快好知 kuaihz

demonstrative pronoun造句
(1) 'This' and 'that' are demonstrative pronouns. (2) The paper discusses the scope meaning of demonstrative pronoun from two respects: 1. (3) Based on syntactic position, other demonstrative pronoun can be divided into two categories: nominal and additional. (4) In the sentence 'This is my brother', 'this' is a demonstrative pronoun. (5) In ` This is my bike', ` this'is a demonstrative pronoun. (6) Has given the briefing to the Huixian dialect main demonstrative pronoun origin. (7) The third part has made the description to the Huixian dialect demonstrative pronoun. (8) The tendency of "Wu Zhi" pronoun coming into being the forbidden adverb was obvious. The last: Disyllabic demonstrative pronoun has been coming to be more and more popular. (9) Not only syntactic position but also occurrence frequency of the other demonstrative pronoun is different.