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career counseling造句
1. They oversee career counseling programs, and testing which measures students' abilities and helps place them in appropriate classes. 2. Those unable to transfer will be offered a redundancy package and career counselling. 3. Some 65 percent of respondents provided career counselling services irrespective of any redundancy situation. 4. Was that your warped idea of career counseling? 5. AT & T offers job search help and career counseling to displaced employees. 5. Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! 6. Many individuals consider career counseling to be synonymous with assessments. 7. According to the findings, implications for career counseling and further researches were provided. 8. For the individual we will provide the career counseling services please view the career counseling section. 9. Mimi Collins at NACE says the most effective tool is a school school's career counseling center. 10. Influenced by the logical positivist world outlook, quantitative career assessment has prevailed in career counseling since its beginnings in the early 1900s.