cd drive造句1. Or the CD drive doesn’t work?
2. Insert the first installation CD into your CD drive.
3. Can I burn CDS on this CD drive?
4. Press that key, and select your CD drive.
5. Put Windows XP CD in CD drive, boot from CD and choose Repair menu, type in.
6. From the CD drive, the software installs itself deeply inside a hard drive and hides itself from view.
7. A computer system must have a CD drive that is designed to read the disks and translate the data into a form it can process.
8. You have probably heard of LiveCDs; they're wonderful try-before-you-install complete Linux systems that boot off your CD drive.
9. Note that you will have to be running this program in a relatively noise-free environment, so plug in your headphones and make sure your CD drive is spun down.
10. Mount points are not fixed; you can mount a CD drive or even a Samba share to any empty directory where you have appropriate permissions.
11. In this case keep the CD inserted in the CD drive and start the PC again.
12. Insert the Windows installation disc into your computer's DVD or CD drive.
13. For the installation directory, enter the device (for example, /dev/cd0 ) for the CD drive, then continue.
14. The hardware environment: micro - computer, to request configuration CD drive, sound card, speakers and microphone as recording.
15. Only problem with I have with it is the lack of a CD drive, but I guess it can be resolved with a external drive.
16. Has your laptop got a floppy disc or a CD drive?
17. On the other hand, if you will need a CD drive or a DVDdrive built into your laptop, try to get one with a fast speed(indicated by the "x" followed by a number on the drive.
18. Did you get peanut butter in your Ethernet port again? -No. I got mayonnaise in the CD drive.
19. Put DAC V800 besides a good but not necessarily expensive CD drive and you will receive a combination as good as all the chromed, brushed and polished luxury players - or even better.