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1. Methods Entomological classification principle and method and biogeographic theory are used. 2. On the basis of Island Biogeographic Theory and Landscape Ecology, the definition of natural island land is given to analyze the correlative land use and cover change (LUCC) on landscape units. 3. Of or designating the biogeographic region stretching southward from the Tropic of Cancer and including southern Mexico, Central and South America, and the West Indies. 4. Tracking character evolution and biogeographic history through time in Cornaceae-Does choice of methods matter? 5. The most complex biogeographic histories among the invertebrates relate to the butterflies , given our current understanding of Malagasy invertebrate history. 6. Palaearctic The biogeographic realm comprising Europe, northern Asia and North Africa. 7. Moreover, the biogeographic analysis implied a presumed center of recent differentiation in the region from upper to mid Changkiang River to Qin Mountain . 8. Of or relating to the biogeographic region that includes Europe, the northwest coast of Africa, and Asia north of the Himalaya Mountains, especially with respect to distribution of animals. 9. The biogeographic relationships between Amanita of East Asia and North America are much more clearly reflected by vicarious species than by conspecific taxa. 10. A global correlation of the graptolitic strata of this interval is preliminarily proposed, and the biogeographic distribution of Early Devonian graptolite species is discussed in the present paper. 11. This event is significant for solving basic problems concerning the Cambrian biogeographic provinces, the geotectonic nature of the northern margin of the North China platform and mineral prospecting. 12. China is often known for bestriding Palaearctic and Oriental biogeographic realm, but the precise pision east of Qinling Mountain is not specific all the while. 12.try its best to collect and create good sentences. 13. China is often known for bestriding Palaearctic and Oriental biogeographic realm, but the precise division east of Qinling Mountain is not specific all the while. 14. Furthermore, we focused on ecological changes of zooplankton to global warming and several indices such as abundance, biomass, biodiversity and biogeographic boundary are enumerated.