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hairline fracture造句
1 He suffered a hairline fracture of the right index finger. 2 She had a hairline fracture in her leg. 3 But doctors did not spot the hairline fracture until a routine check on the plates after she left. 4 Jones had the hairline fracture of his lower leg examined by a doctor.... 5 I was worried about a hairline fracture, but luckily it was just a bad lump. 6 The specialist he consulted on Monday diagnosed a hairline fracture of his right wrist and wants to take another look on Friday. 7 You may have heard the term hairline fracture. 8 X - ray reveals that you've a hairline fracture. 9 You may have heard the term hair line hairline fracture. 10 I'll just a lookat it. Everything all right, except here,[www.] see it? There a hairline fracture.