快好知 kuaihz

1. Deposits of galena are widely distributed but by no means equally accessible to early centres of civilization. 2. The surface oxidation of galena and the micro-process of electron transfer involved in the oxidation have been stu died through voltammetry and quantum chemical calculation. 3. The electrogenerativeleaching of galena mechanical activated in planetary centrifugal mill are studied. 4. There ore mineral sphalerite and galena, tetrahedrite, pyrite, white lead, zinc mine, wheel miner's. 5. Galena is major carrier of silver. The silver distribution in space is similar with Lead - zinc orebody. 6. With the typomorphic characteristics of galena pyroelectricity, prospecting in deep part of the deposit is discussed. 7. Ore - forming materials of galena are from country rocks , that is biotite schist and garnet biotite schist. 8. Pyrite, galena, sphalerite, native gold, electrum and joseite are the main ore minerals. 9. In addition to cassiterite and stannite, galena also contains a high amount of tin. 10. Sulfide ore bodies are mainly composed of galena, sphalerite, calcite and minor amounts of pyrite and marcasite, with no quartz. 11. The flotation electrochemistry of the galena - lime - diethyldithiocarbamate system was studied by theory of potential adjustment flotation. 12. Effects of sodium sulfide on collectorless flotation of galena have been investigated. 13. The effective potential range of self-induced flotation of galena and its lower and upper limits have been determined. 14. The main silver-bearing minerals were psilomelane, pyrolusite, limonite, galena, pyrite and sphalerite. 15. Gold was also reported from minor quartz veins, with pyrite, chalcopyrite and galena, at Stronchullin in Strathclyde. 16. A source of silver much exploited in early times was lead sulphide, most notably galena, containing varying proportions of silver. 17. We opened fire as soon as they came within range, directing most of it on the Galena. 18. The ores consist of more than 40 kinds of minerals, such as argentite, galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, quartz and pyrite. 19. The kinetics of two - ores leaching process of galena concentrate and manganese dioxide was investigated. 20. The sulfide mineral mainly consists of pyrite, and a small amount of pyrrhotite, galena and sphalerite. 21. The selective adsorption of Nocardia on the surface of pyrite and galena was studied under the condition of various factors. 22. The main gold bearing minerals include arsenopyrite, pyrrhotine, pyrite, galena and sphalerite. 23. Diethyldithiocarbamate was more better selective collector than Xanthate on galena. 24. The ore is lead mine of partial oxidation, the lead ore consists chiefly of galena and cerusite. 39% of cerusite is the most oxid in lead ore. 25. With the increase of mechanical pressure, the corrosion couple action between galena and iron is stronger, which is deleterious to galena flotation. 26. The principal minerals of lead - zinc deposit in Zhenxun are sphalerite, galena, pyrite, quartz and barite. 27. Au and Ag in ore occur mainly in more than 11 Au Ag minerals; a few in lattice of chalcopyrite, bornite, chalcocite, pyrite and galena in isomorphism. 28. One is a compound, the other an element, yet both galena and native lead are minerals.