dice with death造句 1 You're dicing with death driving at that speed on icy roads. 2 Towing drivers are dicing with death, too. 3 When young people experiment with drugs, they're dicing with death. 4 And some have diced with death to make Bond look good. 5 But every day hundreds of ordinary workers dice with death to complete these essential tasks. 6 I don't want to dice with death by pissing off this guy. 7 Don't dice with death by climbing up the mountain in such bad weather.英文造句iq testscorpionfishpipitintersection pointcomplexingsliding boardnsuexpansibilityunattractivenesssyncytialgayleDDLif my memory serves meprison chaplainhospital chaplainCGAcheckablefamily circlelorcaat the utmostkhalifkalashnikovneurophysiologicalbentonitewater stainappointed dayethynein her own rightLip-reading