name is allan brown. you can call her _____.
  a. miss allan b. mr. allan c. miss brown
  ( ) 2. my telephone number ______ 3001278.
  a. is b. am c. are
  ( ) 3. how many floors _____ your building _____?
  a. do; have b. do; has c. does have
  ( ) 4. there’re twelve floors ____ my building and i live ____ the tenth floor.
  a. in; in b. on; on c. in; on
  ( ) 5.the bed is 2 _____.
  a. metre long b. metres long c. metres longs
  ( ) 6.four students in the team are here. where are ______ students?
  a. the other b. other c. the others
  ( ) 7. miss li likes _____ students in her class.
  a. all b. the all c. all the
  ( ) 8. this is a new pencil-box ____ two pens in it.
  a. have b. has c. with
  ( ) 9.-where’s the tv? -______.
  a. here it is. b. here is it. c. here the tv is.
  ( ) 10.there is ____ a bathroom in andy’s home. he can _____ have a bath every day.
  a. too; have b. also; have c. too; has
  look __1__ the picture. it"s a picture _2 my room. i have 3 bird. its 4 is polly. i look 5 it every day, but it"s not in the picture. you 6 see it there. can you see a cat? it"s under my chair. the cat and the bird are in 7 rooms. they can"t live in the same room. my books 8 on my desk. my pens and pencils are in my bag. the bag 9 behind the door. my bed is beside 10 desk. in the morning, i put everything in good order(秩序).
  ( ) 1. a. of b. at c. in d. on
  ( ) 2. a. at b. in c. of d. on
  ( ) 3. a. a b. the c. two d. nice
  ( ) 4. a. his b. name c. bag d. map
  ( ) 5. a. a b. after c. of d. on
  ( ) 6. a. at b. can"t c. aren"t d. can
  ( ) 7. a. same b. the same c. different d. a
  ( ) 8. a. are b. is c. am d. see
  ( ) 9. a. look b. is c. am d. are
  ( ) 10.a. two b. new c. the d. a
  we study chinese, maths , english and ______ ________.
  she has two children. one is a boy. ____ _____ is a girl.
  i’m happy to ______ ______.
  there are 65 students in our class. thirty-five of us are boys.
  _____ ______ ( _____ ______ students) are girls.
  第九课时study skills
  如:i study english every day.
  句型二:"wh-+be +主语?"如:what is your father?
  句型三:"what +助动词+主语+动词原形+其它?
  如:what does your mother usually do at the weekend?
  (注):回答用陈述句,不用yes 或no回答。
  1.lily cleans her bedroom at the weekend.(改为一般疑问句)
  2.do it like this.(改为否定句)
  3.he will help me when he grows up.(对划线部分提问)
  4.there is an old man in the library.(改为复数句)
  5.linda is from england.(同义句)
  2). 重点热点点击
  1.may i___(borrow) your eraser?
  2.please help the old woman_____(carry) the bag.
  3.i like___(read)on the balcony in the winter sun.
  4.my sister is a good ____(dance),and she practices___(dance)every day.
  5.does your father want you___(be) a teacher when you grow up?
  6.where is your teacher? he ____(write) a letter in english.
  ( )1.she doesn’t her homework on sundays.______
  a b c d
  ( ) 2.may i speak to andy,please?---yes,i am______
  ab c d
  ( ) 3.the boy enjoys to play badminton in the afternoon.______
  abc d
  ( ) 4.i don’t know how to wear today,please come and help me.______
  a b c d
  they _____ ____the new______ on____, august the_____.
  last week, the children_____ fun_____ ___ ___and the summer______.
  we are all_____ ____ _____ _____the foreign teacher.
  _____do you like____ _____ ______ ______? ______i like______ mooncakes.
  when____ you_____?______morning.
  he___ ___ ___ ____ speak ____us.
  7. 我们在同一个班级。让我们成为好朋友吧。
  we’re____ the___ class now. let’s_____ good friends.
  on children’s day a young woman from japan goes to beihai park with her little son.there are many people in the park. the woman can’t find her son.so he goes to the policeman for help. she tells the policeman her son is only five years old.he has two big eyes and a big nose.his hair is golden.and he is in a short brown t-shirt .at last he helps her find her son.she thanks him very much.
