

  unit1 where’s your pen pal from? (ok)
  1. --你的笔友来自哪里? -- where is your pen pal from? (无"实义动词come, 用is/are")
  --他来自加拿大。-- he/she is from canada.
  同义句:-- where does your pen pal come from? (有"实义动词come, 用do/does")
  -- he/she comes from canada.
  来自:be from = come from
  练:they’re _______ australia, a beautiful country.
  a. come from b. comes from c. from d. for
  2. --你的笔友来自加拿大吗?-- is your pen pal from canada? (用法同上)
  --是的。-- yes, he/she is.
  同义句:-- does your pen pal come from canada? (用法同上) -- yes, he/she does.
  3. 他来自澳大利亚:he is from australia. 他是澳大利亚人:he is australian.
  4. --你的笔友住在哪里?-- where does your pen pal live?
  --他住在多伦多。-- he/she lives in toronto.
  居住在某地:live in sp xkb1.com
  练:-- when _____ the girl _____ her homework? -- in the evening.
  a. does, does b. does, do c. is, do d. is, does
  -- _______ your sister have a pen pal? yes, she _______.
  a. is, is b. does, do c. can, can d. does, does
  -- ling tao is a chinese, but now he _______ in the uk.
  a. live b. is c. is from d. comes from
  5. --你的笔友说什么语言?-- what language does your pen pal speak?
  --他说英语。-- he/she speaks english.
  说某种语言:speak+语言; 其他用法:speak a little+语言;speak in+语言;
  用某种语言说某东西:say sth in+语言;
  对某人说:say to sb 告诉某人:tell sb
  练:my new pen pal ________ me that he can ________ chinese but only a little.
  i can’t ________ french, but i can ________ it in english.
  6. 我喜欢和我的朋友一起去看电影:i like going to the movies with my friends.
  ① 句型:喜欢做某事:like doing sth = like to do sth
  ② 去看电影:go to the movies ③ 看电影:see a movie
  7. 写信给某人:write to sb = write a letter to sb
  互相写信:write to each other 互相写电子邮件:write e-mails to each other
  8. 一部动作电影:an action movie
  9. 告诉我关于你自己:tell me about yourself
  讲故事:tell a story 讲故事给某人听:tell a story to sb
  10. 在周末:on weekends 在平时:on the weekdays
  11. 相似单词比较:(1) 信:letter 一点:little (2) 法国:france 法语:french
  12. (1) like v. 喜欢; 如:he likes reading.
  (2) like prep. 像; 如:he looks like his mother.
  13. (1) country n. 国家; 如:there are many countries in the world.
  (2) country n. 乡村;如:乡村音乐:country music he lives in the country.
  14. (1) from perp. 来自; 如:my pen pal is from canada.
  (2) from prep. 从; 如:let’s read from the beginning of this book.
  unit2 where’s the post office? (ok)
  1. 问路:(1) excuse me, how can i get to the post office?
  (2) excuse me, can you tell me the way to the post office?
  2. --这儿附近有一个邮局吗?-- is there a post office near here?
  --是的。-- yes, there is. (否定:no, there isn’t.)
  ① there be翻译为"有",不能拆开翻译。
  用法:there is+单数/不可数;there are+复数;
  ② 在附近:near here = in the neighborhood
  3. –邮局在哪里?-- where is the post office?
  --它在第五大街上。-- it’s on fifth avenue. (第五:用序数词fifth)
  4. 它在沿大桥街右侧:it’s down bridge street on the right.
  沿…街左侧:down…street on the left
  5. 散步通过花园:take a walk through the park. (指"穿过park的内部")
  6. 在宾馆旁边是一间有着漂亮花园的小房子:
  next to the hotel is a small house with a beautiful garden. (不能用has)
  7. 我爸爸很享受散步的乐趣:my father enjoys taking a walk very much.
  ① 句型:享受做某事的乐趣:enjoy doing sth
  ② 散步:take a walk 去散步:go for a walk
  ③ 走着去某地:walk to sp = go to sp on foot
  8. 这是花园之旅的开始:this is the beginning of the garden.
  ① 开始,开端:beginning 如:let’s read from the beginning of this book.
  ② 在…的开端:at the beginning of…
  9. 大桥街是一个很好玩的地方:bridge street is a good place to have fun.
