快好知 kuaihz

in spots造句
1 He is covered in spots. I think he's ill. 2 His back broke out in spots. 3 Little Tom has come out in spots so he's staying in bed. 4 She had chicken - pox and was covered in spots. 5 He had a high fever and was covered in spots. 6 They make me come out in spots. 7 Little Tom in spots so he's staying in bed. 8 Maintain decent instruments, can not be stranded in spots. 9 Eating crabs has brought John out in spots again. 10 His face broke out in spots. 11 Some green seaweeds such as enteromorpha flourished in spots. 12 This argument is weak in spots. 13 Jane broke out in spots this morning. 14 She has begun to come out in spots. 15 She broke out in spots this morning. 16 In spots like these, one returns to the arms of Nature, enjoying air and natural beauty. 17 When you have the measles, you break out in spots. 18 Good sends in spots and so on scalp, glabella, displays for the blood flushes, the scalp off, the papula, but seeps out not obviously. 19 The children all had measles, and had broken out in spots. 20 Now all eyes were directed to the wide stage, bathed in spots and footlights. 21 Stress, lack of rest and too much stodgy food had made Pauline break out in spots. 22 While working at Lyons Corner House in April 1942, he came out in spots. 23 That movie we saw last night was just so-so. It wasn't too bad -- it was pretty funny in spots. And the action was okay. But it wasn't really worth paying seven dollars for a ticket. 24 Eating all that rich food has brought Mary out in spots as usual. 25 The optical writing object lens of the laser direct writing device must be focused in spots by a focusing-servo mechanism. 26 B : My skin has suddenly become rough and red, and my face breaks out in spots.