

  teaching designsunit opening:background information charity walks are a popular way to raise money for charity. participants are expected to gather sponsors who pledge either a set amount of money or a certain amount per kilometer walked. afterthe walk, participants collect the money from their sponsors and send it in to the charity. charity walks can range from a few kilometres to hundreds of kilometers. the number of participants varies too. in some cases, a single inpidual will undertake an extremely long walk, such as across a continent, to raise money and awareness for a certain cause. the first periodcontent: comic strip preparation: ask ss to search and collect information about trailwalker. they can bring some pictures to class. teaching aims: have the ss know something about trailwalker and talk how they plan their own charity event. teaching procedures: step1 tell ss to read the comic strip, then ask them some questions to check understanding, e.g., what is hobo going to do?(have a charity walk)what does hobo need?(some more food)how does eddie feel about supporting charities?(meaningful)step2 ask ss to read with partner and try to perform hobo and eddie according to the comic strip. then ask three or four pairs to perform this conversation before the class.step3. pay attention to the important point ‘it is’ + adjective( + ‘for sb’ )+ ‘to’-infinitive. e.g. it is very important for us to learn english well.  it is necessary to protect the environment.  it is good for you to eat an apple every day. step4. organizing a charity show ask ss to plan their own charity events about a charity walk and design a web page to advertise the event if possible. step5. assignment ask ss to make a dialogue according to the comic strip. ss should replace a charity walk and use other words.  exercises:一 词组汉译英 1 为一次慈善远足训练_____________ 2 支持慈善机构____________________ 3 再需要一些食物 _________________4 组织一次慈善演出_______________ 5 设计一个网页 _________________6 支持某人 _________________ 二 根据句意和首字母提示完成句子 1. what are you doing? i’m t__________ my pet dog. 2. do you think what he said is m_____________? 3. there are 5 m________ seats left at the theatre. 4. the charity s________ for project hope was very s___________. people like it very much. 5. yesterday was kitty’s birthday. she i_________ her classmates to her birthday party. 三 用can, may, must, can’t, needn’t填空 1. ---_______ you finish your homework in a minute? ---sorry, i ________. 2. ---________ i ask you a question? ---no, you _______. i’m very busy now. 3. you _______ talk with each other in the library. 4. ---i _______ find where my book is. ---it ________ be in your schoolbag.  ---no, it isn’t n my schoolbag. oh, i see. it ________ be on the shelf, i saw it just now. 5. ---_______ i answer this question in english? ---no, you can’t. you _______ answer it in chinese. 四 完成句子 1 我奶奶过去是一位历史老师。  my grandmother _______ _______ _______ a history teacher. 2 他习惯于早起。  he ________ _________ _________ _________ up early. 3 你知道学生们是怎样花零用钱的吗?  do you know _______ students _______ their _______ ________? 4 帮助需要的人是很有意义的。  it is __________ _________ _______ people in need. 5 我认为你不能在半小时内完成作业。  i _______ ______you ______ finish the work ______ half an hour. the second period content: welcome to the unit teaching aims: 1. to introduce different kinds of needs and disabilities 2. to encourage students to talk about how they can help those in need teaching procedures: step 1. tell ss that they may meet many people who need help. ss may know the poor, the blind, etc. teach them more about the people who need help, such as l a deaf person cannot hear. l a homeless person has no home. l an elderly person means an old person. l if a person is disable, it means a part of his/her body does not work properly. l a pregnant woman means a woman is having a baby. step 2. tell students to label the pictures in part a using the words from the box. ask volunteers to read out the answers. step 3. ask students to make a list of things they would find most difficult to do or they would miss most if they were blind, deaf, elderly, homeless, physically disabled or poor. step 4 pide the class into pairs. ask students to talk about what they want people to help them if they were blind, deaf, elderly, homeless, physically disabled or poor. if students have trouble coming up with ideas, offer some suggestions, e.g., l for people in wheelchairs, wide sidewalks, ramps and automatic doors are helpful. l for poor people, education programs that allow them to get better jobs are helpful. free medical care and affordable housing are also helpful. l blind people can benefit from braille sings, spoken announcements rather than written notices, contoured pavements and unobstructed sidewalks. l elderly people can benefit from public transit that is easy to board, places to sit down outdoors and escalators or lifts instead of stairs. l for homeless people, shelters and soup kitchens can offer short-term help. l deaf people can benefit from written notices and a greater awareness of sign language. step 4 pide the class into pairs. ask students to read amy and daniel’s conversation in part b. then ask them to talk about the people in part a and how their lives might be made easier. less able students can use amy and daniel’s conversation as a model and replace the underlined words with their own ideas. more able students can create their own conversations. step 5. give ss a few minutes to practice their conversation. remind them that they should practice as much as they can. then ask some pairs to act out their conversation.   exercise1. write out the words with the meanings of the sentences and the first letters. 