

  unit 1 women of achievement
  exercise 据句意及所给单词首字母或汉语意思完成下列句子.
  1.coming top in such an important exam is quite an a____________.
  2.the ship is in no c_________ to make a long voyage.
  3.their b__________ towards me shows that they do not like me.
  4.he was under o_________ by the police.
  5.we’d better take time and money into c___________ when making the plan.
  6.he is always ______(谦逊的) about his success.
  7.genius is 10% _________(灵感)and 90% perspiration.
  8.the workers are on ________(罢工)for higher pay.
  9.i was _______(资助)by my parents when i was studying at collage.
  10.we have been told to show ______(尊敬)for our elders.
  11.as a student, all her life is ____________(奉献)her students.
  12.this settlement ______________(成立)in 1600.
  13.do you _________ (了解) jack getting arrested?
  14.you need warm clothes to _________ (保护) you against the cold.
  15.i was ___________ (驱逐) the club because of breaking the rule.
  16.the lost child was seen ___________(闲逛)last afternoon.
  17.tom, the top student of our class, thinks studying is a very ________(值得的)work.
  18.with the internet, people can ___________(交流)each other much easier.
  19.he _________(瞧不起)people who’ve never been to university.
  20.i know the writer who ________ ( 打算) work _____ children.
  unit 2 working the land
  exercise 据句意及所给单词首字母或汉语意思完成下列句子.
  1.after a long s_______, he gained control of the business.
  2.our foreign trade has e_________ greatly in recent years.
  3.the girl s________ her mother by cleaning up the kitchen.
  4.as is known to all, coal and iron are m___________.
  5.she r_______ her weight by 5 kilograms.
  6.her unexpected arrangements________(搞乱)all our plans.
  7.after the conference, the secretary passed me a ten-page _______ (纪要,摘要).
  8.the fashion magazine developed a large _________(销售量)quickly.
  9.the two students ________ (相互交流)greetings when they met.
  10.after 10 years in prison, he was given his ________(自由).
  11.they_______(结束)the party with a song "take me to your heart".
  12.it seems that you don’t _________ (在乎) your failure in the examination at all.
  13.the police are __________(寻找)the escaped prisoners.
  14.the baby is hungry but it is too young to ______ (喂养) itself yet.
  15.we want to _______(装备)your children with some special skills.
  16.last night they ____ the dormitory______ mice which made much noise at night.(摆脱)
  17.i don’t hope to leave so soon; i _______(宁愿) stay home a day longer.
  18.it’s no use ________(希望)things you can’t have.
  19.she ________(醒来) a terrible dream when her mother entered the room.
  20.we help _______(互相) with our homework in the summer holiday.
  unit 3 a taste of english humour
  exercise 据句意及所给单词首字母或汉语意思完成下列句子.
  1.man should try to be harmony with nature, and not be c_______ to wildlife.
  2.to my a_________, he did the difficult job well.
  3.could you e_________ the child for an hour, while i make dinner?
  4.he had o________ the difficulties with his english before he went aboard.
  5.i was f_________ to have a good teacher.
  6.don’t be in such a hurry; you’d better eat a few _________(一口,满口)of food before you go shopping.
  7.in fact, china is a_________(多山的)country.
  8.he did the job under my __________(指导).
  9.some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be _______(咀嚼)and digested.
  10.although he failed in the examination again, he knew the success came after many_______(失败).
  11.last night, i happened to _______ (碰见) a chair in the dark.
  12.he used to hope to go abroad, but now he __________(满足,满意)stay his present position.
  13.we should satisfy ourselves with the living conditions----many families are much ______(穷的)than we are.
  14.they were recognized by the _______(贫穷)of their clothing.
  15.the movie ________(以……为背景)pre-war beijing in china.
  16.you’ve been caught cheating, now you must _____ (面对) the music.
  17.her health soon ________( 恢复) after a few day’s rest.
  18._______(代替) the children’s play and adventure, he had a desire to learn.
  19.it’s cruel to ________(玩弄,开玩笑) people who stammer(结巴).
  20.those who’d like to go sign names at the ________(底部) of the page, please.
  unit 4 body language
  1.at the airport, he kissed me goodbye on the c________.