  ( )1.on children’s day,___woman goes to beihai park with her little son.
  a.a japan b.japanc.japanesed.a japanese
  ( )2.the woman can’t find her___.
  a.daughterb.the babyc.childrend.child
  ( )3.her son is only_____.
  ( )4.the little boy’s hair is_____.
  ( )5.____helps her find her son.
  a.policemanb.a policemanc.some peopled.the police
  1.there are nine people in front of green and six behind him.
  how many people are there altogether?
  2.who can stop many trucks with one hand?
  3.what is the most important thing to do when you go to sleep?
  4.it’s cold and white.it falls from the sky.the more you dry it in the sun,the wetter it becomes.what is it?
  第十课时 checkout
  本单元我们学习了in/on/at/in front of/behind/next to/opposite等方位介词,顾名思义,方位介词是用来描述事物所处的位置的。通过这节课的学习我们可以大致了解这些词的用法。
  1.are there any flowers___the teacher’s desk? yes,there are.
  2.their shoes are___the bed.
  3.millie is____ ___ ____ the gate.
  4.lily is _____the tree.
  5.andy is_____peter and nick.
  6.there is a big tree ___the café.
  7.is there a picture_____the wall?
  8.there are some boats_____the lake.
  9.the dog is___ ____ ___ ___the river.
  10.what’s ____ ____ ____ ____the park?there are some boats.
  7.在 …… 中间8.在树上9.在大门前
  10.在a楼 11.在教室中间12.在黑板上
  2). 重点热点点击
  2. 序数词用来表示顺序,序数词在句中可作主语,宾语,定语和表语。
  e.g. the second is the best. (主)
  he likes the third.( 宾)
  (1).he lives on the twelfth floor.
  (2).the teacher puts his book on the desk yesterday.
  (3).we will have a party in the afternoon of december 9th.
  (4).the teacher is in the front of the class.
  (5).he came nineth in the maths exam.
  1.the american lady lives____a large flat_____washton d.c.
  2.young girls like chatting____friends on the internet.
  3.the christmas party is____the evening of december 24th.
  4.my brother often reads newspapers____breakfast.
  5.there is a house____the lake.
  6.do you live____the center___the town.
  7.her mother and she are shopping___a busy street.
  8.welcome_____our city.
  9.the party is___six___the afternoon.
  10.hainan island is a good place to go____summer.
  "____you have your______room?"
  "no,i_____a room____my twin sister."
  there are____ ____rooms____the____in andy’s_____home.
  please______the book_____the______.
  he_____ _____the_____floor.
  1.除first, second, third外,从第四开始,由相应的基数词加词尾-th构成序数词。
  3.有少数几个基数词加-th构成序数词时,拼写有变化,如:five fifth,
  eight eighth, nine ninth, twelve twelfth
  this is lily’s bedroom. it is not very big, but the window is very, and the bedroom is bright. we can see some pictures and a nice clock on the walls. lily’s bed is small. a lamp is on the table, and some boxes of milk are under it. a beautiful desk is near the window .the desk is small. lily puts all her books in the desk, and some clothes in it, too there are some flowers on lily’s desk. some are red, some are yellow, some are pink and the others are white. they are very nice. lily is a chinese girl. she is polite and helpful.
  1.lily’s books are in her desk. we c____see them.
  2.the flowers are in four c____.
  3.lily’s bedroom is not e_____. there are many things in it.
  4.a clock and some nice pictures a___on the walls.
  5.there is a d___beside her bed.
  ( )6.lily does her homework at her desk.
  ( )7.the colours of the flowers are nice.
  ( )8.the desk is big.lily puts all her sweater on it.
  ( )9.lily’s bedroom is very small.
  ( )10.there are three windows in the walls.
  [学后记] _
  ( ) 1. a. six b. sixteen c. seven d. thirteen
  ( ) 2. a. near the post office. b. in front of the post office.
  c. behind the post office. d. between the post office.
  ( ) 3. a. 74820284. b. 74820824. c. 78420284. d. 72820284.
