glossolalia造句 (1) This was not glossolalia as protest or as prophecy. (2) References to glossolalia are to be found easily. (3) It was glossolalia as performance, and-at least to me-it sounded counterfeit. (4) ManyBaptist bosses are suspicious of all forms of glossolalia. (5) Glossolalia is the generally unintelligible speech produced by some schizophrenics or individuals in a state of trance-like religious excitement.英文造句parenchymalbasketball leagueeprombaton rougecassette recordergroundseltilt anglewilliamssmokablesmirkerasteraceaedehumidificationfelismultithreadingsuperstringcore grouptoecapthujaself-suggestionweighergas taxelectronic pianotransudationcataclasticinductive inferenceAmitabhaanomalismcurrent interestregression testing