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limitation period造句
1. The limitation period varies from three to ten years depending on the country. 2. The limitation period is for six years from the date on which the dwelling was completed. 3. Thus an expert's decision obtained after the limitation period will not be enforceable by court action: see Chapter 12. 4. There is no statutory limitation period for criminal proceedings such as those in the instant case. 5. However, in no case shall the limitation period exceed six years, counting from the day on which the accident causing the pollution occurred. 5.try its best to gather and build good sentences. 6. In any accident, the maximum limitation period is ten years beginning on the day after the day the right can be exercised. 7. The time limitation period shall be recounted from the time of the interruption. 8. Depending on jurisdiction and on type of collateral, a perfection of security interest may expire after a certain period (limitation period effects). 9. The limitation interests after the expiration of the limitation period are allowed to freely manage by the obligor. 10. The expiration of the limitation period does not extinguish the right. 11. The limitation period for claims with regard to salvage at sea is two years, counting from the day on which the salvage operation was completed. 12. The time limitation period for arbitration shall be counted as of the date when a party knows or should know that its right has been violated. 13. No new limitation period (8. 4) shall commence as a result of Subsequent Performance. 14. The limitation period for arbitration shall be calculated anew from the time of discontinuance. 15. The general limitation period is three years alpha on the day after the day the obligee knows or ought to apperceive the facts as a aftereffect of which the obligee's right can be exercised. 16. The day on which the limitation period commences is not included inthe period. 17. The limitation period shall be counted anew from the time of discontinuance. 18. For the expiration of the limitation period to have effect, the obligor must assert it as a defence. 19. The counting of the limitation period shall be resumed when the cause of suspension no longer exists. 20. Where the decision has been obtained by fraud the limitation period may be extended by s32 of the Limitation Act 1980. 21. The original owner can always recover subject to a six-year limitation period. 22. A right may still be rearia on as a defence while the expiallowance of the limitation period for that right has been asserted. 23. The parties should not be allowed to change arbitrarily the limitation period by agreement, and the interests of limitation must not be abandoned in advance. 24. In practice, there are controversy on whether to allow the parties agreed to change the limitation period, and whether to allow the parties to give up the interests in advance. 25. This depends on whether the two year period ins 47(2) is a limitation period or whether, as found by Venning J, it defines the group of creditors who can challenge the agreement. 26. The person against whom a claim is made may at any time during the running of the limitation period extend that period by a declaration in writing to the claimant. 27. This insurance cover shall be maintained for the entire period of the (supply) agreement; i. e. until the respective end of the limitation period within which to lodge claims.