  10. 让我告诉你去我家的路:let me tell you the way to my house.
  ① 去某地的路:the way to sp.
  ② 在某人去某地的路上:on one’s way to sp. home, there, here前的介词"to"要省略
  ③ 做某事的好方法:a good way to do sth
  11. 比较:(表示"位置")在…前面:in front of… 在…后面:behind…
  (表示"时间")在…之前:before… 在…之后:after…
  比较:(1) in front of…在(外部)的前面; 如:there is a big tree in front of my house.
  (2) in the front of…在(内部)的前面; 如:the teacher is in the front of classroom.
  12. 在左边/右边:on the left/right.
  在…左边/右边:on the left/right of…
  13. 笔直走:go straight 沿着…街(路)走:go down…street/road
  (两者合并)沿着…街(路)笔直走:go straight down…street/road
  14. 向左转:turn left 向右转:turn right 掉头:turn around
  15. 玩得(很)高兴:have a good time = have (great) fun
  句型:很高兴做某事:have (great) fun doing sth
  16. 打的:take a taxi 打的去某地:take a taxi to sp = go to sp by taxi
  乘公交车:take a bus 乘公交车去某地:take a bus to sp = go to sp by bus
  17. 我希望你过一个愉快的旅途:i hope you have a good trip.
  对于别人的赞美与祝愿,回答用"thanks, thank you"来表示"感谢"
  18. 到达某地方:(1) arrive in+大地方; arrive at+小地方;
  (2) arrive单独使用;如:when he arrives, the class is over.
  (3) get to+地方;到家:get home 到达那里:get there 到达这里:get here
  19. 穿过:(1) 从表面穿过:across 穿过马路:walk acorss the road
  (2) 从内部穿过:through 穿过公园:walk through the park
  20. 在…上面:(1) on (指"表面接触") 如:there is a book on the desk.
  (2) over (指"表面不接触",悬空) 如:there is a bridge over the river.
  21. 不定冠词a/an与定冠词the的选择使用——看"翻译"。
  (1) 翻译为"一…",用a/an;xkb1.com
  (2) 翻译为"这…"或"不需要翻译",用the;
  如:(1) there is ______ old man next to ______ post office.
  (2) – do you know ______ london? -- of course. it’s in _____ united kingdom.
  22. (1) straight adv. 笔直地; 如:go down straight and turn left.
  (2) straight adj. 直的; 如:he has short straight black hair.
  23. (1) turn v. 转弯; 如:向后转:turn around.
  (2) turn n. 轮到某人的一次机会; 如:it’s your turn to tell a story.
  24. (1) left n. 左边; 如:turn left.
  (2) left v. 离开leave的过去式; 如:he left home early yesterday.
  25. (1) right n. 右边; 如:the post office is on your right.
  (2) right adj. 正确的; 如:which one is right?
  26. (1) down adv. 向下; 如:sit down, please.
  (2) down prep. 沿着; 如:the post office is down bridge street on the right.
  27. (1) open v. 打开; 如: the shop opens at seven o’clock am.
  (2) open adj. 开着的;营业中的; 如:the shop is open for 24 hours a day.
  28. (1) clean v. 打扫; 如:we clean the classroom every day.
  (2) clean adj. 干净的; 如:our classroom is very clean.
  29. (1) if 如果; 如:if you are hungry, you can buy some food in the supermarket.
  (2) if 是否; 如:i don’t know if he will come.
  30. (1) visit v. 参观,访问;
  (2) visit v. 看望,拜访;
  unit3 why do you like koalas? (ok)
  1. –让我们先去看考拉。-- let’s see the koalas first. (first翻译为"首先")
  –你为什么最喜欢考拉?-- why do you like koalas best? (best翻译为"最")
  --因为它们很可爱。-- because they are very cute.
  句型:让某人做某事:let sb do sth
  2. –你为什么不喜欢老虎?-- why don’t you like tigers?
  --因为它们有点吓人。-- because they are kind of scary.
  ① 在此处,表示"不",只要在do后加not即可。
  ② 有点…:kind of+形容词 = a little+形容词
  3. 你还喜欢别的什么动物? what other animals do you like? (后有animals, other不加s)
  你喜欢和别的年轻人工作吗? do you like to work with other young people?
  this isn’t my sweater. it’s __________ (you).
  are all these children __________ (you)?