  ( ) 4. a. six. b. the sixth. c. ninth. d. the ninth.
  ( ) 5. a. it’s in russia. b. it’s in japan. c. it’s in america. d. it’s in thailand.
  b)听对话,选择正确答案。 (听两遍)
  ( )1. tom’s telephone number is _______.
  a. 7869460 b. 7866518 c. 7869650 d. 87856518
  ( ) 2. tom is _____.
  a.at homes b. at neil’s home c. at jim’s house d. at school
  ( ) 3. _______ has a new basketball.
  a.neil b. mike c. jim d. tom
  ( ) 4. they all want to _______.
  a.stay at home b. play basketball c. play football d. watch tv
  ( ) 5. they will meet at ______ on sunday afternoon.
  a.2:00 b. 3:20 c. 2:30 d. 2:45
  二.笔试 (90)
  1. farmers g________ rice in the south of china.
  2. our english teacher is f__________ to us.
  3. i am a_______ my parents are not at home.
  4. look! he is l_______ on the ground.
  5. this is their f________ lesson, so they are very excited.
  1. there are many books on these __________. (书架).
  2. there is a bridge ______ the river. (在…上面)
  3. we live in the ________ of moscow. (中心)
  4. his dream home is very large. it has four ________. (层)
  5. he has a big room __________(有)twelve showers and four baths.
  1. this is my _________ (two) day in shanghai.
  2.________ (final), he arrived in beijing.
  3. december is the ________ (12) month of a year.
  4. do you think these __________ (build) are beautiful?
  5. this is a ________ (wood) house.
  1. sandy sits in front of amy, but behind simon .so sandy sits _______ amy _____ simon.
  a. next; to b. next to; beside c. between; and d. opposite; at
  2. we usually make dinner in the ________.
  a. bedroom b. dining room c. kitchen d. grandparents
  3. there are ___________ days in a year.
  a. three hundreds and sixty five
  b. three hundred and sixty five
  c. three hundred and sixty-five
  d. three hundred sixty-five
  4."excuse me . may i speak to jill, please ?"
  a. yes, i am b. do you know him?
  c. i am speaking d. this is jill speaking.
  5. we will arrive _________ tokyo __________ the afternoon of march 3.
  a. at, in b. in, on c. in, in d. at, at
  6. there is an air conditioner _________ the window.
  a. in b. besides c. between d. above
  7. they are from america. they ______ english.
  a. say b. tell c. talk d. speak
  8."we will have a school trip next week."
  "that sounds ________.i’m sure we will have a good time there."
  a. well b. badly c. bad d. good
  9. wednesday is the __________ day of a week.
  a. fifth b. fourth c. forth d. third
  10. look! they are swimming __________ the river.
  a. between b. in middle of c. in the middle of d. behind
  11. would you like _________a cup of tea?
  a. drink b. to drink c. drinking d. to drinking
  12. would you like to share the room________ her brother?
  a. with b. and c. of d. on
  13.__________ is your telephone number?
  a. what b. how many c. how much d. how long
  14. which of them isn’t a capital city?
  a. paris b. london c. new york d. moscow
  15. how do you say 15,858?
  a. fifteen thousands, eight hundred and fifty-eight
  b. fifteen thousand, eight hundreds and fifty eight.
  c. fifteen thousand, eight hundred and fifty-eight
  d. fifteen thousand and eight hundred and fifty-eight.
  1.can you ________ (sing) the song in english?
  2.little tom began ________ (learn) french at the age of 5.
  3.he may come here if he _________ (be) free.
  4.i don’t know what _________ (do) next.
  5.my best friend practises _________ (dance) every day.
  6.i can’t wait ________ (see) you.
  7.next thursday we __________ (visit) the summer palace.
  8.please ask him ________ (call) me soon.
  9.there ________ (be) three important meetings next month.
  10.mr. smith _________ (live) two floors above his parents.
  1. do it like this. (否定句)
  _____ _____ it like this.
  2. there are over ten girls in the classroom. (同义句)
  there are ______ _______ ten girls in the classroom.
  3. the building has twenty-four floors. (划线部分提问)
  _____ _______ floors do the building ________?
  4. it sounds great. (划线部分提问)
  _______ does it sound?
  5. millie lives above me. (同义句)
  i live ________ millie.
