

  八年级下module 4 导学案
  how does cd recorder work?
  背诵unit 2 课文,准备考试题中的课文填空。
  说明__________ 复制___________ 连接___________ 按钮__________ 灯_________ 回放_______ 按________ 记忆___________ 符号___________ 打开__________ 关闭__________保存___________ 摄像机_____________ 拍摄录像_______________ 录音____________ 用电子邮件发送录音_____________________ lady (pl)___________suggest (n)____________ hid (p.p.)________ _________hurt________ ________ appear (p.p.)________ _________ bite (p.p.)________ ________lend (p.p.)______ _________ (反义词)___________ memory (p.p.)_______ _________ copy (p.p.)_______ _________
  短语:1.它如何运行?_______________________2.过来 _______________________________
  wherever you are, you can go to an internet café. 无论你在哪里,你都可以去一间网吧。wherever= no matter where 引导状语从句,类似的还有however, whenever, whatever, whoever
  however=no matter how
  whenever=no matter when whenever you come, we will go to the airport to meet you.
  whatever=no matter what whatever you do, i’ll support you.
  whoever=no matter who
  引导词if, unless, as/so long as
  举例1.if you come, i’ll go to meet you at the station.如果你来,我到车站去接你。
  2.unless they invite me, i won’t go there.除非他们请我,否则我不会去那儿的。
  3. as long as you study hard, you will make progress.只要你努力学习,你就会取得进步。
  注意事项1."祈使句+引导的结果从句"句式,祈使句在意义上相当于条件状语从句。常与if 引导条件状语从句转换。use your head, then you will come up with an idea.=
  if you use your head, you’ll come up with an idea.
  2.条件状语从句的条件,如为假设且几乎难以实现,要有虚拟语气。主句用would/should /could+ 动词原形,从句用一般过去时。若从句的动词为be时,无论人称如何,通常用were, 一般不用was.
  if i were you, i would buy that car.
  3.unless 从句可与if 的否定句式互换。
  do not come unless i call you= do not come if i don’t call you.
  八年级下module 4 检测题
  1.follow these i_________ for the best results. first, press the blue b________ to __________ the recorder. when you’re ready to record, press the red button. the ________ comes on to show you that it’s recording. if you want to __________, press the green button. the recorder has only a small ________. to ________ your recording, ___________ the recorder to your computer. __________ the "copy" __________ and save the recording on the computer.
  2.one day the cook henry jackson was working in a restaurant kitchen. he p_____ ______ a dish from the table, and suddenly a snake a_________ ….and ______ ________ _______ the hand. he throw it a_____ the kitchen, and it landed in the f_________. so he c_________ the door. anyway, mr. jackson ______ _______(保持冷静) and he ______ ____ __________ _____(照相) the snake with his mobile phone. he went to the hospital, but the doctor couldn’t say _______ _______ _______(怎么了) because they didn’t know what kind of snake it was. then the doctor gave mr. jackson the right m__________ according to the photo taken by mr. jackson. and he left the hospital the next day. so if a snake b______ you, take a photo with your mobile phone.
  1.- frank can’t find _____ dictionary. can you lend _____ to _____?—certainly.
  a. her, mine, her b. /, yours; his c. my; yours; he d. his; yours; him
  2. with the help of satellites, news can _____ every corner of the world.
  a. get b. reach c. appear d. arrive
  3. all my favourite story books ______ by my mother before my last exams.
  a. hid b. have hidden c. were hiding d. were hidden
  4. don’t tell a lie, little boy! you should be _____ honest child.
  a. a b. an c. the d,/
  5.---do you like the song "backlight" sung by singaporean pop star stephanie sun?
  --- yes, it sounds really _______.
  a.delicious b. beautiful c. beautifully d. terrible
  6. do you know the key ____ the question?
  a. of b. to c. with d. at
  7.--- look at the noisy kids!