  2.the guest e________ their thanks to the host and hostess when leaving.
  3.the artist asked his model to take a reclining (躺着) p________.
  4.mother told me to b_______ well when we visited relatives.
  5.you say he is easy-going, but i never feel at e________ with him.
  6.we both are not in time; i think there must be some __________ (误会) over the time.
  7.as you ________ (接近) the school the first building you see is the teaching building.
  8.everyone who helped gets a _________ (份额) in the profiles.
  9.the police _______ (注意到) the man entering the bank.
  10.you see i’m a student of art; i’m not very __________(熟悉的) with botanical names.
  11.i ___________( 愿意,准备) lend you the book if you promise to return it on time.
  12.our teacher _________(主修) in mathematics and physics.
  13.following the national news we have got the _______(当地的) news and weather.
  14.the picture _________(描绘,描述) a hunting scene in which there is an ancient king.
  15.i will stay at home this evening; she _____very ______(很可能) ring me tonight.
  16.i think he ________( 回避,躲开) me, because he several times pretends not to see me.
  17.we have ________(相似的) tastes in music.
  18.i heard they ________ (想要,打算) marry, but they haven’t so far.
  19.the teacher _______ (惩罚) the students for their being late by letting them stand outside the classroom.
  20.they have broken the _______ (协议,同意) between us.
  unit 5 theme parks
  1.unlike traditional park, t________ parks often want to teach visitors something.
  2.today many people are experiencing the joy of the a_________ park for the first time.
  3.there’s gas e________ somewhere. can you smell it?
  4.when in conferences, he often leaves for v________ reasons.
  5.they will c________ at least $600 for moving the piano.
  6.the _________(设备) of information technology is expensive indeed.
  7.only a m_______(少数)of students receive(s) the scholarship.
  8.many people would agree that it is one of the most technologically _________(先进的) theme parks in the world after visiting futuroscope on france.
  9.stop looking for the perfect job---it’s just a ________ (幻想).
  10.in science fictions, aliens are _________(生物) from the outer world.
  11.you’d better leave now if you want to _________(弄清楚) of getting there on time.
  12.you are very cool with your family, but with your friends you really ____________(活跃).
  13.what i said about tom ________(对……适用) everyone in our class.
  14.tasmania ___________(以……命名) its discoverer, a.j. tasman.
  15.how many countries will ____________(参加) in the next olympic games, do you know?
  16.the teacher said to bruce that he should come to class on time_________(以后).
  17.don’t _______(卷入) me in solving the troublesome situation.
  18.the architecture (建筑) in the town center is a successful _______(结合) of old and new.
  19.we should __________(准备) any trouble that may happen.
  20.don’t worry, but i will try to _______(分摊,均分) the cost with you.
  unit 1
  1. achievement 2. condition 3. behavior 4. observation 5. consideration
  6. modest 7. inspiration 8. strike 9. supported 10. respect
  11.devoted to 12. was founded 13. know about 14. protect
  15. driven out of 16. wandering off 17. worthwhile 18. communicate with
  19. looks down upon/ on 20. intends for
  unit 2
  1. struggle 2. expanded 3. satisfied 4. minerals 5. reduced
  6. confused 7. summary 8. circulation 9. exchanged 10. freedom
  11. ended 12. care about 13. searching for 14. feed 15. equip
  16. rid of 17. prefer to 18. wishing for 19. awaken from
  20. one another
  unit 3
  1.cruel 2. astonishment 3. entertain 4. overcome 5. fortunate
  6. mouthfuls 7. mountainous 8. direction 9. chewed 10. failures
  11. bump into 12. is content to 13. worse off 14. poverty 15. is set in
  16. face 17. picked up 18. instead of 19. make fun of 20. bottom
  unit 4.
