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metacarpophalangeal joint造句
1 Injury to the ulnar collateral ligament of the metacarpophalangeal joint trips off the tongue more agreeably as gamekeeper's thumb. 2 Traumatic dislocation of the metacarpophalangeal joint is a relatively uncommon injury. 3 The wrist joint and metacarpophalangeal joint (MP joint) were fixed without exerting tension for 3 weeks with plaster slab after operation. 4 Elbow flexion, wrist flexion and extension, and metacarpophalangeal joint flexion and extension were not impaired. 5 Objective To report the clinical results of selective second toe joint transplantation for treatment of interphalangeal and metacarpophalangeal joint defects. 6 Abstract:Objective To develop a new system of computer-aided design(CAD) for individual metacarpophalangeal joint prosthesis based on rapid prototyping technique. 7 The orthosis is constituted of a cardinal shelf, a stem shelf of metacarpophalangeal joint, a front bracket, finger ferrules , elastic strings and steel wires. 8 Objective To evaluate the outcome of arthroplasty with transplantation of autogenous rib perichondrium for reconstruction of the metacarpophalangeal joint. 9 Objective To provide anatomical basis for the operation of the transposition of partial tendon of dorsum of hand to repair metacarpophalangeal joint dislocation. 10 Conclusions It is the effective method on reconstruction of composite tissue defects in the metacarpophalangeal joint by transplantation of composite tissue flap in metatarsophalangeal joint. 11 Objective To present a simple and reliable method for the reconstruction of metacarpophalangeal joint by the cartilage transplantation of metatarsophalangeal joint.