快好知 kuaihz

1. Further protostome diversification led to a plexus of annelids, molluscs and near relatives. 2. The graphics transformation for numerical control is annelid by using mathematics and graphics in the paper. 3. The presence of limb-like extensions on the body with furry bristles on them told the scientists that this creature was an annelid. 4. With the new fossil, researchers can now identify the animals as part of the annelid worm family, which also includes modern sea mice, earthworms and leeches. 5. Molluscs is located in biological evolution trunk of a branch, relative to the annelid relatively advanced ...Molluscs is located in the evolution ... 6. Note the differences in the external features of each worm, namely the increased number of sensory structures and the presence of multifunctional appendages on annelid 1.