emption造句 1. In a similar way , pre - emption can be justified by the nature of today's threats. 2. True, Administration officials have said that pre - emption can take nonmilitary forms. 3. The emption resolved within 3 to 4 weeks using the corticosteroid therapy. 4. Ultimately, the doctrine allowing pre - emption of long - term threats has the potential to be enormously destabilizing. 5. Not every invocation of the doctrine of pre - emption will be justified.英文造句clutteredbreathe new life intochannellingfarthestbank holidaymortgage bondbeastlypayerconscientious objectormatcheduncontroversialaccoutrementsrationaleair traffic controldeparture gateimproprietyspringingclimbingdecidedmake way foroutspeakobjectorimprimaturimprecationimpostureoutshootoutshinedrop incharles dickens