myelinated造句1. The regenerating fibers were mainly small myelinated fibers.
2. In particular, they're not fully myelinated in their frontal lobes.
3. Conclusion The distribution of myelinated and unmyelinated fibers was different in the trigeminal root.
4. A multitude of myelinated nerve fiber occurred at the tibial nerve at the distal part.
5. None of the corpus callosum's axons are myelinated at birth, and by adulthood 30 percent remain that way. The variation helps to coordinate transmission speeds.
6. Numerous myelinated and unmyelinated nerve fibers coming from the habenular and the posterior commissure reached the deep pineal gland.
7. Conclusion: Myelinated nerve fiber positive area and myelin sheath area are the more sensitive markers of the course and therapeutic outcome of DPN.
8. It was speculated that the somatic primary myelinated fibers and the visceral primary unmyelinated fibers possibly converged onto SDCN neurons to produce new neuronal effect by functional integration.
9. There was no obvious difference in quantity of myelinated nerve fibre between the proximal and distal segments but proximal nerve fiber was greater than distal one in diameter and less in density.
10. Pathological examination showed desmoplasia among neurofibras and decreased myelinated nerve fibers in 15 patients; and onionskin change in 14 patients.
11. There are myelinated and unmyelinated fibers in alligator's optic nerve.
12. In group B the number of myelinated nerve fiber was obviously fewer structure of nerve fascicles was incomplete and layer-like separation could be observed in the myelinated nerve fiber.
13. Growth cones and myelinated fibers can be seen in neuropil.
14. At the same time following surgery, the myelin sheath thickness and the cross section area of myelinated nerves in the experimental groups were significantly greater than that in the controls.
15. The electrophysiologic and pathologic findings indicate a pattern of axonal loss that predominantly affects large-caliber myelinated fibers.
16. That also happens through development, and in fact, it goes through development and even teenagers are not fully myelinated.
17. A simulation system for studying the electrical properties of mammalian myelinated nerve fibers was built based on a simple infinite and homogeneous volume conductor model.
18. The regenerating ability through both lyophilized or unlyophilized venous conduits was judged by comparing the number of regenerated vessels and myelinated axons.
19. Results: After 2 and 4 weeks in the experimental group, a large amount of myelinated nerve fibers, Schwann cells were observed with light microscopy, and thickness of myelin sheath increased.
20. The microstructure of the oriens layer of the CA3 region of the hippocampus in the control animal was composed of lots of unmyelinated fibers and less myelinated fibers under electron microscopy.
21. Results It was found that nerve conduction velocity, regenerated myelinated nerve fiber cross section area and number of nerve fiber were superior to those of the contrast.
22. The sciatic nerve function index(SFI), the motor nerve conduction velocity(MNCV) and total myelinated axons per sight were counted on 2 and 4 weeks after the surgery.
23. And as a corollary, why are some nerve fibers still small and unmyelinated in an organism which has acquired the ability to grow large and myelinated ones?
24. Most ofthe fibers in the neuropil are unmyelinated, and myelinated fibers are scarce.
25. "Strength-duration curve" of tibialis posterior muscle and axons growth rate of distal myelinated fiber were used as the viewing indexes.