

  仁爱英语七年级unit 1 topic 3学案
  unit 1 topic 2
  how old
  what class
  in class four
  english name
  in the same school
  look atin grade eight
  1. what’s your phone number?
  my phone number is …
  2. how old are you?
  i’m eleven/twelve/ thirteen…
  3. what’s your english name?
  my english name is tom.
  4. who’s that? that’s nancy.
  ( who’s= who is that’s=that is.)
  5. what class are you in?
  i’m in class four, grade seven.
  6.what grade is she in? she is in grade eight.
  7. what’s this in english?
  it’s an orange.
  8. how do you spell it?
  o-r-a-n-g-e, orange.
  9. thank you. (=thanks. many thanks.)
  that’s ok. (=you are welcome.)
  10. what’s that in english?
  it’s a car/a pen/a pencil…
  11. is this /that a / an ...?
  yes, it is. / no, it isn’t.
  12.are these/ those ...?
  yes, they are. /no, they aren’t. 【重要语法】
  ①.一般规则:a.直接加"s"; b.以"s"、"x"、"ch"、"sh"结尾加"es";
  c.以辅音字母加"y"结尾,把"y"变"i"加"es"﹙roof roofs除外﹚;
  a.单复数不一致:child---children man---men woman---women mouse---mice
  tooth---teeth foot---feet
  b.单复数一致:chinese---chinese japanese---japanese deer--- deer sheep--- sheep
  c.只有复数形式:people trousers clothes glasses﹙眼镜﹚
  3.指示代词:单数this, that ;复数 these, those。
  注意:its易与it’s混淆。it’s是it is的缩略式,意思是"它是",用时要注意以下:
  ⑴在句首时it’s 和it is 两者可以通用。
  如:it’s(it is) a pen.它是一只钢笔。
  that is a car. it’s an english car.那是一辆车,它是一辆英国车。
  ⑵作肯定回答时,在yes之后只能用it is,而不能用it’s。
  如:is this a pen? 这是只钢笔吗? yes, it is. 是的,它是。
  2.what’s this ?
  用英语询问某东西是什么时,常用该句型。句中this指代"这个东西"。回答时用it代替this,以避免重复。what is …?,what引出人、物的特殊疑问句,常用于以下情况中:不知某物为何物时;对某物分辨不清时;让别人猜测某物为何物时。回答时不用yes和no,应用it is…和it’s…直接答出事实。
  例如:—what’s this? 这是什么?—it’s a ruler.它是一把尺子。
  —what’s this? 这是什么?—it’s a map. 这是一幅地图。
  ( )1. —____ is mary?
  —she is five.
  a. whob. whatc. howd. how old
  分析:d 本题考查疑问代词,根据答语可知问年龄, 故选d。
  ( )2. —what are these?
  —____ are desks.
  a. thisb. thosec. theyd. it
  分析:c 指示代词this/that, these/those在问句中指代物体时, 其答语分别用it, they代替, 故选c。
  ( )3. —who’s that, kangkang?
  —____ mary.
  a. that’sb. itc. he’s d. they’re
  分析:a this和that充当主语用于问句询问是谁, 回答仍用this, that;当知道所问对象的性别时也可用she/he is ... 回答, 故选a。
  ( )4. —what class are you in?
  —i’m ____.
  a. in class 3, grade 7b. in class 3, grade 7
  c. class 3, grade 7d. class 3, grade 7
  分析:b class, grade后接数词作专有名词时, 单词首字母要大写, 同时在某年级某班要用介词in, 故选b。
  ( )5. —are those books?
  —yes, ____.
  a. they areb. they aren’tc. those ared. those aren’t
  分析:a 本题考查一般疑问句的肯定回答, 同时those作代词指物时, 回答要用they代替,故选a。
  ( )6. —what’s this ____ english?
  —it’s ____ egg.
  a. to; ab. to; anc. in; and. in; a
  分析:c in english是习惯用语, in+语言表示"用某种语言"。egg是以元音音素开头, 应该用an, 故选c。
  ( )7. —is that an orange?
  —____. it’s an apple.
  a. yesb. noc. it isd. it isn’t
  分析:b 一般疑问句的答语必须用yes或no先作出判断。根据答语中it’s an apple, 可知此题应为否定, 故选b。
  ( )8. —what’s ____ over there(在那边)?
