passing comment造句 1. This idea deserves more than passing comment. 2. I would prefer not to pass comment before I have more information on the case. 3. I don't really know so I could not pass comment on that. 4. It was just a passing comment, he didn't go on about it. 5. The market people passed comments on his wife and, he said, threw doubt on his ability to better her. 6.英文造句capital requirementscorporation income taxlivelilyaseaeigenvectorgeneral conditionsbosnia and herzegovinalexicsbusiness decisionprussic acidcase analysisstorm windpoissonspread-outstickpinnovgorodspaghetti and meatballsmicrophysicsoilcancarbon chainknife bladepump actionbackground datapeptidasebloomfieldnormal sizeload balancerevent of defaultregeneration control