  1. cheek 2. expressed 3. posture 4. behave 5. ease
  6. misunderstanding 7. approach 8. share 9. observed 10. familiar
  11. am prepared to 12. majored 13. local 14. represents 15. is likely to
  16. is avoiding 17. similar 18. intended to 19. punished 20. agreement
  unit 5
  1. theme 2. amusement 3. escaping 4. various 5. charge
  6. equipment 7. minority 8. advanced 9. fantasy 10. creatures
  11. make certain 12. come to life 13. goes for 14. was named after
  15. take part in 16. involve 17. system 18. combination
  19. prepare for/ be prepared for 20. share
  unit 1 women of achievement
  word usage
  1.achieve v: attain or reach a goal through a lot of effort
  eg. you will never achieve anything if you spend your time that way.
  she finally achieved what she wanted.
  eg. the invention of the computer is a great achievement.
  they made great efforts in the achievement of their goals.
  2.condition n:
  a) [c]situation or state that under which person or thing exist
  eg. after the king came to power, the condition of the people became worse.
  my bike is in bad condition. i want to buy a new one.
  our living and working conditions have been improved in the past few years.
  b) [u]the state of general health
  what"s the patient"s condition?
  the old man’s condition is improving.
  3.connection: union or relationship linked by different means
  eg. his connection with the family is slight.
  there’re excellent road and rail connections between the two cities.
  is there a connection between the sun and seasons?
  a)n: organize activity+ for/against/to do
  eg. the city is planning to start a campaign against smoking.
  we started a campaign for money raising for the flood area.
  b)v: hold or join in a campaign
  eg. he hasn"t decided whether to campaign for the position.
  mary is campaigning for equal rights for women.
  5.organization: organizing or organized system
  eg. an army without organization would be useless.
  do you know the organization of the human body?
  he is busy in the organization of the football club.
  6.devote v: give up time or set apart for
  该词通常构成词组devote… to,其中to 为介词,后接名词或代词或动名词.
  eg. he devoted himself to writing.
  he still devotes to the study of chemistry.
  he has devoted all his life to helping the blind.
  7.behave v: act or respond in a specified way
  eg. he behaved like a true gentleman.
  the young lady behaved courageously in the face of danger.
  he behaved badly to the customers.
  eg. his parents were satisfied with his behaviour.
  i don’t like his rude behaviour.
  8.worthwhile adj: rewarding enough to justify the time, money or effort that is spent
  eg. the job is worthwhile.
  it is worthwhile to read the book.
  it is worthwhile to visiting the city.
  区别worthwhile, worthy 及worth 的用法
  be worth sth/doing sth
  be worthy of sth/ being done sth
  be worthwhile to do/doing sth
  be worthy to be done
  eg. the book is worth reading.
  it is worthwhile to read the book.
  the book is worthy of being read.
  9.observe v: watch carefully
  eg. the scientist observed the experiment.
  i observed him stop at the gate.
  eg. they decided to put him under observation.
  a)n: esteem or admiration
  eg. they treated me with respect.
  we show great respect for old man.
  b)v: to have respect for
  eg. he is highly respected by everyone.
  i deeply respected his courage.
  11.argue vi/vt: to express disagreement in words, often with strong feelings.
  eg. i don’t want to argue with you.
  we argued the matter over four hours.
  he argued that she should not go.
  12.inspire v: encourage
  eg. his speech inspired us to try again.
  my parents inspire me to study harder.
  the beautiful scenery inspired the writer.
  a)n: act of supporting
  eg. tom is the chief support of the family.
  we need your support.
  i will support his plan.
  b)v: to provide money , food, etc
  eg. he has a large family to support.
  i can support myself after graduate from university.
  14.communication n: act of communicating
  eg. communication between old and young people is not so difficult as you think.
  mobile phone has become an important means of communication.
  there is little communication between him and his parents.
  15.explain v: make clear or know in detail
  eg. can you explain how the machine operates?
  i was asked to explain the meaning of the sentence.
  explain不能带双宾语, 不能说explain sb sth 而说成explain sth to sb
  eg. please explain this rule to me.
  16. deliver v:
  a) take to an intended receiver
  eg. the mailman delivered the letters.
  he delivered my message to his brother.
  b) utter speech etc
  eg. he delivered an important report at the meeting.
  he delivered his speech successfully.
  17.kindness: quality of being kind
  eg. she always shows kindness to children and animals.
  he helped the man out of kindness.
  thank you for your kindness.
