

  我叫Patrick Lee,是爱尔兰科克大学世界语言专业的大四学生。2017年9月,我获得孔子学院奖学金赴上海大学度过了两个学期的美好时光。
  China through my eyes
  It is simply impossible to condense an entire years worth of experiences into a one thousand word essay. No matter how vividly I describe what it felt like standing atop the highest peak of Huangshan 黄山, looking down at the distant mountain caps peaking above the sea of ever-shifting clouds, there is no way I can truly convey it with words. Nor is it possible with pictures to explain the serene sense of peace I experienced while hiking through the otherworldly national park of Zhangjiajie 张家界, where trees of stone and wood alike populate. Even videos cannot do justice to the sensation of eating an authentic Sichuan dish, the simultaneously terrifying yet bizarrely enjoyable numbing of your tongue by the regional pepper. Nevertheless, I will try my best to convey some of the experiences I had of China through my eyes.
  My Peculiar Connections with China   By way of introduction, my name is Patrick Lee and I am a final year BA World Languages student in UCC. This August I returned from my year abroad, where I studied in Shanghai University for two semesters. I had previously been to Shanghai once before when I was 16 years old in conjunction with a Transition Year programme organised by UCC. Myself and several other Irish students were given the amazing opportunity to attend Chinese language and culture classes for two weeks in Shanghai University. These two weeks had a huge impact on my life, deciding for me then and there that I was returning to Shanghai. And that is exactly what I did last year.   I had very little apprehension about moving to China for a year. Firstly, I had already been lucky enough to go there once before, albeit briefly. Moreover, I also had another, perhaps more peculiar connection to China. When my father was 25 years old and a newly qualified doctor, he decided to move to Beijing for 6 months to learn acupuncture. Afterward, he returned home to Ireland and has remained there since. Growing up, I was told stories about Ireland by my mother, classic fairy tales by Disney, and stories of 年, of 嫦娥和后羿, of 孙悟空 and many more by my father. This left me with a great passion for and curiosity about the mysterious and magical land from my father’s stories.   02
  The Magical Land and its People   From the outside looking in, China is not always shown in the best light by Western media. It sounded nothing like the place from my father’s stories. In this short text, I want to share how my own experiences turned out.   Travelling has been a life-long passion of mine. As far back as I can remember I’ve never been content to sit still in one place for too long, so I’ve learnt to always go for the opportunities to travel when they arise. During the academic year in China, I had a few such opportunities, particularly during Golden Week and the weekends. I used these to visit Beijing 北京, Suzhou 苏州, Nanjing 南京, Fenghuang 凤凰, Chengdu 成都, Leshan 乐山 and several other gorgeous cities in China. These places really gave me a feel for the country and its people. However, during my time off between semesters in January and February, I spent two weeks in some of the most breathtaking and memorable places I’ve ever been in my life.   At the start of January, a friend and I flew from Shanghai 上海 to Lijiang 丽江 to begin our two week trip around the Yunnan Province. Almost immediately upon arrival, we realised that we had entered a very different part of China to Shanghai. Here there were no signs in Pinyin, absolutely nobody spoke English and to many people there, we were the first foreigners they had ever seen in real life. As a Westerner living in Shanghai, I had grown accustomed to the occasional few people staring at me. However, I was completely unprepared for the reaction we received in Lijiang.   The Chinese people I had met in Shanghai up to that point were friendly enough, but like most people who live in big cities, they kept a certain distance. Nothing but the opposite could be said for the Chinese people we met during our time in Yunnan 云南. They were some of the kindest people I’ve ever met. For example, when we asked a guest in the hotel we stayed in Lijiang for dinner recommendations, he brought us to a nearby restaurant, ordered dish after dish of amazing food and then refused to let us pay for it. All the while he asked us questions about our experiences in Shanghai and China. The next morning as we set out to find the famous Black Dragon Lagoon 黑龙潭near the Lijiang Old Town. We stopped a passing stranger on the street for directions who not only told us exactly how to get there, he also accompanied us for the journey to make sure that we didn’t get lost. I could go on and on about the kindness people showed us during this trip, but that would take up the entire essay. Suffice to say the majority of people we met were not particularly wealthy, yet they still offered to share what they had with us, something I will not be quick to forget.   After visiting the Oldtown and the picturesque Black Dragon Lagoon, we made our way up the mountains to Blue Moon Valley 蓝月谷. I don’t think I’ll ever forget the moment when our Didi pulled up to let us out and I looked out the window and saw the valley. The bluest water sparkled up at me as it cascaded down the mountain. We spent hours hiking up the gorgeous valley, crossing the stream on yaks, stumbling upon a wedding photo shoot and subsequently being asked to pose with the bride and groom. To this day, Blue Moon Valley is the most breathtaking place I have ever been to and really showcased the extraordinary natural beauty of China to me, which is something that the country is perhaps not particularly well known for outside of China.   From there we caught a night train to Dali 大理, a mere four hours away. When we saw our seats we had to laugh. We were in a compartment which might be expected to house 4 people if we were in Europe, so naturally, there were already 8 people squeezed into it, and with us that made 10. The first half hour was silent enough, a few people slept, I was reading a book. At one point, the man sitting across from me started to slowly inch his head towards me until his hair was almost up my nose. He wanted to see my book and when I handed it to him he burst out laughing and asked me about it in broken English. When I replied in somewhat broken Chinese, it was as if the entire compartment had risen from the dead. They all started fighting to talk to me, asking me all about what I was doing in the middle of nowhere in Southern China and who I was and so on. The people were from all walks of life, students, farmers, young, old, yet all were incredibly friendly. One old man in particular refused to let me check my phone for translations, instead insisting on explaining to me any word I didn’t understand. The conversation lasted just shy of 4 hours and to date is the biggest milestone I’ve come to with my Chinese, something I’m not ashamed to say I’m proud of!   03
  Having Fallen in Love with China   There are so many stories I could mention which taught me new things about China or its people, or even stories which didn’t teach me anything at all, but merely reflect my experiences exploring the mysterious, magical land from my father’s stories. A great many people have very opinionated attitudes towards China, about its politics, its history, its culture. However, many of these people have never even set foot in the country. I know that my view of China may seem naive or biased, but that still doesn’t change it. I have lived in China for over one year. I have traveled the country. I have met its people. This text describes China as I lived it through my own eyes. It is a country I have utterly and completely fallen in love with, and I cannot wait to go back.   作者简介   Patrick Lee,爱尔兰科克大学World Languages 专业在读学生,曾获得孔子学院奖学金于2017年9月前往上海大学交换学习一年。
