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mud flat造句
1. The mud flats attract large numbers of birds. 2. The boat beached on a mud flat. 3. The salt marshes and mud flats attract large numbers of waterfowl. 4. It is, in fact a large, dusty mud flat. 5. If the mud flats freeze over, it is impossible for them to find sufficient food. 6. Cardiff was, of course, built on mud flats, and nature takes a long time to change. 7. At Grangemouth docks were dug out of the mud flats. 8. Parties of knot patter Ed on the icy mud flats. Ringed plovers scurried in their busy way. 9. The mud flat wetland of Yancheng is one of the model primitive mud flat wetlands, which keeps the ecological structure and function of the natural wetland. 10. The lower member is composed of the high tide flat (mud flat) and middle tide flat (mixed flat), while the upper member consists of the low tide flat (sand flat). 11. A rocky shore almost certainly provides a clearer echo than a sandy slope or mud flat. 12. Sea-birds, like snowflakes, turned lazily far out over the mud flats .... 13. Wading birds collect great quantities of small molluscs from sandbanks and mud flats when the tide retreats. 14. It is one of merged meadowlands ending in the great saltings and mud flats and tidal pools near the restless sea. 15. In some areas, such as a Donna Nook and Theddlethorpe, the sand and mud flats are incredibly vast. 16. The sedimentary environment can be divided into intertidal zone and subtidal zone where the mud flat, mixed flat, sand flat and channel facies developed on the low ramp. 17. The mankind activity , such as aquaculture , salt industry , exerts an influence on the mud flat ecosystem. 18. From facies logo the clastic rocks of investigative area mainly develop in lake. The microfacies mainly include beach and bar, also include marsh mud flat facies and storm facies. 19. As reserved land resources in dynamic growth, the prograding mud flat unavoidable becomes a hot area of reclamation.