

  period 5
  task 1
  skills building 2: presenting a dialogue
  teaching objectives:
  u to read about how to express different feelings in different tones.
  u to develop listening and speaking ability in different tones.
  important and difficult points:
  understanding tones in spoken english.
  teaching procedures:
  step 1 revision
  revise the attributive clause by doing some exercises.
  step 2 lead-in
  a dialogue should be :
  communicative /informative/reflective
  /simple/direct/not too redundant
  step 3 guessing game:
  read some sentences in different tones & let ss guess what feelings are expressed.
  step 4 skills building 1:
  what should we listen for to understand the speaker’s feelings?
  step 5 listening
  listen and check the answers.
  step 6 practice
  how do you read this sentence he will come here tomorrow. when you are happy/excited/questioning/a little angry?
  step 7 listening
  listen to part a and b and check the answers.
  step 8 listening to a radio phone-in programme
  pide students into groups of four and discuss each picture:
  what do you see in each picture?
  how are they feeling?
  listen and check the answers.
  1 finish workbook ex a on page 84.
  2 review the words and expressions in this unit.
  task 2
  skills building 2: reading for gist
  teaching objectives:
  u to develop reading skills by reading four diary entries.
  u to understand the mood of the writer.
  important and difficult points:
  reading for gist.
  teaching procedures:
  step 1 lead-in
  get students to read the instructions and know how to read for gist.
  l catch the gist or the main point
  l focus on descriptive words or expressionsstep 2 reading
  1 read the four diary entries and fill in the form.
  main points
  the words telling the writer’s mood
  the first diary entry
  the second diary entry
  the third diary entry
  the fourth diary entry
  2 read again and answer:
  1.why did christina call the radio show last week?
  2. what advice did george give ?
  3. did christina follow his advice? what did she do?
  4. how do they get on with each other?step 3 reading the thank-you letter
  1 get students to read and answer:
  a what is the main idea of this thank-you letter?
  bwhich words or expressions are used to make the main point?
  2 read again and decide true or false on page 35. then check the answers.
  step 4 consolidation
  have you ever had a problem with your parents similar to christina’s?
  • if so, how did you solve it?
  • if not, write a letter to christina in the name of george.
  1 finish workbook exx b & c on page 84.
  2 review the words and expressions in this unit.
  task 3
  skills building 3: writing a dialogue
  teaching objectives:
  u to develop writing skills by reading the tips.
  u to understand the mood of the mum’s and jack’s feelings.
  important and difficult points:
  writing a dialogue.
  teaching procedures:
  step 1 lead-in
  the language you use in writing a dialogue:
  l not too colloquial
  l not too redundant
  l descriptivestep 2 reading
  1 read the instructions and know some tips of writing a dialogue.
  2 read part a and discuss what is wrong with the underlined sentences.
  a.‘umm’ or ‘hmm’ shouldn’t be included in a written dialogue.
  b. we shouldn’t use ‘my room is too dirty’, ‘my room is a mess’, ‘clean up’ and ‘cleaning’, because in a written dialogue what has just been said shouldn’t be repeated.
  c. in a written dialogue we should write a sentence that shows the speaker is very angry instead of the sentence ‘i’m really very angry with you.’
  3 read again and do part b.
  a the sentences that show mum is unhappy or angry:
  come and look.
  don’t you talk to me like that?
  you should start cleaning now if you plan to leave!
  b the sentences that show jack’s mood:
  this is so unfair! i’ll never have enough time.
  but i don’t think you’re being fair at all!step 3 reading the thank-you letter
  1 work in groups of 3 and present a dialogue. keep the tips in mind.
  2 get the students to know:
  the following should be included in your dialogue.
  a. what happened between christina and her mother?
  b. what did christina do then ?
  c. how as the problem solved ?
  step 4 consolidation
  role-play the dialogue in three.
  finish workbook writing on page 93.