  18.considerate adj: careful not to hurt others
  eg. she is considerate of others.
  he’s always considerate towards old people.
  please be considerate.
  consideration n: thinking that kept in mind
  eg. the matter is under consideration.
  we’ll give your advice careful consideration.
  health is the first consideration.
  19.modest adj: not boasting/ shy
  eg. he’s modest about his success.
  he is a modest man.
  useful expressions
  1.look down on/upon: regard sb or sth inferior to oneself
  eg. she looks down on people who have never been to university.
  he was looked down on because of his poor dress.
  the proud girl looks down on all the other girls in her class.
  2.care for: sympathetic concern
  eg. he cares for nobody.
  his mother cared for his health.
  she is good at caring for patients.
  3 deliver a baby 接生
  eg. she once delivered a baby for a poor family.
  she successfully delivered a baby last night.
  unit 2 working the land
  words usage
  1.hunger n.
  1)need, desire for food
  2)(fig) any strong desire
  eg: in those days, many persons died of hunger.
  he satisfied his hunger with everything he could find.
  the children have a strong hunger for knowledge.
  拓展: hunger to do sth. / hunger for sth
  2. struggle vi.
  1) make great efforts
  2) fight
  eg: he has been struggling for success in business.
  large numbers of people had to struggle on the edge of starvation.
  he has been struggling with/ against illness for many years.
  3.export vt.& n.
  1)vt. send goods to another country for the purpose of trade
  2)n. [c] sth. exported
  eg; japan exports electrical appliances to europe.
  what are the chief exports of your country?
  4.confuse vt.
  1)put into disorder; mix up in the mind
  2)mistake one thing for another
  eg; they asked so many questions that they confused me.
  people were confused by a lot of information.
  i confused her with her sister because they are so alike.
  5.apply vt. & n.
  1)vt. give or provide sth. needed
  2)n. sth. which is supplied
  eg: they supplied him with food.
  i supplied him with food.
  we shall be receiving new supplies of shoes.
  拓展: supply sth. to sb. = supply sb. with sth.
  6. satisfied : be contented
  eg: i was not satisfied with the result.
  i am satisfied of his innocence.
  he was satisfied when he won the race.
  useful phrases:
  1. rid …of : make free
  eg: we try to rid a house of mice.
  2. lead a …life
  eg; they lead a simple life in the remote village.
  3.thanks to sb./sth. : because of sb. / sth
  eg: thanks to your help, we were successful.
  4.with the hope of
  eg: he went to the city with the hope of making much money.
  5. refer to
  1) speak of; apple to
  2) mean
  eg; when i said that some persons were stupid, i was not referring to you.
  what i have to say refers to all of you.
  what does the number refer to?
  6. would rather: prefer to
  eg: i would rather stay at home than go out.
  7. . in some ways : to a certain extent but not entirely
  eg: in some ways, the job is difficult.
  unit 3 a taste of english humour
  1.slide v.
  1)(cause sth to) move or make sth move smoothly along a surface
  2)(cause sth to) move quietly so as not to be noticed
  eg: carefully she slid along the ice.
  they slid out of the room when nobody was looking.
  2. content
  1) adj. satisfied, happy, not wanting more
  2) n. that which is contained in sth.
  eg: she is quite content to stay at home looking after her children.
  are you content with your present salary?
  i like the style of her writing but i don’t like the content.
  3. astonish vt. fill with sudden wonder or amazement
  eg: it will astonish you to hear what i paid for this ring.
  it was such an astonishing performance for such a young musician.
  1)adj. not general or universal
  2)adj. separate and distinct from others of the same group, category, or nature
  eg: she has a particular preference for chinese art.
  we will make an exception in this particular case.
  1)vt. to hold the attention of with something amusing or perting
  2)vt. to hold the attention of with something.
  eg: he entertained friends at dinner.
  i amused myself with a game of solitaire.
  they are much more entertaining than half the novels that are written.
  adj. entertaining n. entertainment
  6.throughout : prep. in, to, through, or during every part of; all through
  eg: the road is kept open throughout the year.
  the material is flawed throughout.
  through unsure how her speech would be received, she remained calm and professional throughout.
