快好知 kuaihz

1. The cars all stopped to let the fire-engine by. 2. The crowd fell back to let the fire-engine through. 3. Kelly green, cobalt blue and fire-engine red. 4. It still wore its fire-engine red livery. 5. It clanged urgently, like a fire-engine dashing towards a disaster, like the ambulance thundering along behind to retrieve the bodies. 6. The fire-engine arrived at the fire. 7. We heard the wailing of fire-engine sirens. 8. The fire-engine roared over me./fire-engine.html 9. Charles is a fireman and he drives a fire-engine. 10. One of them comes tottering up to him, falls, and pitches a red plastic fire-engine at his feet. 11. Like so many other mammals, insects, trees, plants and reptiles (I'm talking fire-engine red tomato frogs and geckos shaped like leaves), the Indri indri is unique to Madagascar.