快好知 kuaihz

it has been announced that造句
1. It had been announced that the formation would be led by Capt. 2. It has been announced that he will resign. 3. It has been announced that candidates shall remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected. 4. It has been announced that Former newsreader Carol Barnes has died in hospital. 5. It has been announced that the 31st Olympic Games will be held in Brazil. 6. Now it has been announced that the signal range throughout London will be extended, nowhere in London will be beyond the reach of a mobile phone, not even the Underground. 7. It has been announced that China will join the World Trade Organization this year. 8. It has been announced that the vice president will resign. 9. It has been announced that MichaelJackson visit this city in May. 10. It has been announced that Mr. Green and Miss white will be married in May. 11. Recently it has been announced that PostSharp 1.5 supports Silverlight 2.