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translation method造句
1 Is Grammar - Translation Method Out of Date? 2 An XML - Based Schema Translation Method for Relational Data Sharing and Exchanging. 3 This kind of stylistic functional translation method is applicable to both literary and non - literary translation. 4 The translation method,[www.] direct method and audio-lingual approach are three commonly-used methods of foreign languages teaching. 5 Dishes suitable for such a literal translation method, direct clear. 6 This paper proposes a translation method from K-anonymized data to spatial data and an indexing method. 7 According to translation method : Translation interpretationsimultaneous interpretation and machine translation. 8 Let me make it clear that I am not advocating the return to the traditional grammar — translation method. 9 He believed in the students being taught on the translation method. 10 This article, based on the analysis of translating examples, sets out to generalize practical translation method of soft news, and also exploits the theoretical basis of that method. 11 To solve this problem, first we review the history of English vocabulary teaching, mainly including Grammar Translation Method, Direct Method, Audio-lingual Method and Communicative Language Teaching. 12 English teaching in the traditional dominant way of teaching grammar - translation method and heard. 13 This paper introduces the utilization of XML and the thought of relational schema translation based on XML, and illustrates the concrete translation method with examples. 14 English-Chinese idioms translation may adopt literal - translating method, meaning - translation method, applying translation method. 15 Concretely arrive a translation idea, we don't approve to be naturalized as a citizen translation method. 16 There isn't a fixed way to choose parameter P in inverse Point translation method which can accelerate the convergence in power method. 17 The capital theory is discussed firstly, based on the theory a syntactic analysis of machine translation method is proposed. 18 Cultural context imposes restrictions on translation work; however, its interpretative function grants the translator more freedom in choosing translation method.