  4. 他是一个8岁的男孩:he is an 8-year-old boy. (后有名词boy, 用连字符,year用原形)
  他8岁:he is 8 years old. (后无名词boy, 不用连字符,岁数大于1,year变复数)
  5. 请保持安静:please be quiet. = please keep quiet. (keep译为"保持",= be)
  6. 他每天通常睡和放松20个小时:he usually sleeps and relaxes 20 hours every day.
  每天:every day (要分开) 连在一起的everyday翻译为"日常的",是个形容词。
  7. 和某人玩:play with sb (倒翻) xkb1.com
  8. 在白天:during the day = in the day 在此处,during = in
  9. 在晚上:at night = in the evening 在上学的晚上/白天:on school nights/days
  10. 吃草:eat grass 吃叶子:eat leaves (leaf的复数形式) 吃肉:eat meat
  11. 相似单词比较:(1) 草:grass (不可数,无复数) (2) 玻璃:glass 复数:glasses 眼镜
  12. 汉语:因为…,所以… 英语:because…, so… (不能同时出现在一个句子中)
  汉语:虽然…,但是… 英语:though…, but… (只能使用其中一个)
  如:_______ tom is tired, _______ he wants to have a food rest.
  a. because, so b. though, but c. /, so d. /, but
  13. (1) first num. 第一; 如:sunday is the first day of a week.
  (2) first adv. 首先;首先:at first 如:let’s see the koalas first.
  14. (1) best adv. 最; 如:why do you like koalas best?
  (2) best adj. 最好的; 如:who do you think is the best teacher in your class?
  15. (1) very adv. 非常(放在形容词前); 如:the koalas are very cute.
  (2) very much 非常(放在动词后); 如:thank you very much.
  16. (1) kind(s) of n. 种类; 如:there are many kinds of anmals in the zoo.
  what kind of noodles would you like?
  (2) kind of = a little adv. 有点;(无形式变化) 如:he is kind of lazy.
  (3) kind adj. 和蔼的,友善的; 如:it’s kind of you to help me with my english.
  17. 树叶:leaf 复数:leaves 变化规则:去f加ves;
  18. 小偷:thief 复数:thieves 变化规则:去f加ves.
  unit4 i want to be an actor.
  1. –你是干什么的?-- what do you do? --我是一名医生。-- i’m a doctor.
  询问"职业"的另两种问法:① what’s your job?
  ② what are you?
  2. –你在哪里工作?-- where do you work? --我在医院工作。-- i work in a hospital.
  3. –你长大时想成为什么?-- what do you want to be when you grow up?
  --我想成为一名演员。-- i want to be an actor because it’s interesting.
  练:-- what do you want to _______, susan? -- a reporter. (082七下期末考)
  a. be b. do c. have d. make
  4. 人们把他们的钱给我或者从我这里拿走他们的钱:
  people give me their money or get their money from me.
  词组:把某东西给某人:give sb sth = give sth to sb
  词组:从某人处得到某东西:get sth from sb
  5. 我们有一份当服务员的工作给你: we have a job for you as a waiter.
  6. 你想为杂志社写故事吗? do you want to write stories for a magazine?
  7. 你想参加学校戏剧吗? do you want to be in the school play?
  此处的be in意思是"参加",等于join。
  8. 我们是一所专为5到12的儿童开设的国际学校:
  we are an international school for children of 5-12.
  9. 我们想要一个体育老师教足球:we want a p.e. teacher to teach soccer.
  句型:想要某人做某事:want sb to do sth
  10. 我们从星期一到星期五上学:we go to school from monday to friday.
  11. 工作很迟:work late 努力工作:work hard 努力学习:study hard
  12. 穿制服:wear a uniform 穿校服:wear a school uniform
  13. 打某人的电话:call sb at+telephone number
  14. 与某人讲话(单方面):talk to sbxkb1.com
  与某人讲话(互相):talk with sb who are you talking with?
  谈论某事:talk about sth what are you talking about?
