bargeman造句 1. Bargeman: Tested later. We will continue to check...... 2. Bargeman: Does extinguisher remain on standby? 3. Bargeman: Have communication means been tested? 4. Bargeman: Do oil clearance materials remain on standby? 5. Bargeman: Sure. My assistant will accompany you to go to the tank.英文造句upper sidepremature ejaculationshared spaceclassical balletacid strengthfield manchlorine gasfor what it is worthpeddercoalificationcannaemental representationbeneficial interestsound headcaudadphanrecursivelyRFLPlusakadefense lawyersintergradehigh-resolutionmagnetic memorystipendiary magistratestay of executionflagellatedstatutory auditstatute bookgo hang