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1, Certainly, the mood music of summitry was transformed by the end of the Cold War. 2, Khrushchev - Eisenhower exchange of visits and summitry does not mean all is well with the world. 3, But Barack Obama's self-effacing approach to summitry – one that was on Thursday remarked upon by several non-US officials – certainly did no harm. 4, All this may seem nothing more than the embarrassing guff that goes with too much global summitry. 5, After that the President and I talked about the economic aspects of summitry frequently. 6, THE leaders of the G8 group of rich countries kicked off three days of annual summitry hosted by Japan in Toyako on the northern island of Hokkaido on Monday July 7th. 7, The crisis is pushing the world's fourth-largest economy, with the biggest foreign-exchange reserves, to the centre of global summitry. 8, While there was little in the way of breakthroughs, in the world of summitry where perception is all, it was the meeting itself that emerged as the message. 9, China knows a rite when it sees one and has become adept at exploiting the EU's passion for summitry, agreeing to discussions but turning them into pointless talking shops. 10, Balancing Chinese ambitions is also partly why ASEAN has been keen to draw other powers, including Japan, Australia, India and Russia, into its summitry. 11, So why do EU leaders submit themselves with such enthusiasm to the torture of all-night summitry? 12, The appearances in Moscow and Accra will be bookends around another round of important multilateral summitry . 13, Europe has five days to find a solution to the sovereign debt crisis or else the EU itself will collapse, political leaders warned on Sunday at the start of a week of high-stakes summitry. 14, What Obama is proposing, Scheunemann said, is unilateral cowboy summitry. 15, With his call for more "forward-looking" relations, it is possible that his summitry will be deemed a success by all sides.