快好知 kuaihz

have a good memory造句
(1) Grandmother has a good memory;she can remember things which happened many years ago. (2) She has a good memory. (3) I have a good memory for faces. (4) She has a good memory and finds it easy to retain facts. (5) He had a good memory, and total recall of her spoken words. (6) If you have a good memory you can learn things by rote, but can you apply it in practice? (7) One must have a good memory to be able to keep the promises that one makes.Friedrich Nietzsche (8) If you have a good memory, you can learn by rote. (9) He is reputed to have a good memory. (10) You absolutely cannot sacrifice sleep and expect to have a good memory the next day. (11) I have a good memory so I learn more quickly than others. (12) Most men have a good memory for facts connected with their own pursuits. (13) Researchers done on "memorization" have found that secondary students have a good memory power.