  15. "有定冠词"与"没有定冠词"的区别:
  (1) 去上学:go to school 去学校:go to the school
  (2) 住院:in hospital 在医院里:in the hospital
  16. 句型:擅长于做某事:be good at doing sth
  17. 关于做题时"名词"加"的"与"代词"加"的":
  (1) 翻译句子,看有"的"与无"的"时句子意思是否通顺。
  (2) 如果需要加"的",则作出相应变化。
  (3) 如何加 ’s ? ① 不以s结尾的加 ’s ; ② 以s结尾的只加 ’ 。
  练:(1) my __________ (grandmother) home is on market street.
  (2) they are the __________ (twin) bedrooms.
  (3) i think they are __________ (他们) friends.
  (4) we are eating dinner at my __________ (grandparent) home.
  (5) please write and tell me about __________ (你) school.
  (6) this office is for __________ (我们) english teacheer.
  18. (1) when adv. 什么时候; 如:when does linda get up every day?
  (2) when adv. 当…时; 如:what do you want to be when you grow up?
  19. (1) or 或者; 如:people give their money to me or get their money from me.
  (2) or 还是; 如:which one do you like, this one or that one?
  20. (1) call v. 打(电话); if you have an idea, please call me.
  (2) call v. 叫; 如:you can call me tom.
  (3) call v. (大声)叫喊; 如:the boy calls, "where is the basketball?"
  21. (1) play v. 玩,打; 如:she likes to play with her friends.
  (2) play n. 戏剧; 如:do you want to be in the school play? (be in = join 参加)
  22. 音乐:music 音乐家:musician
  23. 故事:story 复数:stories 变化规则:去y加ies;
  24. 不规则可数名词变复数:
  (1) 男警察:policeman 复数:policemen
  (2) 女警察:policewoman 复数:policewomen
  (3) 孩子:child 复数:children
  25. 单词辨析:(1) 新闻,消息:news (不可数) (2) 纸:paper (不可数)
  (3) 报纸:newspaper (可数,复数为newspapers)
  unit5 i’m watching tv
  1. 现在进行时的结构:主语+be+ving. (be动词和动词+ing两者缺一不可)
  考题形式:(1) 已知be动词,考后面的动词形式(要加ing);
  (2) 已知后面的动词+ing, 则前面用be动词。
  如:(1) the boy is _________ (run) with his father.
  (2) some children are __________ (lie) on the grass.
  (3) my brother and i are __________ (play) soccer.
  (4) his sister is __________ (read) a book.
  2. --你正在做什么?-- what are you doing? --我正在看电视。-- i’m watching tv.
  3. 那听起来很棒:that sounds great/good.
  4. 谢谢你的信和照片:thanks for your letter and the photos.
  ① 谢谢某东西:thanks for sth
  ② 句型:谢谢做某事:thanks for doing sth
  5. 这是我的一些照片:here are some of my photos. ("一些照片"是"复数",be用are)
  这是我的一张全家福照片:here is a photo of my family. ("一张照片"是"单数",be用is)
  6. 句型:忙于做某事:be busy doing sth
  如:his brother is busy _________ (write) stories in his room.
  7. 表示"活动"的"动词词组" xkb1.com
  ① 做家庭作业:do one’s homework ② 打扫房间:clean the room
  ③ 吃晚饭:eat dinner ④ 打电话:talk on the phone = make a telephone call
  ⑤ 看书/看报/看杂志:read books, read newspapers, read magazines
  ⑥ (学生)上课:have an english class (老师)上课:give an english class
  ⑦ 举行晚会:have an evening party ⑧ 和某人说再见:say goodbye to sb
  8. 在购物中心:at the mall 在游泳池:at the (swimming) pool
  在学校:at school 在体育馆里:in the gym
  9. 在第一张照片中:in the first photo 在第二张照片中:in the second photo
  在下一张照片中:in the next photo 在最后一张照片中:in the last photo
  10. 等汽车:wait for the bus 在汽车站等(某人):wait (for sb) at the bus stop
  11. 我的兄弟和我:my brother and i (要把"我"放在后面)
  12. (身体)好,健康:well = fine 如:-- how is your mother? -- she is _______.
  13. 活动:activity 复数:activities (以辅音字母+y结尾的,去y加ies)
  玩具:toy 复数:toys (以元音字母+y结尾的,直接加s)
  14. (1) 也:also 用于"肯定句的句中";
  (2) 也:too 用于"肯定句的句末,前加逗号";
  (3) 也:either 用于"否定句的句末,前加逗号"。
  15. (1) show n. 节目;如:tv show, sports show, game show, talk show
  (2) show v. 给…看;如:can you show me your family photo? i’ll show you the way.