  6. what food do you like best? (同义句)
  what is your ________ food?
  a: hello! this is sandy’s house.
  b: hello! may i _______ to amy?
  a: i am _______ she isn’t _________ now .can i _______ a message?
  b: yes, please ______ her to call me.
  a: ok! may i _______ your name?
  b: of course .my name is millie.
  a: ______ your phone number?
  b: oh, she _______ that.
  a: well, i’ll ask her to call you _______.
  b: _______ ,goodbye.
  a: goodbye!
  my ___1___ home is in the country (乡下).the air there is fresh and it is ____2___.my house is very beautiful. ____3___ at least three floors. there is a river ____4____my house and behind ____5_____ is a big garden. i can _____6___ trees and flowers in it .i like ____7___green everywhere and green is my _____8____ color. i like to work in the ____9___ and fish in the river. i’d like to invite my friends at my home .then we can chat and play games. how ___10___ we are.
  1. a. dream b. day c. dreams d. night
  2. a. quite b. quiet c. quietly d. quitely
  3. a. there are b. there is c. have d. has
  4. a. in front of b. in the front c. under d. on
  5. a. them b. it c. i d. my parents
  6. a. grow b. make c. read d. do
  7. a. saw b. look c. to see d. to look
  8. a. best b. favourite. c. like d. favite
  9. a. park b. garden c. house d. home
  10. a. happy b. happily c. please d. unhappy
  mr. fox says to mrs. duck, "mr. hare is in the hole. you sit here and don’t let mr. hare comes out. i am going to my home to get a knife." mrs. duck sits near the hole. mr. fox goes to his home. then mr. hare says, "mrs. duck, mrs. duck……."mrs. duck says, "what is it?" mr. hare says, "there is a little hole at the back of the tree, and there is some bread in it. i can see it, but i cannot get it. can you go and get it? " mrs. duck goes to the back of the tree to get the bread, and mr. hare goes quickly out of the hole in the front of the tree and goes home.
  ( )1、mr. fox wants to get a knife, he goes home.
  ( )2、mr. fox tells mrs. duck to sit near the hole to look after mr. hare.
  ( )3、 mr. hare sees some bread and gets it.
  ( )4、 at first mr. hare is in the hole.
  ( )5、 at last mr. hare runs away.
  this is andy’s room. it is not very big, but the window is big and the bedroom is bright .we can see some pictures and a nice kite on the walls. andy’s bed is small .a clock is on the table and some bottles of milk are under it .a desk is near the window .the desk is small .andy puts all her books in the desk and some clothes in it, too .there are some flowers on andy’s desk .some are purple, some are red, some are yellow and others are white .they are very nice. she likes to help others.
  1.andy’s books are in her desk .we c________ see them.
  2.the flowers are in four c_________.
  3.andy’s bedroom is not e________ .there are many things in it.
  4.a kite and some nice pictures a ________ on the walls.
  5.there is a d________ beside her bed.
  (一)beijing, paris, london, washing dc, moscow, bangkok, tokyo
  (二)1. would like palace; 2. wants, next to restaurant; 3. favourite city; 4. biggest, mine
  1) 1. beijing 2. washing dc 3. london 4. bangkok 5. moscow 6. tokyo
  2) 1.do you want 2. where would you like 3. which one 4. what/ which city 5. where are there
  一1. g 2. a 3. b 4. d 5. e 6. c 7. f
  二 1. do you want 2. where would you like 3. which restaurant 4. which/ what city 5. would he like
  三 1. capital, france 2. what favourite drink 3. would he like/ does he like next to 4. the biggest mine 5. which, red one
  1.b 2. a 3. d 4. d 5. c 6. a 7. c 8. b 9. a 10. d
  1.he lives in a large house in long beach, california.
  2.12. 3. the balcony. 4. she lives in a small town in thailand.
  5. her family. 6. nine. 7. he lives in a small house in a town near london.
  8. the kitchen. 9. she lives in the center of moscow.
  10. no, it isn’t.