  1)adj. having no home or haven
  2)n. people without homes considered as a group
  eg: when he broke away from his family, he became homeless.
  he often provides food to the homeless.
  8. failure n.
  1) the condition or fact of not achieving the desired end or ends
  2) one that fails
  eg: they were afraid of risking failure because they didn’t want to lose face.
  failure is the mother of success.
  he is a failure at his career.
  9.overcome vt. conquer; get the better of
  eg: the learner of a second language has many obstacles to overcome.
  she was overcome with emotion.
  10.snowstorm n. a storm marked by heavy snowfall
  eg: according to the weather report, there’s snowstorm blowing up this evening.
  they were caught in the snowstorm.
  1)vt. to bite and grind with the teeth; masticate
  2)vt. to meditate on; ponder
  3)to cogitate; meditate
  eg: you must chew your food before you swallow it.
  he chewed a problem over.
  he chewed on the difficulties ahead.
  1)vt. to give guidance and instruction to
  2)vt. to give authoritative instructions to
  3)vt. to show or indicate the way for
  eg: who directed the new indian film?
  he directed the students to answer.
  the driver directed us to the airport.
  13.star vi. to play the leading role in a theatrical or film prodection
  eg: one of my favorite old films starring charlie chaplin.
  chenglong starred in many famous films.
  14.fortune xkb 1.co m
  1)n. [u] the chance happening of fortunate or adverse event; luck
  2)n. success, especially when at least partially resulting from luck
  3)a large sum of money
  eg: he decided to go home for the holidays, and his fortune turned for the worse.
  no matter what they tried, it ended in fortune.
  he spent a fortune on the new car.
  1)vi. & vt. to speak softly
  2) to make a soft rustling sound
  eg: he is whispering to his neighbor.
  the two girls were whispering in the library.
  the wind whispered in the pines.
  1)adj. very great in size, number, amount, or quantity
  2)very great in area or extent; immense
  3)very great in degree or intensity
  eg: we bought the house at vast cost.
  all the lands was shrouded in our vast forest.
  the city is vast compared to our village.
  useful phrases:
  1. badly off : in a poor position, esp financially
  eg: they are too badly off to have a holiday.
  in fact most people are better off than they were five years ago.
  反义:well off
  1)adj. worn of used until no longer usable or effective
  2)thoroughly exhausted; spent
  eg: he wore a pair of worn-out shoes.
  i was worn-out after the long journey.
  3.pick out
  1)to choose or select
  2)to discern from the surroundings ; distinguish
  eg: they picked out the best piece of silk.
  they picked out their cousins from the crowd.
  4.cut off
  1)to separate from others; isolate
  2)to stop suddenly; discontinue
  eg: when the city was cut off, everyone know that the total defeat was certain.
  they cut off our food supply.
  the telephone operator cut us off.
  unit 4 body language
  word usage:
  1.major 1) adj. more important or serious than other things
  2) v. major in sth. to study sth. as your main subject at university
  3) n. a subject you major in.
  the house needs major repairs.
  he is a major writer.
  her major subject is chemistry.
  alice majors in economics.
  his major is history.
  2. represent v. 1) to act officially for another person or group of people
  2) to be a sign for another thing
  3) to describe or show a person or thing in a particular way
  they said that they represented the committee.
  the dove represents peace.
  what does x represent here?
  3.curious adj. 1) [never before a noun] eager to know sth. or to learn about sth.
  2) odd or strange
  the boy was curious about everything he saw.
  we were curious about where she’d gone.
  i heard a curious noise last night.
  4. experience 1) n. a) [u] knowledge or skill which comes from doing or feeling sth. for a long time rather than from books
  b) [c] sth. that happens to you and has an effect on your mind and feelings
  2) vt. to feel or to be influenced by sth. that happens
  she had no experience of life at all.
  have you had any experience of teaching english?
  please tell us about your experiences in africa.
  i had a rather odd experience the other day.
  we have experienced many defeats, but we believe that we will succeed.
  5. introduce v. make (a person) know to others; bring into use
  i introduced john to mary last year, and now they are married.
  would you please introduce yourself?
  potatoes were introduced into europe from south america.
