

  1. sorry i’m late. i ____have turned off the alarm clock andgone back to sleep again.
  a.mightb. shouldc.cand.will
  2.----write to me when you get home.
  a. i mustb.i should c.i will d.i can
  3.i was really anxious about you . you ______home without aword.
  a. mustn’tleaveb.shouldn’t haveleft
  c. couldn’t have leftd. needn’tleave
  4. --------i hear you’ve got a set of valuable coins. ______ ihave a look?
  -------- yes, certainly.
  a. dob.mayc.shalld.should
  5. oh, i’m not feeling well in the stomach . i_____ so muchfried chicken just now.
  a. shouldn’teatb. mustn’thave eaten
  c. shouldn’t haveeaten d. mustn’t eat
  6. -------i heard they went skiing in the mountains lastwinter.
  -----it _______true because there was littlesnow there.
  a. may notbe b. won’tbe c.couldn’t be d. mustn’t be
  7. -------the room is so dirty ._____we clean it?
  -------of course.
  a. willb.shallc.wouldd. do
  8. my dictionary has disappeared. who _____have taken it?
  a. shouldb.mustc.could d.would
  9. i often see lights in that empty house. do you think i ____report it to the police ?
  a. shouldb.mayc.willd. can
  10.mr. white ______at 8:30 for the meeting , but he didn’t showup.
  a. should have arrived b.shouldarrive
  c. should have had arrivedd. should be arriving
  11.----isn’t that ann’s husband over there ?
  -----no, it _____ be him. i’m sure he doesn’twear glasses.
  a.can’tb. must notc. won’t d.may not
  12.------tom graduated from college at a very young age.
  ----- oh, he _____ havebeen a very smart boy then.
  a.could b.shouldc.might d.must
  13.------- i don’t mind telling you what i know.
  --------you _____. i’m not asking you forit.
  a. mustn’t b. maynot c.can’t d. needn’t
  14. -----who is the girl standing over there?
  ------- well, if you _____know, her name ismabel.
  a. may b.can c.must d. shall
  15.----i’ll tell mary about her new job tomorrow.
  -----you _____her last week.
  a. ought to tellb. would havetold
  c. musttelld.should have told
  16. (XX福建卷)it is usually warm in my hometown in march, but it_____ be rather cold sometime。
  a. mustb. canc.shouldd.would
  17.(XX湖南卷)you don"t have to know the name of the author tofind a book. you _____ find the book by the title。
  a. mustb. needc.cand.would
  —i"m sorry. i ______ at you the other day。
  —forget it. i was a bit out of control myself。
  a. shouldn"t shoutb. shouldn"t have shouted
  c. mustn"t shoutc.mustn"t have shouted
  19(XX山东卷) thank you for all your hard work last week. i don"tthink we ______ it without you。
  a. can manageb.could have managed
  c. couldmanaged. can have managed
  20(XX江西卷) what a pity. considering his ability and experience,he ____ better。
  a. need have doneb.must have done
  c. can have doned.might have done
  21(XX辽宁卷) peter ______ be really difficult at times eventhough he"s a nice person in general。
  a. shallb.should  c.cand. must
  22(XX全国ii) liza ___ well not want to go on the trip --- shehates traveling。
  a. willb. canc.mustd. may
  —what sort of house do you want to have? something big?
  —well, it _________ be big--that"s not important。
  a. mustn"t b. needn"tc.can"td. won"t
  24(XX四川卷) although this ____ sound like a simple task, greatcare is needed。
  a. mustb.mayc. shalld.should
  25(XX浙江卷) you ______ be hungry already — you had lunch onlytwo hours ago!
  a. wouldn"t b. can"tc.mustn"td.needn"t
  26(09安徽) some people who don’t like to talk much are notnecessarily shy;theyjustbe quiet people.
  a.mustb. mayc.shouldd. would
  27(09北京)one of the few things you ____ say about english peoplewith certainty is that they talk a lot about the weather.
  a. need b.must c.should d.can
  28(09福建). but for the help of my english teacher,ithe first prize in the english writing competition.
  a. would not winb. would not havewon
  c. wouldwind. would havewon
  — it’s the office! so youknoweating is not allowed here.
  — oh, sorry.
  a. mustb. will c. may d. need
  30(09海南) what do you mean, there are only ten tickets?therebe twelve
  a. shouldb. would c.willd. shall
  31(09上海)it_____ have been tom that parked the car here, as he isthe only one with a car.
  a.mayb.canc. mustd.should
  32(09四川)—i don’t care what people think.
  —well, you _______
  a.couldb. would c.shouldd. might
  33(09天津)this printer is of good quality. if it _______ breakdown within the first year, we would repair it at our expense.
  a.wouldb.shouldc.couldd. might
  34(09重庆)—hi, tom.anyideawherejaneis?
  c.mustbed. mighthavebeen
  35(09全国2)10. i can’t leave. she told me that istayhere until she comes back.
  a.canb.mustc.willd. may
  keys: 1-5:acbbc6-10:cbcaa11-15: addcd
  16-20bcbbd 21-25cdcbb 31-35 cccbcb