  (3) show v. 表演;如:can you show us beijing opear?
  unit6 it’s raining!
  1. –今天北京的天气怎么样?-- how’s the weather in beijing today? (无like用how)
  --是晴天。-- it’s sunny. (其他天气:windy, cloudy, sunny=fine=nice)
  同义句:-- what’s the weather like today? (有like用what)
  -- it’s sunny. (其他天气:warm, hot, cool, cold, dry, humid)
  练:we don’t know _______ the weather will be tomorrow.
  a. how b. what c. how’s d. what’s
  2. --你最近过得怎么样?-- how’s it going with you?
  --相当好:pretty good. 很棒:great. 还不错:not bad. 很糟糕:terrible.
  3. (1) 在夏天天是多雨的。it’s rainy in summer. (it后有be动词is, 后面用形容词rainy)
  (2) 在夏天天经常下雨。it often rains in summer. (it后无be动词is, 后面用动词rains)
  (3) 现在正在下雨:it’s raining now. (is和动词ing构成"现在进行时")
  相同用法的词还有snowy, snows.
  练:(1) what do you do when it ______? a. rain b. rainy c. raining d. is rainy
  (2) it’s __________ (rain) heavily in harbin now.
  (3) the radio says it will be __________ (rain) tomorrow.
  (4) – how’s the weather on sunday? -- ________.
  a. it’s rain b. it’s raining c. it’s rains d. it rainy
  4. 谢谢你参加中央电视台"环游世界"节目。
  thank you for joining cctv’s around the world show.
  句型:感谢你做某事:thank you for doing sth
  5. 有许多人正躺在沙滩上:there are many people lying on the beach.
  ① 句型:有某人正在做某事:there be sb doing sth
  ② 躺在沙滩上:lie on the beach (lie加ing的规则:将ie变成y, 再加ing)
  6. 一些正在拍照,另外的正躺在沙滩上。
  some are taking photos, others are lying on the beach.
  (1) 一些…,另一些…(复数):some…, others…
  (2) 一个…,另一个…(单数):one…, the other…
  7. 他们看起来很酷:they look cool. 他看起来很酷:he looks cool.
  8. 电话用语:(1) 你是谁? who’s that? 不能用:who are you?
  (2) 你是某某吗? is that…? 不能用:are you…?
  (3) 是某某在说话吗? is that … speaking? 回答用:yes, it is. / no, it isn’t.
  (4) 我是某某: this is…. 不能用:i’m ….
  (5) 是某某在说话:this is … speaking.
  9. 句型:做完某事:finish doing sth 完成某事:finish sth
  如:he finishes reading a book about science.
  he finishes his homework at home every day.
  10. 句型:为了做某事:in order to do sth 跟在to后面的动词用原形。
  11. 与look有关的词组:
  (1) 看着某人/某东西:look at sb/sth (2) 寻找某人/某东西:look for sb/sth
  (3) 照顾某人/某东西:look after sb/sth (4) 看起来像某人/某东西:look like sb/sth
  (5) 小心:look outxkb1.com
  (6) 朝…外面看:look out of… 如:朝窗外看:look out of the windows
  12. 与"人"有关的形容词+ed 如:relaxed, surprised, interested, excited
  与"物"有关的形容词+ing 如:relaxing, surprising, interesting, exciting
  练:(1) the teacher is __________ (surprise) at the news.
  (2) i’m having a good time and __________ (relax).
  13. 烧饭(总称):cook meals 烧早饭(中饭,晚饭):cook breakfast/lunch/dinner
  14. 在度假:on vacation 度假:have a vacation
  15. 拍照片:(单数) take a photo (复数) take photos
  16. 打沙滩排球:play beach volleyball
  17. 在这种热度下:in this heat
  18. 围围巾:(单数) wear a scarf (复数) wear scarves
  19. (天气)晴朗的:sunny = fine = nice
  如:today is sunny. = today is fine. = today is nice.
  20. 学习:study 三单:studies (以辅音字母+y结尾的,去y加ies)
  海滩:beach 复数:beaches (以s, x, ch, sh结尾的,加es)
