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land tax造句
(1) Payment was to be exacted through a land tax or rent set by the republics according to the quality of the land. (2) Expectation that legislation will authorize value - based land tax. (3) " in national land tax total bureau is announced " fictitious currency trades must impose 20% income tax " after this one message, immediateness swims in the net the bound causes intense echo. (4) In short, land tax information construction should proceed from reality, guided by the principle of diversification. (5) Hand over the land tax before you leave your post. (6) Intended Incentive : Land tax meant to stimulate productive use of restituted and privatized land. (7) Wang had tendered his resignation on Oct. 7 following widespread public and cross-party criticism of his controversial proposal for land tax reforms. (8) In the days of the decadent Manchus , the surtax had never exceeded one-twelfth of the land tax, yet in the days of Chiang's prosperity it was ten times! (9) By reforming levying methods of tea, salt and wine , he increased the financial income greatly and ensured huge military supplies for Sichuan armies without increasing land tax and head money. (10) In the modern period, economists discussed elementarily the dynamic incidence of land tax by general equilibrium analysis. (11) The pattern on the imputed theory of tax bearing of property tax can be used to analyse the tax bearing on the short-term and long-term land tax and house tax. (12) In the pre - classical period, economists mainly conducted empirical research on land tax. (13) With regard to the Tang Dynasty's "Chiko", Chinese and foreign scholars has made a lot of research, generally have rent, land tax, household tax, granary tax say any more. (14) Discuss the taxes supply in which mainly, including rent, is commonplace , adjust as well as household tax and land tax. (15) Then in the classical period, the partial equilibrium analysis of land tax was developed and perfected.