  1) 1. f 2. t 3. f 4. t 5. t 6. f 7. f 8. t 9. t
  10. t 11. f 12. t
  2) 1. with, on 2. on, at 3. in, in 4. over 5. into 6. in, in
  7. in, of, with, in, on
  3) 一、1. we sit on the sushions and look out at the beach.
  2. i have a dog. he sleeps in the garden.
  3. i live with my family in a wooden house.
  4. my friends think it is very quiet and beautiful here.
  5. i share a bedroom with my sister.
  二、1. read comics 2. chat with 3. in a flat 4.climb ladders 5. over a river
  1.t 2 f 3 f 4 f 5 t
  1. beach 2. balcony 3. cushion 4. bunk 5. town 6. wooden
  7. ladder 8. quiet 9. center 10. shares
  1) 1. live in a large house
  2.look out at the beach and the sea
  3.have bunk beds
  4.a small town
  5.a wooden house
  6.climb a ladder to get into my house
  7.make dinner
  8.in the sitting room
  9.sleep in the garden
  10.in the center of moscow
  11.on a busy street
  12.share a room with my sister
  2) 1. favourite place balcony
  2. sitting on floor cushions
  3. bunk bed
  4. cool
  5. climb ladder, climb into
  6. in the center , in a small town
  7. shares, with
  8. beautiful, rains a lot
  9. in the kitchen while makes dinner
  10. in a flat busy street
  3)一、1. beaches 2. town 3. wooden 4. over 5. ladders 6. own
  7. center 8. flats 9. shares 10. neighbours
  二、1. giving 2. chat 3. to share 4. practicing, speaking
  5. to buy 6. to talk 7. reading 8. are playing
  9. singing 10. go
  三、1. where does live 2. which place 3. where would you like 4. what do you
  5. who does he 6. whose 7. when do sit 8. with who
  1. on k day. 2. their kites 3. the one like a bird
  4. they are watching them and laughing.
  1. bookshelf 2. lamp 3. bath 4. wardrobe 5. basin 6. shower
  1) 1. f 2. f 3. t 4. t 5. t 6. f 7. f 8. t 9. f 10. f
  2)1. two cupboards 2. many bookshelves 3. in the wardrobe
  4. those lamps of mine 5. in the shower 6. his basin 7. in the bath
  8. on the sink
  3) 一、1. cupboard 2. bookshelves 3. shower 4. lamps 5. wardrobe
  6. sink 7. bath 8. basin
  二、1. having 2. bringing 3. wash 4. chatting 5. to exercise
  6. reading 7. to cook 8. to read
  1. d 2. c 3. d 4. d
  1.behind 2. in 3. next to 4. between 5. in front of 6.between 7.in, 8. of 9.for 10. on 11. opposite
  1.three thousand five hundred and eighty-nine
  2.twenty-four thousand seven hundred and fifty-two
  3.two million ,three hundred and seventy-four thousand , and ninety-one
  4.seven hundred and twenty-three
  5.thirty-four million ,five hundred and eighty-nine thousand , one hundred and thirty-five
  1).预习情况交流(talk about kate’s classroom)
  1.kate has a computer .
  2.yes, there is
  3.it is between the bunk beds and the wardrobe .
  4.it is above the top bunk bed .
  5.yes, there are
  6.no, there isn’t
  2). 重点热点点击
  1.eight, nine,oh,six. five, four , three
  2.five, five , five five ,six, seven, eight, nine, oh
  3.three, three , three, six, two, one, one, eight
  4.six, eight, six, eight, nine, two, five, three
  5.six, three, nine, oh, four, three, two, one,
  1.in , in 2. behind 3. between 4.to 5. on
  1,behind the classroom 2.above the bunks 3. between the park and the restaurant
  4. the basketball on the floor 5. opposite the hospital 6.behind li mei
  7. a bridge over the lake 8. on the left of the garden
  c b b a
  1. on in 2.in on 3.thousands thousand 4.seventh the seventh
  5.in on 6.wait open wait to open 7.on above 8.do are
  1.arrive 2. seventh 3. eighth 4. free 5. after 6.ninth 7. eleventh 8. summer 9.palace 10.twelfth 11. thirteenth 12.fourteenth
  1.neil will get to arrive in beijing on sunday , april 7th.
