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jefferson city造句
1. Missouri: a state of the central US; capital, Jefferson City. 2. A city of central Missouri north-northwest of Jefferson City. The main campus of the University of Missouri (established 1839) is here. Population, 69,101. 3. A city of central Missouri north-northwest of Jefferson City. The main campus of the University of Missouri (established 839) is here. Population, '9,0. 4. A few days later the Jefferson City Bank was robbed and banknotes amounting to five thousand dollars were taken. 5. Given your reputation as a brilliant physicist, what ordinary interests do you have that might surprise people? —Carol Gilmore, JEFFERSON CITY, MO. 6. The department responded Tuesday to an anonymous complaint that a caregiver at Noah's Ark Nursery and Preschool in Jefferson City was taping babies' mouths shut.