快好知 kuaihz

strip down造句
1. I had to strip down to my underwear for my medical examination. 2. The doctor told me to strip down to my shorts. 3. The doctor told him to strip down for a check. 4. I'll have to strip down the engine to trace the fault. 5. I've decided to strip down my motorbike and rebuild it. 6. They taught us how to strip down a car engine and put it back together again. 7. He threw the strip down then drew his gun. 8. The prisoners were ordered to strip down to their underwear and wait for the guards. 9. I want you to strip down to your waist. 10. You can, for example, "strip down" a process to contain a minimal subset of its content by removing packages that contain elements of work that you do not want to perform. 11. He said that some guests strip down to try to save money. 12. Only at the end does the film let her down, slapping us with that oddly gratuitous sequence in which Ripley escapes in a space-pod and proceeds to strip down to her undies.