快好知 kuaihz

private secretary造句
1. She penned a short memo to his private secretary. 2. The boss bagged his private secretary. 3. The general manager employed her as his private secretary. 4. The private secretary denied the general manager to all those without appointments. 5. As her private secretary he has access to all her correspondence. 6. According to the papers, the prime minister's private secretary is the real power behind the throne. 7. Her private secretary has carefully trawled the West End for a suitable show. 8. Were the reported remarks of his parliamentary private secretary in accordance with an official departmental brief? 9. Berowne's private secretary spoke after the manner of his kind. 10. With her were only her private secretary and the ever-present detective. 11. I remember asking my private secretary to enquire what would be the main subjects of our discussion. 12. The message was from his private secretary at the Ministry. 13. In the ensuing Parliament he served as a private secretary at the Colonial Office. 14. Nominally he merely continued as parliamentary private secretary to Law at the Treasury. 15. He sent his private secretary down the corridor to see Sir Norman Brook to ask if they could be provided. 16. Princess Diana's sons complained through their private secretary. 16.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 17. A private secretary will never rise in the world if he couples great and small in that way. 18. The fiction of Wang Xiaofang, once the private secretary to a deputy mayor of Shenyang, a large city in China’s north-east, has further besmirched the offices’ image. 19. Leslie Rowan my private secretary, wooed and won her in these few days at sea. 20. I received a summons to the Palace from Sir Robert Fellowes, the Queen's private secretary. 21. At the same time one had to advise the Ambassador's private secretary of the change. 22. Academician Scriabin has even claimed that Sakharov has a private secretary! 23. A sealed package had arrived from Mars: a copy of the files Karr had taken from Berdichev's private secretary. 24. In 1976 Cardinal Hume appointed the then Father Crowley as his private secretary. 25. Lorna ... Al Moore's girl, Brimmer's most trusted and very private secretary. 26. From his apartment window, Rosenberg could look across the street and see an office where Gustavo Alejos, President Colom's private secretary, often worked. 27. I took the precaution of clearing out my desk before I left, and only my private secretary knows it. 28. For the pst three years, I have served as a private secretary to Mr.