behavioral model造句1. Creating an effective RTL behavioral model.
2. Customer churn model, consists of basic model and behavioral model, is built based on analysis of the churned customers' basic data and behavioral history.
3. For behavioral model approaches, polynomial, or Volterra series for memory, is the most common function which is used to fit nonlinearity of power amplifiers.
4. At last, basing on the dribering behavioral model image dispose arithmetic and the nature of DSP, we raise a arithmetic which base on BIOS.
5. A novel multi-layer Charge-Pump Phase-Locked Loop (CP-PLL) behavioral model is presented in this paper.
6. In this paper, a power amplifiers behavioral model based on QR-RLS algorithm is introduced.
7. Based on the behavioral model of diaphragm and piezoresistor, the system level model of piezoresistive and capacitive pressure sensor together with processing circuitry is established and simulated.
8. A behavioral model is developed and produced from subjectivity and therefore should be universal. Would such a model be influenced by the difference in gender?
9. An approach for building a transient behavioral model of high-speed digital I/O buffers based on the information of the latest version IBIS model was introduced.
10. Objective To observe the early sleeping status of infants and to define their normal behavioral model.
11. Cultural presupposition is a kind of thinking pattern and behavioral model which establishes itself on the basis of cultural context.
12. The ideal hidden curriculum should have the upward spirits to pursue nature, interactive behaviors as dominant behavioral model, and the harmonious relations between people and the environments.
13. Lately, however, the efficient market hypothesis has been attacked, successfully, by the behavioral model, which has pointed sharp arguments at its flanks.
14. A test case can be an operation or a behavioral model (Interaction, State Machine, or Activity).
15. Because output characteristic of power amplifiers is highly related to work environment, behavioral model of power amplifiers must be dynamic and its parameters are time-varying.
16. Based on the piezoresistive effect in single crystal and polycrystalline silicon, the parameterized behavioral model of piezoresistor is established.
17. We argue that this result is attributed to special structure of Chinese stock market, and is consistent with the behavioral model of Hong and Stein(1999).