  --- haven’t you heard the saying "when the cat is away, the mice ____"?
  a.play b. played c. are playing d. will play
  8. the pla man saved three ______ lives in the accident.
  a. children’s b. children c. child d.childs’
  9.---hurry up. the bus is coming.
  --- oh, no. we mustn’t cross the street _______ the traffic lights are green.
  a.after b. since c. while d. until
  10. i’m waiting for my friend. ______ , i’ll go shopping alone.
  a. if she comes b. if she will come c. if she doesn’t come d. if she didn’t come
  11. i will never forget that terrible accident _____ it happened so long ago.
  a. only if b. even though c. only when d. even since
  12. my mother will ask _____ to take care of you.
  a. else someone b. someone else c. anyone else d. else anyone
  13. he asked _____ you were interested in sun yanzi’s songs or not.
  a. if b. whether c. what d. that
  14._______ lovely weather it is today! let’s go for a picnic in the fields.
  a. what b. how c. so d. such
  15. if i ______ you, i would go with him.
  a. am b. are c. was d. were
  16. ---let’s go fishing if it _____ this weekend.
  --- but nobody knows if it ______
  a. is fine; will rain b. will be fine; rains c. is fine; rains d. will be fine; will rain
  17. can you _____ jay’s cd to me? and i’ll return it in two days.
  a. borrow b. lend c. give d. have
  18. please _______ the card and look at its back.. there is something interesting on it.
  a. turn on b. turn off c. turn over d. turn out
  19.he is proud of ______ able to play the piano.
  a. being b. to be c. be d. be done
  20.the snake bit him _____ the hand.
  a. by b. on c. in d. from
  21. susan will not arrive at the airport on time ______ she hurries up.
  a. once b. if c. when d. unless
  1.yellow river is the s________ longest river in china.
  2.there are many books on the s__________ in the library.
  3.rose has a good m___________ , so she remember the words quickly.
  4.there are five _________ (纽扣) on my coat.
  5.danny fell off the tree and h________ his leg.
  6.look! the boy is h__________ behind the door. so his mother couldn’t find him
  7.doing morning e___________ is good for us.
  8.that hero saved many children’s l___________.
  9.please _________(练习)speaking english every day.
  八年级下module 4 导学案
  词汇:instruction(s), copy, connect, button, light, playback, press, memory, symbol, turn on, turn off, save, video camera, take one’s video, record, send your recording by email, ladies, suggestion(s),hid, hidden, hurt, hurt, appeared, appeared, bit, bitten, lent, lent, borrow, memorize, copied, copied
  短语:1. how does it work? 2.come on 3.ladies and gentlemen 4. the surprising advice of … 5.pick up 6. a few days earlier 7. stay cool 8. bite him on his hand 9.save one’s life 10. kinds of 11. take a photo of… with one’s mobile phone 12. a new way to send a postcard
  句子:1.why do you save your video on your computer? 2. the orchestra was practising some irish music yesterday, so i recorded it. 3. what do they do to find out how it works? 4. how do they know if it’s working? 5. if a snake bites you, take a photo with your mobile phone. it may save your life. 6. it climbed out of the box and hid under the dish. 7. he took a photo of the snake with his phone mobile. 8. what part of your body do you use to throw something? 9. what happens if your put food in a fridge? 10. when the snake bite mr jackson, it was lying under a dish. 11. mr. jackson threw the snake across the room probably because he was surprised. 12. mr. jackson closed fridge door so that he was the safe from the snake.
  八年级下module 4 检测题
  1.instructions, button, turn on, light, playback, memory, copy, connect. choose, symbol 2. picked up, appeared, bit him on, across, fridge, closed, stayed cool, took a photo of, what was wrong, medicine, bites
  1-5: dbdbb 6-10:bdadc 11-15: bbbad 16-21:abcab
  1.second 2. shelves 3. memory 4.buttons 5. hurt 6. hiding 7.exercises 8. lives 9.practise
