快好知 kuaihz

1. She's about my age, with longish hair. 2. Tim has longish, shaggy hair. 3. He has high cheekbones, and a longish nose. 4. There was a longish pause. 5. He is not much of a talker; a longish sentence for him is um, his standard reply to most questions. 6. Flapper bathing beauties were well covered, including longish drawers and stockings. 7. He wrote a longish letter on 23 May ending with the words: Again, I was touched by his solicitude. 8. They look like crude, longish pine cones, with bracts clearly recognizable as modified leaves. 9. He wore a cap and a longish mac done up at the neck. 10. Cinderella Skeleton Picked the lock with a longish pin. 11. There was a longish period where her spirits were on a seesaw . Up and down. 12. With a few longish rallies, the greenback has been on a downward trend since it came off the gold standard in 1971. 13. The man with the guitar was dark and smooth-faced, with longish hair, a sensitive mouth. 14. You may be able to accommodate this bending by tying in to a longish pergola or trellis on a wall or fence. 15. We shall examine an extract from conversational discourse containing a longish paratone which illustrates the features just described. 16. Oh no, not as long as that, erm , sort of longish, erm quite straight.