1) a b________ person: when he is in the street, others help him cross the road. 2) a p________ person: when i met him, i have him some food and clothes. that made him feel warm. 3) a d________ person: when i met them, i tried to understand them by their gestures(手势) and gave them help. 4) a d________ person: when i met him, i helped to push his wheelchair(轮椅) and helped him go upstairs. 5) a h________ person: when i met him, i took him to a refugee(收容所) and helped him to find a home. 6) an e________ person: when i met her on the bus, i gave my seat to her at once. 2. complete the sentences according to the chinese given. 1) we can help blind people ________________________________(过马路). 2) we can help deaf people ________________________________(学好英语). 3) we can __________________________(好好照顾他们) when homeless people are ill. 4) we can ____________________(给他们让座) when we see elderly people on the bus. 5) we can _______________________ (为他们募捐钱) when poor people need our help. 6) we can ___________________________ (向他们伸出援助之手) when disabled people want to climb up the steps.   the third periodteaching aims: 1. recognize and understand information presented in a newspaper article. 2. understand related details and information 3. infer general meaning from picture, title and context 4. identify specific meaning in different context 5. check understanding by completing a conversation teaching procedures: part a: step1 ask ss whether they enjoy walking through country park or in the open air. step2 t writes "oxfam" and "oxfam trailer" on the blackboard. ask ss what they know about "oxfam trailer" or whether they have heard of it before or whether they have participated in any other charity events. talk about "oxfam trailer" and explain why they do in this way. step 3 listen to the tape about the reading for the first time, and then ss read the text in pairs for the second time. step 4 ask ss some questions to check their understanding and encourage ss to think more about the topic. step 5 ask some ss to read the passage for further understanding and discuss the main idea of each paragraph with one sentence. step 6 ask ss to find out the language points in the passage and analyze them. part b: step 1 remind ss that the vocabulary listed in part b1 appears in the passage on pages 94 and 95. if ss are not sure what the word means, it may help them to read the word in context on those pages. step 2 tell ss to work on their own to complete part b1. step 3 ask four ss to each read out one word and its definition. repeat the answers and tell ss to check their own answers. step 4 explain the context for part b2, tell ss to read the passage on pages 94 and 95 to find a corresponding word or phrase to replace the underlined ones.step 5 ask ss to complete part b2 on their own.step 6 ask students to read out the conversation, replacing the underlined words with the correct words/phrases from the reading passage. part c: step1. explain the context of part c1 and ask ss to read the headings. step2. read out the headings, ask ss to call out the paragraph numbers and check as a class. step3. explain the context of part c2. tell ss to read the passage in part a on page 94 and 95 again. step4. ss use the information in the passage to complete the conversation on their own. step5. when sts. have finished partc2, ask volunteers to read out the conversation. assignment: finish the exercises about reading in workbooks.exercises ⅰ根据句意和首字母完成各单词1. trailwalker has been one of hong kong’s biggest f________ events. 2. it is very important to r__________ money for the poor people in southeast asia. 3. our monitor has been asked to g___________ us into a tem of eleven to play football against class seven. 4. before liberation, jack lived a very tough life. he often worked days and nights w__________ sleep. 5. every year our school provides many excellent chances for students to learn team s___________.  ⅱ请用下列括号中的词或词组的适当形式填空group…into… in need finish walking carry…with… without sleep
  1. now let’s ___________ ourselves _________ a team of four and play games. 2. kate worked two days and nights _________ for the exams. 3. the disabled people are required to _________ ten miles within fifteen minutes. 4. on rainy days we had better __________ raincoats ____________ ourselves. 5. we should do something to help the people __________ in the southeast asia.  ⅲ根据课文内容回答下列问题1. what is trailwalker? ______________________________________________________ 2. who organized trailwalker? ______________________________________________________ 3. how far does the charity have to go? ______________________________________________________ 4. is it a good chance to learn team spirit? ______________________________________________________ 5. they don’t need to plan everything together, do they? ______________________________________________________ 6. what should you plan to do during the walk?
  ______________________________________________________  ⅳ用所给词的适当形式填空1. in the old days wood ___________(use) for cooking and keeping warm. 2. it is necessary that you start _____________(train) a few months before the walk. 3. trailwalker ____________(be) one of hong kong’s biggest fund-raising events since 1981. 4. can you finish __________(read) the book within three days?
  the text _________(it) is not easy, but it is interesting and educational. 5. it is an excellent chance for people __________(learn) team spirit.  ⅴ翻译下列句子1. 看不起穷人是不对的。  ____________________________________________________________ 2. 对我们来讲,按时完成作业是很重要的。  ____________________________________________________________ 3. 团队精神在我们工作中是必要的。  _____________________________________________________________ 4. 周末去爬山真是好极了。  _____________________________________________________________
