ownerless造句 1. Do you think it would go ownerless in space? 2. The first nullius can obtain ownership ownerless. 3. All of ownerless dreams will send to this place. 4. What a lot of ownerless dogs there are here! 5. Original acquisition comprises making things , taking possession of ownerless things. 6. But many of the most important capitalist entities, listed corporations, are bordering on the ownerless.英文造句coinstantaneouspriority servicevictoria crossringside seatthe time of dayshonapending statuswithout considerationpolackplay hardtwo-channelcocktail loungepayment by installmentshuman relationshipfarm buildingsuch-and-suchcorrective actionsreference priceprice ratiocluster analysisdeformabletrouble-shootpiston chambertigerishflight statusjuridical personopen to criticismadministriviasouth-southwest