快好知 kuaihz

be taken ill造句
1) She was taken ill suddenly. 2) She fell ill/was taken ill suddenly. 3) He was taken ill. 4) Prime Minister Pavlov had been taken ill with high blood pressure. 5) His sister ate one, and was taken ill. 6) Several of the team were taken ill. 7) At two years and a half, he was taken ill with pneumonia. 8) She had been taken ill at the weekend and had had to stay behind in Liverpool. 9) Unfortunately, partway through the festivities,[http:///be taken ill.html] Louisa was taken ill with severe pains in her stomach. 10) Whilst in Fort William she was taken ill with stomach pains. 11) We might imagine a single-seater plane crashing in the desert because the pilot has been taken ill and died. 12) Then Mum had cancer and Dad was taken ill at work. 13) In the following year, Priscilla C. an inmate, was taken ill with a strangulated hernia. 14) When he was taken ill, I ran the news desk. 15) During the siege of Bristol he was taken ill with the plague and again feared for his life. 16) We were just about to go abroad when our usual nanny was taken ill and was advised not to travel. 17) Taylor, 47, was taken ill last week while working on his third album in a Florida recording studio. 18) It is easy to be taken ill in summer, especially for the fearful high temperature, so you should specially take care your health. wish you always in good condition!