  2.yes, he is.
  3.they can go shopping on wednesday, the tenth .
  4.they will go to many places of interest .
  5.simon got one hundred and seven points .
  6.yes, she did .
  2). 重点热点点击
  1. get to , reach 2. take space technology 3. sounds great 4. third
  5. fortieth exam
  1.twentieth 2. eleventh 3. eighth 4. second 5.thirty-fifth 6. ninth 7. fifteenth
  8.forty-third 9. twenty-fourth 10. twelfth 11. nineteenth 12. fiftieth
  1.wait to 2. tired train 3. sounds 4. visit great wall thursday third
  5. fifty points ninth 6. ask to call 7. have summer palace
  1.eleventh 2.fourth 3. february 4. second 5. first 6. in ,on
  7. eighth 8. thirty-first
  one possible version:
  di xiaohong got ninety points .she came eighteenth .
  liu yan got ninety-seven points .she came ninth .
  pan qiang got one hundred points .he came first .
  li mei got sixty-one points .she came fifty-second .
  第七课时 integrated skill
  1.garden ; sitting room ; dining room ; kitchen ; washroom ; mirror ; bedroom ; do his homework ;
  2.different from neils ; her own room ; share a room with her cousin ;
  3.call neil ; speak to neil ; be afraid ; still ; take a message ; simon asks neil to call him back.
  一 1. bedroom ; 2. dining room ; 3. kitchen ; 4. bathroom 5. garden ; 6. sitting room;
  二. 1。speak 2.calling 3.afraid 4.message 5.telephone 6.ask ; call
  1). 略
  2). 1.different from 2.before 3.own 4.share 5.ring ; phone ; telephone ; ring ; call ; make telephone call 6.afraid 7.take message 8.asks to listen 9.call back 10.asks(tells) to lie
  3).一. different from 2. take a message for 3.call me from beijing 4.call neil in the usa (america) 5.ask us to look at the blackboard 6.ask him to sit in the sofa 7. be afraid 8.call them back
  二 1. sitting 2.lying 3.calling 4.called 5.flowers 6.theirs 7.to clean 8.wants to have
  三 1.kitchen 2.call 3.cupboard 4.mirror 5.message 6.afraid
  [相关知识链接] ffftt
  一.1. 1).are afraid of 2). afraid to; afraid of 3). afraid not ; afraid can’t 4). afraid so ; afraid will be
  2. take message ;give message ; leave message
  二.may i speak to lucy’s mother
  who’s that ; this is ; feels cold ; to drink more hot water
  第八课时 main task
  1.surname, given name, age, telephone number, yancheng, address, no.20 huanghai road, room505, building, has 6 floors, kitchen, dining room, bathroom, sitting room, two bedrooms, 3, garden, what about you, homes in different places
  2.simon’s dream home, very large, at least, how many floors does it have? the ground, some other rooms, the second floor, other rooms, the third floor, many bunk beds, in all rooms, swimming pool, football pitch, showers, baths
  1. telephone number 2. bunk beds 3. dining room 4. sitting room 5. at the same time 6. at least 7. a dream home 8. a football pitch 9. 200 meters long 10. a bathroom with 4 baths
  2). 1.are there in 2.what is 3.his age 4.do you; or a 5.how many people live 6.with 7.which floor 8.how long 9.no 10. at the same time;
  3). 一 1.surname; first 2.wardrobe 3.dining 4.dream 5.floors; flat 6.balconies 7.with 8.ground floor 9.own 10.at least
  二 caccb accab
  bcabb bcabc
  [课外拓展探究] 一 1.other lessons 2.the other 3.help others 4.the others (the other)
  1.does lily clean her bedroom at the weekend?
  2.don’t do it like this.
  3.what will he do when he grows up?
  4.there are old men in the library.
  5.linda comes from england.
  linda is english.
  linda was born in england
  1.borrow2.carry3.reading4.dancer,dancing5.to be6.is writing
  1.a.doesn’t do2.d you may3.b to play改为playing4.b how改为what
  1.will visit, museum ,saturday, 9th2.had, ...
