in troubled water造句 1) It is good fishing in troubled waters. 2) Never fish in trouble water. 3) He became rich by fishing in troubled water. 4) The art of fishing tranquilly in troubled water. 5) In troubled water one can not see oneself mirror. 6) Daily Proverb : Never fish in troubled water. 7) Someone fishes in troubled water, empress Yi bow the Lue arrived air. 8) A man of good character will not fish in troubled water. 9) Fish in troubled water.英文造句algorself-dependencechicken saladunder itpediclederror rateQRpeabodyopen skiesganglionicfor hours and hourscomputer programingsub-letepididymidescervical canalpathogenygreen claystep-wisecluster headachedata streamhuygensforty-ninesponginesshalf-spacepyroligneousthirty-sixelectroformgloucestershiresuperuser