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shell company造句
1. Shell company salesman arrives destination, acedia. 2. B. What is a business combination related shell company? 3. Nick realizes that EcoField was just a shell company. 4. SPV is a typical shell company and its goal is legally financing body. Lawmaking of SPV are various in countries and "Convention on Assignment of Receivable (Convention)". 5. His "Golden Eagle Group" was a shell company registered in Hong Kong with HK$10, 000 dollars in assets and not a single employee. 6. And right now, shell company wants to be hit into this ground market already very difficult. 7. Under such background, beyond all doubt, the listed shell company acquisition is the shortcut way to enter stock market. 8. The US shell company was set up to mount a bid for Kingston Communications. 9. After getting at the officials in charge, a shell company was finally awarded the highway contract. 10. It indicates the value of Shell Company consists of company value, private control benefit and shell value, and then analyses them respectively. 11. In 1989, shell company issued the occupation health management guidelines ( OHMG ). 12. In addition, the cost spend on the listed shell company can be worked out by cost method of asset assessing and testified the true value by Rappaport cash flow discount method. 13. In terms of principals, we are the authorized agents for world class corporations such as CRI Catalysts ( a Shell company), Huntsman, Ineos, Lanxess, BASF, Clariant and Tekni-plex etc. 14. In purchasing munitions, the contractor has also worked with middlemen and shell company on a federal list of entities suspected of illegal arms trafficking . 15. France's CMA CGM, the world's third-largest container shipping line, is to take its first step on to public equity markets by merging its Global Ship Lease arm with a listed shell company. 16. GSL is to merge with Marathon Acquisition Corp, a shell company that listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 2006 after raising $309m from investors. 17. According to the story, a hedge fund called Lancer would buy restricted stock in a worthless shell company, as well as a few shares on the open market at a higher price in order to show a gain. 18. It went public that September, with the ticker THIN, by merging with a shell company. 19. The entity with strong profitability, better management ability and high quality asset who obtained a shell through transfer would take the control of a shell company. 20. The private company that has strong prospects and is eager to raise financing buys a publicly-listed shell company, usually one with no business and limited assets.