  —it’s a bus.
  a. theseb. thosec. thisd. that
  分析:d this, these指代近处的人或物,that, those指代远处的人或物;this, that是单数,these, those是复数, 由问句中over there和答语, 可知选d。
  ( )9. —____ do you spell your name?
  —t-i-n-a, tina.
  a. whatb. howc. whod. where
  分析:b 本题考查疑问代词, 由答语可知询问"怎样拼写",故选b。
  ( )10. my mom is ____ teacher. she’s ____ english teacher.
  a. a; anb. a; ac. an; ad. an; an
  分析:a 本题考查a, an的用法。a用于辅音音素前, an用于元音音素前。teacher是以辅音音素开头, english是以元音音素开头, 故选a。
  ( )1. —____ is he?
  —he is my friend.
  a. whatb. wherec. whod. how
  ( )2. mary and joy are ____ class one.
  they are ____ the u.s.a.
  a. from; inb. in; fromc. to; fromd. in; to
  ( )3. —____
  —yes, i’m mike.
  a. what’s your name?b. what are you?c. how are you?d. are you mike?
  ( )4. —is this ____ car?
  —yes, it’s ____ english car.
  a. a; anb. a; ac. an; and. an; a
  ( )5. —what are those?
  —____ are cakes.
  a. thatb. thesec. itd. they
  ( )6. —what’s that ____ english?
  —it’s a desk.
  a. fromb. toc. ind. /
  ( )7. —____ is she?
  —she’s ten.
  a. how oldb. howc. whered. what
  ( )8. —is her name kate?
  a. yes, she is.b. no, she isn’t.c. yes, it’s.d. no, it isn’t.
  ( )9. i’m in class 4. are you in class 4, ____?
  a. pleaseb. tooc. andd. excuse
  ( )10. this is my teacher, miss chen. ____ is from hebei.
  a. sheb. hec. herd. his
  ( )11. linda is fifteen ____ old.
  a. a yearb. the yearc. yearsd. year
  ( )12. —welcome to our school.
  a. ok.b. thanks.c. excuse me.d. hello.
  ( )13. —thank you.
  a. you’re welcome.b. that’s ok.c. thanks.d. a and b.
  ( )14. 当你被介绍认识某人后, 你应该说: "____"。
  a. good morning!b. thank you!
  c. nice to meet you!d. how are you?
  ( )15. 当别人称赞你时, 你应该说: "____"。
  a. thanks.b. good.c. yes.d. no.
  a. 从ⅱ栏中选出ⅰ栏各句子的应答语
  ( )16. where is he from?a. no. i’m mr. wang.
  ( )17. what’s his name?b. that’s ok.
  ( )18. what class are you in?c. canada.
  ( )19. are you mr. li?d. he’s li dawei.
  ( )20. thank you.e. class eight, grade seven.
  b. 从方框中选出适当的句子补全对话,有两项多余
  a: excuse me, are you amy?
  b: yes, i am. 21
  a: my name is tom. nice to meet you.
  a. how are you?
  b. and you?
  c. what’s your name?
  d. nice to meet you, too.
  e. i’m in class two, grade one.
  f. ok.
  g. are you from england, too?
  b: 22 where are you from?
  a: i’m from england. 23
  b: no. i’m from the u.s.a.
  a: how old are you?
  b: i’m twelve. 24
  a: i’m eleven. what class are you in?
  b: 25
  a: oh. we are in the same class. goodbye!
  b: bye!
  hello! 26 name is li ying. i’m twelve. i’m from kunming. now i’m in beijing no.14 high school. i’m 27 class five, grade one. i’m number 4. miss gao 28 my english teacher. she is 29 old teacher. i have(有) a pen, a ruler and two 30 in my pencil-box(文具盒). liu ping is in grade one, too. she is 31 guangzhou. she is my good
  32 . we are in 33 same class. now she 34 at school. i think(认为) she is at home(在家). look(看)!that is a 35 , but it is not my book.
