快好知 kuaihz

1. He had mocked the laws and made a monkey out of the lawmen. 2. In 32 years as a lawman, Reeves made some 3, 000 arrests and killed some 14 men. 3. Chacon maintains that lawmen and prosecutors, desperate to appease the public amid growing hysteria, pinned the murders on Sharif. 4. He was the best lawman the Old West has ever known. 5. This is also the story of the lawman , Melvin Purvis, set to task by J. 6. Jive , Lawman and the Apple jeans also have much appeal. 7. In the certain extent, it has facilitated the lawman to illegal business case's processing. 8. Once lawman might as well, but is, ignores the law or plays with the law, it brings the serious consequence to continue is to by far law's injury. 9. Though crimes committed by a lawman are acknowledged by China' s new criminal law, it has had many practical and theoretical problems needed to solve. 10. Rockefeller's grave, and a monument to lawman Eliot Ness, whose ashes were scattered in Wade Pond. 11. Melvin Purvis is a square - jawed lawman who finds himself in the deep end. 12. Tall, trim and square of jaw, he looks more like a lawman than an outlaw. 13. In preparing for the new film, Christian Bale visited Purvis's son, Alston, to find out more about the legendary lawman, who shot himself in 1960. 14. Huge areas of China are up for grabs, and it helps if you are chums with the local lawman. 15. It occurs to the man that he cannot even certify his own personality to the lawman. 16. Marston: I understand. I never planned on being in the lawman business neither. 17. Some say, however, that the friendship between Garrett and Bonney led the lawman to let the outlaw go and another man's body lies beneath the famous headstone. 18. They allege that Lew Wallace, the territorial governor, offered Bonney immunity from prosecution for the murder of one lawman if he would testify about his involvement in the murder of another. 19. In spite of success in such endeavors, Godalhi would not call himself a lawman. 20. Huge areas of China are wide open, and it helps if you are chums with the local lawman. 21. It's the story of a young girl's search for her father's killer with help from a gritty lawman named Rooster Cogburn, played in the new film by Jeff Bridges. 22. They say they fear the show will give the controversial sheriff positive publicity, ignoring what they call a darker side to his 16-year tenure as top lawman in the county that includes Phoenix.