go fifty-fifty造句 (1) We went fifty-fifty on a new TV set. (2) We went fifty-fifty on the meal. (3) Let's go fifty-fifty on the dinner check. (4) If you find the treasure we will go fifty-fifty. (5) Let's go fifty-fifty. This is good for both. (6) Let's go fifty-fifty on the cost of petrol. (7) My partner refused to go fifty-fifty with me in the loss. (8) What's the bill? Four yuan? All right, let's go fifty-fifty [ halves ] .英文造句haematemesishaematologythrombosisswishsubstitutionprosthesischatteringinfractionvividlypossessiveholographplaiddisruptionwell offproceed againstindignityimitationprice fixingcollusionoligopolypluralitynationalizegutturalmiddlemancivil serviceperfect competitionproduct differentiationmonopolistic competitionmarket structure