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1) The GSC is distributed on two CD - ROMs. 2) The GSC can retain high performance in interference - reduction under the condition of less array elements. 3) The Grey Scale Conversion (GSC) algorithm proposed in this paper is a real time digital operation. 4) The GSC is the most popular method in time domain. 5) General Sidelobe Canceller ( GSC ) is an alternative form of Linear Constrained Minimum Variance beamformer. 6) RESULTS: GSC contains the highest ( 11.18 % ) germanium in 5 ppm enriched germanium MS cultrue medium. 7) We investigate the eigen-subspace approximation (ESA) space-time adaptive processing ( STAP ) method of clutter suppression based on the generalized sidelobe canceler (GSC). 8) The 1 -, 3 -, 5 - year survival rates of patients with GSC were 54.7 %, 23.5 %, 11.1 % respectively. 9) Objective : To study the anti HBV activity of the Ganshu capsule ( GSC ) on the culturing of 2.2.15 cells.