  ( )26. a. ib. myc. yourd. me
  ( )27. a. fromb. toc. notd. in
  ( )28. a. isb. arec. amd. be
  ( )29. a. ab. anc. goodd. /
  ( )30. a. busesb. desksc. schoolbagsd. pencils
  ( )31. a. inb. toc. fromd. but
  ( )32. a. friendb. teacherc. studentd. mom
  ( )33. a. theseb. thec. and. a
  ( )34. a. isb. isn’tc. ared. aren’t
  ( )35. a. eraserb. rulerc. pend. book
  a: good morning!
  b: good morning! what’s your name, please?
  a: my name is kitty. and you?
  b: i’m peter.
  a: nice to meet you!
  b: nice to meet you, too. what class are you in?
  a: i’m in class 4, grade 2. what class are you in, peter?
  b: i’m in class 3, grade 1.
  a: how old are you?
  b: i’m eleven. and how old are you?
  a: i’m twelve. who is your english teacher?
  b: mr. king.
  a: oh. he’s my english teacher, too.
  ( )36. kitty is in class 4, grade 1.
  ( )37. peter is 11.
  ( )38. their (他们的) english teacher is mr.
  ( )39. peter and kitty are in the same grade.
  ( )40. peter and kitty are old friends.
  zhong nan40beijing8876-5342
  gao ming13shanghai5673-6981
  ( )41. gao ming is from ____.
  a. the u.s.a.b. japanc. chinad. canada
  ( )42. martin is ____.
  a. chinese(中国人)b. japanese(日本人)c. american(美国人)d. english
  ( )43. is zhong nan from china?
  a. no, he is.b. no, he isn’t.c. yes, he is.d. yes, it is.
  ( )44. how old is zhong nan?
  a. 8876-5342b. 13c. 28d. 40
  ( )45. his telephone number is 5673-6981. who is he?
  a. he is martin.b. he is zhong nan.c. he is gao ming.d. he is 40.
  look at (看) li ming. he is from guangzhou. he is thirteen years old. now he is in guangzhou yuying junior high school. he is in class five, grade eight. his telephone number is (020)7868-9688. li ming and sally are friends. they are in the same class, but not the same age. she is twelve. she’s from canada. now sally and her mom are in the same school. her mom is a good teacher. li ming and sally are good friends.
  根据短文内容, 回答下列问题。
  46. where is sally from? ______________________________
  47. is sally thirteen years old? ______________________________
  48. how old is li ming? ______________________________
  49. are li ming and sally good friends? ______________________________
  50. where are li ming and sally now? ______________________________
  a. 根据句意及首字母提示填词。
  1. —how do you s____ it? —c-a-r, car.
  2. —what are those i____ english? —they’re schoolbags.
  3. —what’s your t____ number? —it’s (010)8635-0908.
  4. bob is english. he is from e____.
  5. h____ name is julia. she is from the u.s.a.
  6. ____(that) are apples. 7. michael and i ____(be) good friends.
  8. they are four ____(box). 9. i’m in no.1 high ____(school).
  10. excuse ____(i), where are you from?
  11. this is an orange.(改为复数句) ____ ____ oranges.
  12. are you from china?(作肯定回答) ____, i ____.
  13. i’m li hua.(同义句转换) ____ ____ is li hua.
  14. these are desks in english.(对画线部分提问) ____ ____ these in english?
  15. i am in grade seven.(改为一般疑问句) ____ ____ in grade seven?
  根据表格的信息用英语写一段话, 介绍你和你的朋友lily的情况。不少于50词。
  nameagefromclassgradetelephone number
  wang ming
  ⅰ.1__5. cbdad 6__10cadba 11__15cbdca
  ⅱ. a. 16. c 17. d 18. e 19. a 20. b
  b. 21. c 22. d 23. g 24. b 25. e
  ⅲ.26__30. bdabd 31__35cabbd
  ⅳ.(a) 36__40. fttff
  (c) 46. she’s from canada. 47. no, she isn’t. 48. he’s thirteen(years old).
  49. yes, they are. 50. they’re in guangzhou yuying junior high school.
  ⅴ.a. 1. spell 2. in 3. telephone 4. england 5. her
  b. 6. those 7. are 8. boxes 9. school 10. me
  ⅵ.11.these are 12.yes; am 13.my name 14.what are 15.are you
  my name is wang ming. i am from beijing. i’m twelve years old. i am in class three, grade seven. my telephone number is(010)8756-4321. lily is my good friend. she is from england. she is eleven years old. she is in class four, grade seven. her telephone number is (010)8769-5419.
