

  m7 unit1 reading: living with technology
  (the first class)
  enable the students to grasp key words, phrases and sentences both orally and in written form
  1.to learn the usage of important words and phrases
  2.practice the new words and phrases by exercises
  3.review and practice typical sentences and grammar
  1. it 的用法
  2. apply 的具体用法
  【词汇扫雷】 写出下列单词的汉语意思。
  1. superior _________2. consumer _______3. signal ________4. patent _______
  5. apply ______6. portable ______7. compact ______8. demand _____
  9. corporation _____10. questionnaire _____ 11. electric ______12. launch _____
  【句型点击】 朗读和翻译下列句型,并找出自己认为重要的其它句型。
  1.some consider digital tv to be superior to satellite tv because it allows the same services to be delivered with clearer pictures than before.
  2. it all began in 1877 when thomas edison made the first recording of a human voice.
  3. they bought the patent and applied the technology to create the transistor radio.
  4. in the following years, more cd recordings became available, and in 1988, for the first time ever, people were demanding more cds than lps.
  5. development of mp3 technology started in 1987 in germany and since the beginning of 1999, the popularity of mp3 has increased to such a degree that major corporations are taking over the portable music player market with mp3 players.
  1.because of this, it is still uncertain who invented tv.
  it took more than two decades, though, until 1951, for colour broadcasts to begin in the usa.
  常见的以it 做形式主语:
  <1> it + be+adj.+ that主语从句
  it is important/ necessary/ strange that …
  <2> it + be+ n.+主语从句
  it is a good idea that we ask him to come here.
  <3> it+ be+ v-ed(said/ believed/ hoped/ supposed/ reported/ thought)+ 主语从句
  = sb/sthbe + v-ed to do
  it is said that they are very good.= they are said to be very good.
  it is likely/ certain that he will be late.= he is likely/ certain to be late.
  <4> it+ vi(happen/ occur/ seem)+ that主语从句
  it happened that she wasn’t in that day. it seems that you’re right.
  the foreign minister said, ‘___ our hope that the two sides will work towards peace.’
  a. this isb. there isc. that isd. it is
  2. they bought the patent and applied the technology to create the transistor radio.
  apply vi.申请,适用于; vt.应用,使用,实施
  拓展:apply (to …) for 向…申请
  apply to适用于
  apply … to …把…运用于…
  apply oneself to …专心从事,埋头于
  1. 他向学校申请休学._______________________________________________________
  2. 这条规则并不是在每种情况下都能适用._______________________________________
  1. words ________________________________________________________________
  2. phrases________________________________________________________________
  3. sentences ____________________________________________________________
  4. grammar_______________________________________________________________
  1. our club is open to adults only. ____ your children have entered without permission.
  a. there seems thatb. it seems to be
  c. there seems to bed. it seems that
  2. ______seemed to be no one but me in the room when the fire broke out.
  a. thereb. itc. whatd. that
  3. he can not ____ shakespeare as a writer of tragedies.
  a. compareb. equalc. match withd. agree
  4. premier wen jiabao visited the red square ____ by russian president putin.
  a. accompanyingb. accompaniedc. attendingd. attended
  5. their demand is that their wages ____ increased by 20%.
  a. beb. shouldc. will bed. must be
  6. his long service with company was _____ with a present.
  a. admittedb. acknowledgedc. attributedd. accepted
  7. books are the most important records ____ we keep ____ man’s thoughts, ideas and defeats.
  a. /; ofb. which; onc. that; awayd. in; touch with
  8. i realized strength and courage aren’t always ____ in medals and victories, but in the struggles we overcome.
  a. measuredb. praisedc. testedd. increased
  9. what do the five olympic rings _____?
  a. stand byb. stand upc. stand ford. stand off
  10. – can i speak to mr. wang, please?
  - _________.
  a. who are you?b. i’m wang.
  c. speakingd. are you john?
  m7 unit 1 reading: language points
  (the second class)
  1.review the usage of important words and phrases
  2.practice the new words and phrases by exercises
  1. with 的用法
  2. demand的具体用法
  1. 复习重点句子
  2. 复习it 的用法
  1. with interactive tv programming, you can play along with game shows, respond to questionnaires and chat to other viewers.
  with + 宾语+ adj./ adv./ prep-phraseto do/ doing/ done
  with school __________, we all went home. (放学了)
  the teacher entered the classroom, with a book _______________. (手里拿着书)
  with the key _________(lose),he had to wait outside the door.
  with so many friends ____________(support)us, we are sure to make it ahead of time.
  2. in the following years, more cd recordings became available, and in 1988, for the first time ever, people were demanding more cds than lps.
  demandvi.询问;vt. 要求,需要;n.要求,需要,所要求的事物
  拓展:demand sth(一般来说当人做主语,表示主观要求;物做主语表客观需要)
  demand sth from/of sb向某人要求某物
  demand to do
  demand thatsb (should) do
  我要求你立即答复. ______________________________________________________________
  回顾:除demand 外,还有那些词后接从句用(should) do形式
  the headmaster ____ all the teachers not smoke in the office.
  a. toldb. announcedc. calledd. demanded
  1. words ________________________________________________________________
  3. sentences _____________________________________________________________
  一: 根据汉语提示,完成句子。
  1.in my opinion, trousers made by hand __________ ________ _________ those made by machines.在我看来,手工制作的裤子要比机器加工的好.
  2.yesterday, we ______ _______ _______ _______ ________ given by three experienced teachers. 昨天,我们对三位经验丰富的教师的讲课进行了录制.
  3.____________ ___________ ___________ __________ _____________hot in august there.八月份那里的天气很可能会热.
  4.this kind of paint can ________ _________ _________ all kinds of weather.
  5. on the whole, women are not _________ ________ men in physical strength.
  二. 根据句子意思以及所给中文或首字母提示,写出单词的正确形式。
  1. john has decided to a____________ me on my trip to india.
  2. this medicine can g_______________ you a good sleep.
  3. the stream w______________ its way across the field.
  4. the match will show who is the s____________ player.
  5. there are a v____________ of goods to choose from in the supermarket.
  6. the concert will be ________________(广播)live tomorrow evening.
  7. all letters will be answered __________________(亲自).
  8. are you ________________(熟悉)with the computer software they use?
  9. he is widely _________________(认可)as the best player in the world.
  10. biggest doesn’t ________________(必定)mean best.
