sinicize造句 1. Only belongs to shanghai, fashion and Sinicize. 2. Therefore, it is inevitable to sinicize Marxism. 3. LI Da's way to sinicize Marxist Philosophy is the way of the advanced culture to develop. 4. More case studies and theoretical analyses are needed to sinicize overseas research achievements. 5. The sinicizing work already slightly had the achievement, but still cannot sinicize completely.英文造句crechereconstructiveunbrokenuncookedhammereddisgruntlemishearmiscountzonalpestopesowaterloggedbetween Scylla and Charybdiswalkthroughmanicbreaking awayunperturbedrambunctiousat variance within company withaccompanyingtaken for grantedratoonsalablerain cats and dogsmonkey businessstep changeas far as I"m concernedretie