  6. approach 1) vt. come nearer to; set to do
  2) n. the act of coming nearer; access
  silently we approached the enemy’s camp.
  the time is approaching when we will have to leave.
  the approach of winter brings cold weather.
  7. express 1) vt. put into words; show feelings;
  2) n. fast train or delivery; a rapid, efficient system for the delivery of goods and mail
  he can not express how he felt about the matter.
  could you express yourself in english?
  send the letter by express.
  8. action n. deed or conduct; process of doing
  actions speak louder than words.
  we are tired of talking about the problem---now is the time for action.
  the police had to take firm action to deal with the case.
  9. general adj. involving or applying to all persons or things of a group or category; concerning the overall aspects of a subject
  there is a general feeling that this law isn’t working properly.
  the school gives a good general education.
  worry about high food prices has now become fairly general.
  10. avoid v. keep away from; prevent
  i avoided him as much as possible.
  they all avoided mentioning that name.
  she braked suddenly and avoided an accident.
  11. comedy n. amusing play or film; amusing incident
  one of his new comedies is to be presented.
  do you prefer comedy or tragedy?
  there will be a comedy show in tv this evening.
  12. misunderstand v. unable to understand the correct meaning; misinterpret
  his intentions were misunderstood.
  he misunderstood what i said.
  they pretended to misunderstand my complaint.
  13. similar adj. showing resemblance; resembling but not the same; of the same kind or amount
  his problem is similar to yours.
  my view is similar to hers.
  they had similar opinion.
  14. expression n. communication of an idea, emotion, etc.; the manner that expresses feeling
  i sent them flowers as an expression of thanks.
  there was no expression on her face.
  "shut up" is not a polite expression.
  15. agreement n. accord or harmony of opinion and way of thinking; treaty
  my parents are in agreement on what color to paint the house.
  the three sides reached an agreement to stop the war.
  we are in agreement with their decision.
  16. chest n. part of the body wrapped by ribs and the breastbone; big strong box for storing things in; treasury of a public institution.
  he has a severe pain in the chest.
  he’s got a weak chest.
  i keep the tea in a chest.
  18. gesture n. movement of the body to express an idea, intentions or attitude.
  v. to make a gesture.
  we hold a party for our new colleagues as a gesture of friendship.
  handshake is a gesture of friendship.
  she was gesturing so excitedly that i knew something was wrong.
  19. adult 1) n. group-up or mature person
  2) adj. grow-up or mature
  he"d spent all his adult life in the army.
  sam is a rather adult child.
  in this sense, children and adults have equal rights.
  20. punish v. to inflict penalty on
  motorists should be severely punished for speeding.
  the teacher punished her students for cheating in the exam.
  he has never been punished by his parents.
  unit 5 theme parks
  word usage:
  1.theme n. topic of discussion; main idea or topic in literary works, musical
  piece, etc.
  the main theme of discussion was press censorship.
  the theme of the poem is love and peace.
  our school themes must be written in ink and on white paper.
  2.amuse v. entertain, make time pass pleasantly
  a clown"s job is to amuse the spectators.
  it was too rainy to play outside, so she amused herself with a book.
  he amused himself by playing the flute.
  3.amusement n. the state of being amused; entertainment, a way of passing
  time pleasantly
  to our amusement, the actor jumped on and off the stage.
  reading and seeing movies are among my amusements.
  they often sing for their own amusement.
  4.variety n. state of being varied or different; many sidedness; collection
  of different things
  what other ways do you know to add variety?
  people like to live a life full of variety.
  he has a variety of interests.
  5.charge n. price set for getting goods or services; load, duty or responsibility
  v.give as a job or task; entrust; blame or accuse by law; record as a debt; fix a price; rush upon or attack;
  this store often charges only 65 us cents a dozen for large eggs.
  please charge my account.
  they charged the enemy three times.
  6.admission n. sth that has been admitted; confession; access; an entrance fee
  she has the qualifications for admission to the college.
  he made an admission that he had used threatening behavior.
  7.profit n. benefit; advantage; money gained from business, etc.
  v. to be advantageous to, to obtain profit
  he made a profit of fifty thousand us dollars on his house.
  we gained a lot of profit from your advice.
  telling lies won"t profit you.
