processor clock造句1. In addition to processor clock speed, another important processor performance metric is clock cycles per instruction (CPI).
2. With the increasing of the processor clock frequency, the system throughput increases rapidly accordingly.
3. As the name implies, this governor's goal is to get the maximum performance out of a system by setting the processor clock speed to the maximum level and leaving it there.
4. The deeper the C state, the more power saving steps are taken—steps like stopping the processor clock or stopping interrupts from coming in.
5. On some processors, for example, the count might be the cycle rate of the processor clock.
6. Finally, Intel has plans to quickly transition to multi-core architecture across all of its product lines and most industry watchers expect processor clock speeds to level off in the years ahead.
7. The latency of memory is measured in nanoseconds as it is typically independent o-n processor clock speed.