快好知 kuaihz

language knowledge造句
1. Deaf signers exhibit effects of language knowledge on the form of coding inferred from results of short-term memory experiments. 2. It indicates that contextual analysis and language knowledge are both important to the resolution of ambiguities. 3. Next, it illustrates the manifestation of transfer in language knowledge and culture separately in detail. 4. The second part is junior high school language knowledge Analysis in new curriculum. 5. The phrase database is a powerful language knowledge resource and will be some help to phrase structure study, Chinese parsing and Chinese-English machine translation. 6. The learners can develop their language knowledge through extensive reading. 7. Cultivating the abilities of listening and practical communication primarily, and teaches basic Chinese language knowledge simultaneously. 8. Therefore, effective reading is a process of using comprehensive language knowledge, a process of personality training filled with active thinking activities, and also a kind of creative practice. 9. The Chinese semantic knowledge base system is a very important part of language knowledge engineering of Chinese semantic resource in natural language processing. 10. The present research will integrate these language data resources into one unified and comprehensive language knowledge - base. 11. A primary process in language learning is subsumption in which new language knowledge is linked with relevant concepts in the existing cognitive structures.