  8.souvenir n. gift(s) used as a token of remembrance
  she spent the morning buying souvenirs.
  he bought a little eiffel tower as a souvenir of his holiday in paris.
  i got some souvenirs from my uncle.
  9.athletic adj. physically strong; muscular; of athletics
  the school athletic meet is to be held next tuesday.
  john is an athletic boy. he is good at running.
  10.brand n. trade mark; products of a kind; symbol of identification on animals created by using hot metal; a burning piece of wood
  v.put a symbol with a brand; identity or label
  this brand of tea is my favorite.
  all cattle on the farm were branded with the letter a.
  the bitter lesson is branded on his memory.
  11.equipment n. supply with the necessary materials for an undertaking
  the complete equipment of the new hospital will take a year.
  the store sells tents and other camping equipment.
  the teaching equipment in the school is quite poor.
  12.minority n. a small group related to the whole group and is different from the majority in terms of race, religion, etc. ; not accepted by most people
  only a minority of the class voted for the plan.
  the government passed a law to protect religious minorities.
  there are 55 minorities in china.
  13.fantasy n. the illusive imagination; a daydream
  george lives in a world of fantasy.
  the whole story is a fantasy.
  you didn"t really see it — it was just your fantasy
  14.settler n. one who settles in a new region.
  they were the earliest settlers in america.
  many original settlers were killed by the english during the war.
  he is now a setter in hongkong.
  15.experiment n. test; trail
  v. conduct an experiment
  some people learn by experiment and others learn by experience.
  he is experimenting with drugs to cure hepatitis.
  have they ever experimented on a large number of patients?
  16.advance n. progress; loan; forward action; an increase in price or amount
  vi. move forward; make progress; pay(money) beforehand; promote
  the president has done his utmost to advance the national interest.
  the date of the meeting was advanced by four days.
  she advanced on him silently.
  17.technique n. way of doing sth
  they need to learn modern management techniques.
  what he need is some handling technique.
  computer technique is developing very quickly nowadays.
  18.test n. way of trying out or deciding abilities, qualities
  v. examine
  a simple test will show if this is real gold.
  he had a blood test.
  we are to have a history test next week.
  the doctor tested his ears.
  19.cloth n. woven, knitted material etc. produced from silk, wool or cotton; a piece of cloth for particular purpose
  she bought some cloth to make some new dresses.
  could you tell me where i can buy some cloth?
  the cloth is very soft.
  20.jungle n. land overgrown with tropical vegetation and trees; a dense
  or uncontrolled overgrowth; a place of ruthless competition
  struggle for survival
  advance in the jungle was very slow.
  he"s from chicago; he grew up in a real jungle.
  he is sorting through the jungle of the regulations.
  21.creature n. a living being; a human being; sth created
  worms are very simple creatures.
  she"s a beautiful creature.
  have you ever seen creatures from outer space?
  in fact, lots of creatures live in the sea.
  22.volunteer n. one who offers his own free will
  v. undertake or offer voluntarily
  the volunteers for community service are doing a good job.
  they volunteered to repair the house for the old lady.
  she volunteered the information.
  23.translator n. person who translates (especially sth written)
  she wants to be a translator in the future.
  i don’t think he will need a translator, because his english is pretty good.
  being a translator is not an easy job.
  useful expressions:
  1.more than
  a dictionary is more than a book.
  he is more than my teacher. he is my friend as well.
  the cinema can hold more than 100 people.
  compare "no more than" and "not more than":
  his school education added up no more than one year.
  the water is not more than 5 feet deep at any point.
  2.free of charge
  in charge of
  take charge of
  in the charge of
  the faulty part was replaced free of charge.
  mr. smith is in charge of his company.
  this company is in the charge of mr. smith.
  3.involve… in…: have sth to do with…; take part in…
  many children are involved in the school sports meet.
  it’s unwise for you to get involved into their quarrel.
  don’t involve others in your trouble.
  4.close to: near
  go further away! you are too close to me.
  it’s close to 6 o’clock
  the book store is close to our school.
